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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. I agree, thought that there would be more comments. Perhaps previously posted. PHIL.
  2. Stunning, pin-sharp images of the final 55 airworthy Spitfires
  3. Savannah VG. The owner must be p...ed off at something. You can only guess. PHIL.
  4. Taken a week to get a pic here. Thanks to all who have helped. I emailed the pic to myself. Clicked on where indicated to attach document. Chose one of four size options. Send. Went back to picture moments. There were now two identical pics. Back to this site and attached the second pic. Presto! Seems a long way round but what the heck, it works. PHIL.
  5. The Kimberly coast and the Great Australian Bight. Have great pics if I knew how to resize them.
  6. Five for the future
  7. Yes. If I remember correctly, I was told that it would be ongoing addition. Phil
  8. LOXTON But I am biased. Renmark,Mildura, Goolwa, Murray Bridge, Strathalbyn, Clare, Pinnaroo, Lameroo, Kingston SE, Gawler, Jamestown, Aldinga, to name a few that are less than an hour away. Good weather, strips and club house. Nearest bowser fuel at Renmark 12 mins. Ctaf on door lock for coffee etc. PHIL.
  9. Both 6 cyl J230's Looked a good setup and very neatly done. Phil
  10. Visited on Sunday. Good crowd and displays. One suggestion is they should have had a speaker system to describe the various aircraft on takeoff. The Mustang was well airborne, followed by other unrecognisable war birds. IMHO PHIL.
  11. Guess that it would give a better fuel distribution and hence cooling. PHIL.
  12. Found it but would not load, says try later. Cheers
  13. Thanks, I will try and find. PHIL.
  14. Twin carbies on two I saw last week.
  15. I am at wits end trying to send a pic here. Anyone help with info on how to send via iPad? The site will not accept due to too large (200mb) PHIL.
  16. I installed a horn from a ford twin spinner on my 125 Honda some years ago. Great for mustering in scrubby paddocks. They don't make them like that nowadays PHIL.
  17. Col, You could be right regards Tony interrupting her diatribe to get on track to his/ their preconceived program The audience that put the questions were I assume hand picked and tony was not getting the debate he invisaged. A disgraceful biased set up. Shame on you Tony and the ABC Not one of the Muslim audience spoke up about the innocent killings in the name of Allah. Note, that Xenophon when asked to comment was a fence sitter. He also would have realised he was wasting his time on the panel. Proof reading the above, it may seem that I am a Hanson supporter. I just hope that we can assimilate like we did in the 50's with the Bolts. Wogs, Ities, Greeks, Germans etc, etc. Wake up Australia! Look what's happening overseas in the name of " Allah" Let the debate continue. PHIL.
  18. I am not a Pauline fan, but she acquitted herself well considering she was "Setup" and continually interjected by Tony. The look on Dastyari's face when she asked if he was a Muslim.... Priceless. PHIL.
  19. Touch wood! No flats since 10 ply tyres, about 4 years now. PHIL.
  20. I think second lesson. I was told to do a 90' left hand turn. Got it all wrong. Instructor.... You want tight turns, I'll give you tight turns till your eyes ******pop out! Changed flying school.
  21. Hi Gus, I had a similar problem some years ago. Sent back to maker for a fix. They said it was an inside "dry" joint. I now have two radios fitted, although no recent problems. You could email Microair for advice. PHIL.
  22. Clever buggers, I saw a utube video of them making lettuce from liquid. Someone may be able to post the link. PHIL.
  23. Stone the bloody crows mate.
  24. Great product and service. Two sets for five/six years now. Spare batteries nearby is a must as SDQI says " Feels like your throat is cut" when they go flat. They give a beep every few seconds before they die. PHIL.
  25. Aircraft carriers pilots have been doing this for yonks.
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