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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. Mine gave up the ghost a while back after leaving in a shared hanger when touring I suspect a youngster turned the knob past the stop point that did the damage Phil
  2. Call into the Todd Tavern and say g'day to my mate Lurch, you may even get a job pension days. Bond springs strip worth a visit. CFI makes great coffee. Enjoy the trip Phil
  3. I agree, that is the way to go, except that as Nev says if only 3 meetings a year, this would not give adequate board control over directions, policies or CEO behaviour For an organisation with vast responsibilities it seems to me that most of the work and decisions are left to the manager in the boards absence, which under the current scenario is what we are facing. Give the board a stipend, change the constitution, more frequent meetings (to regain control ) of the organisation and then don't blame the cart for hitting the fence! IMHO
  4. Not being a professionally trained person, it seems to me that following this dialogue a few points stand out. I have been on various sporting committees as president and board chairman over many years. (retired) I remember one instance when the Manager was tardy in acting on the boards instructions. I got the secretary to add a list of the actions required summarised at the bottom of the minutes, this was reviewed at the next board meeting to discuss what action had been taken. So, if the board met monthly as we did, any action not taken would have to be explained to the board. This method worked well and we got the results (or reasonable excuses) and was a pending issue if not finalised. If the above has been done which I assume would be a standard procedure it leaves the question of are the board tardy, inexperienced or is the CEO not following the directions? The board can sack the CEO I believe if written warnings are served outlining the noncompliance of directions. The possible answer is to have board members who have some experience at meetings. As we all know that it takes a time to settle in to the new surroundings to get a feel of the job required of you. This is a great organisation. Too good to stuff-up MHO
  5. Sad news indeed I too am devastated to learn of the forum members fatal accident Never met him but always respected his options on this site My condolences also to family and friends Phil
  6. Toothpaste froze in tube at Finke early June couple of years ago Hot water over carby to start
  7. Hi Jetjr Leaving for home Loxton tomorrow Wed from Caloundra If not too much trouble could you message me with taxi number as reckon I will stay over or if I get a good start from here i could make it to Hay after refuelling Where would be a good spot to park overnight. Bowser area looks pretty open but should be ok do you think? Regards Phil
  8. Hi Jetjr Leaving for home Loxton tomorrow Wed from Caloundra If not too much trouble could you message me with taxi number as reckon I will stay over or if I get a good start from here i could make it to Hay after refuelling Where would be a good spot to park overnight. Bowser area looks pretty open but should be ok do you think? Regards Phil
  9. I reckon bright yellows' the go, or polished bare aluminum....Dk Blue wouldn't even be on my list................................................................... Agree! Tick tick Phil
  10. Wish I had one on the Jab. Only used once on a Carlson Sparrow home built and was very impressed by the rotating feature for revs As I remember a palm push gave full throttle and a thumb and palm gave idle Phil
  11. My main reason for non attendance to Natfly is apart from the distance and uncertain weather is my belief that these well attended shows can lead to problems in the circuit with overcrowding. The last show I attended at Narromine I was on final with another plane on final in the opposite direction. There was a Unicom working on the Saturday but not Friday when I arrived Don't get me wrong, I have had plenty of experience flying into airfields over a lot of OZ but would much prefer an organised arrival/departure process with that amount of traffic.
  12. Most outback dunnies have irretrievable ear tags
  13. Pud Great topic. A bit of info that is not relevant to your original post but interesting I flew a G A pilot to his station strip during a air show last year He had just graded a strip through Salt bush I was the first plane to land on it He described the conditions spot on And he then added that the wind sock was home made using a SCREEN DOOR hanging from a pole He said works a treat Sock? Was at other end of stip so no pic taken Mind boggles how you can improvise on the bush Phil
  14. > Paddy Stories > > Paddy and Mick get a pilot to fly them to Canada to hunt moose. > > They bag six. > > As Paddy and Mick start loading the plane for the return trip, > the pilot says, "The plane can only take four of those." > > The two lads object strongly. "Last year we shot six, and the > pilot let us put them all on board; he had the same plane as yours." > > Reluctantly, the pilot gives in and all six are loaded. > > However, even with full power, the little plane can't handle the > load and down it goes and crashes in the middle of nowhere. > > A few moments later, climbing out of the wreckage, Paddy asks > Mick, > > "Any idea where we are?" > > "I think we're pretty close to where we crashed last year," > says Mick.
  15. I used to have the 3 tap model and found it better to only use one tank at a time, especially with full tanks as lost fuel can be quite considerable when out of balance. Use your gps to half hour reminder re change tanks. The newer model also has dash gauges and flying out of balance vnen slightly will transfer to one tank and empty it with the excess supply overflowing from the breather. I no longer completely fill my one tap model due to this problem. Regards, Phil.
  16. Sorry I must have pushed the wrong key A stuff up To cut it short the experience I gained would have taken me years if ever to duplicate The very Proffesional pilots running the tour taught me heaps I was a very new RPL pilot and would reccomend something similar if you can manage it one trip included a Tecnam Warrior and a 172 so the 230 was very competative All fuel, accommadation, transport was arranged. Just flight plan and enjoy the way to go in my opinon Phil
  17. Hi Jeremy could I suggest a Tagalong trip with an experinced firm that is based at Stawell Vic I have been on two of their tours to the Kimberly area via Longreach, Kakado, Kunnanurra, Halls Creek, Burketown, Cape York, ( Horn Island ) Weipa, Karumba sage: .on.net>, Tali <[email protected]>, Chris Barry <[email protected]> Subject: Fwd: The Mexican Maid .on.net>, Tali <[email protected]>, ChBarry <[email protected]>
  18. 1934 Plymouth look alike could be wrong
  19. Watts Bridge has space. if you like I can give you a number. Phil.
  20. Havnt used for a while and didn't know it was no longer working I agree with Rick a great safety tool I had a post deleted some time ago when mentioning Pitrex so he could be a naughty boy phil
  21. Chris Jab recommended a couple of years ago infact they installed when I had motor there for work Must depend on who you talk to I guess US $5.95 plus freight on the web today phil
  22. Thanks will do. Phil.
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