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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. Thanks jetjr They only have 8 in stock at this time. I will try again later Much appreciated. Phil.
  2. Irridium Plugs Anyone know where to purchase. Looking for 12 DR9EIX I got my last set through a member who does not seem to be on the forum anymore. Regards, Phil
  3. If you request tower to advise on parking and say that you are unfamiliar with the parking area , they will guide you. Same goes for fuel
  4. Great feeling Jake and well done I now wish I had a video of my first solo for the grand kids thinking back I reckon I also landed left of centre line. Probably due to many miles of driving on the left still do occasionally with late correction required Must be built in keep up the good work best regards Phil
  5. We have the same set up here. Share the cost works out to about $60 ea. Only drawback I can remember is that one member cannot claim against another member. The way to go!
  6. Been caught a couple of times with uneven ground after refueling. tell tale sign was the blue stain on wing and flap. Mostly not possible to refuel before early takeoff. I replaced the O rings under the vents to give me a couple of inches leeway but still overflows on uneven ground. I guess that the fuel heats up and expands and coupled with the slopes encounted causes the problem. I now only fill to the tabs, probably only 5-6 lts a tank unless I need the extra for longer legs. I used to have a 230 home built that had a tap for each tank, turning off stopped the cross feed problems. The factory built has no wing tank taps, just a main on off tap. Much better for safety I reckon but you must have even ground. Phil
  7. I guess that a rag wing or tail could be more easier damaged by flying sticks etc without spats I have taken mine off the Jab when touring outback strips as gibbers and wet clay cause damage I put them back when I get home. I have not noticed any speed difference as it is too minor to tell, but I have been told about 2-3 kn. max Phil.
  8. just wodering myself. I did post sometime ago that perhaps they could move to direct injection to allay cold stating but since I got the idle jet drilled out starting has been perfect on cold days Temp O K so I am very happy chappie now cheers phil
  9. What's wrong with the carby? No problems here Phil
  10. Hi Greg Welcome to the forums and good luck with your project I feel that Admin should give you an answer to your query about the cencoring of xxx and xxx there was some animosity I believe due to breaking of forum rules hence the ban Phil
  11. Works on iPhone ok
  12. The part that puzzles me about the audit is that I had one a couple of years ago where a pic of my underwing rego number was not on file So why didnt they pick up the missing C of A then? Phil.
  13. I have been close to circling OZ twice in a J230. cant beat it for endurance, X-wind performance and comfort. I would choose the 230 over the 170 due to take off performance and horse power in hot conditions, makes a hell of a difference on hot runways. Some forum members post disparaging remarks about Jabs. I personally do not know of any one that has changed from a Jab to another brand, only those who have stepped up to a later or larger engine model. Hope this helps you Anthony Phil
  14. Raaus letter to inform me that an audit on my 4 years old LSA aircrat revealed that the special certificate of airworthy authority was not in my file. Further is stated that I am not allowd to fly the plane until said documentation is supplied AND acknowledged in writing as being acceptable. I spoke to the manufacturer who registered the plane to find out just what is going on. I was told that the above was not deemed a necessary document back then, however CASA now requires same. I have no beef against this ruling just that a letter out of the blue grounding me seems a bit harsh. I had intended to fly away this weekend but have not yet recieved the written confirmation by email as promised early today. Any body else had this experience? Phil.
  15. Very clever
  16. THAT is surely true love Treasure!!!! Phil
  17. You must have "Hits" recorded on the various menu items to guide you to the most used. That would be my priority for the top 10 Phil.
  18. Semi retired irrigation consultants business director Got my RAA licence at 69 years 6 years ago. Have now just passed the 500 hrs in the Jab 230 (340 in this one) Gave up lawn bowls to fly as can do that when I get old. What a buzz!! Keep learning and enjoying Tommo Phil
  19. A blonde is sightseeing on board a small two-seater airplane when suddenly the pilot dies! Not knowing how to fly a plane, she gropes around for the radio. "Mayday, mayday! My pilot just died! Help me!" Ground control receives her call for help and answers back: "Don't worry, madam. I'll talk you down; just do as I say. First I need you to give me your height and position." "I'm 5"2' and sitting in the right front seat." Ground control: "Repeat after me: Our Father... Which art in Heaven...."
  20. Tomo. I flew to Balak some time ago. There was a caretakers living on site. He kept an eye on the plane. Also Balak weather is usually much better than Adelaide and no serious LSA Accommodation would be the main worry unless you already have in hand. Phil.
  21. I need to pick up my vehicle from Watts Bridge this Sunday if anyone going that way or up for a flip. Pay for fuel etc. Phone 0418806466 Phil.
  22. What a crazy comment! Methinks that you have not had the opportunity to abtain a RAA licence where you would have learnt about carb icing and it's seriosness perhaps some schools may not teach but I doubt it the questions here seem to indicate this or is it the answers that are leading the conversation? Good topic and usefull for revision especially for pilots that were licenced a while ago when standards were being set The bfr perhaps should have a review of carby ice in the Clayton test
  23. The weather page on my i-phone gets cramped and overlays the area boxes making it near imposible to retrieve in the air. Is there a setting on my phone or is it Ians? Perhaps I need an i-pad to fix! Hopefully not.
  24. Should sell more copies with this new name/cover. I voted OK but could change my mind if it sells less.
  25. Hi JG My brother who used to be on an iron ore ship, said that Koolan Island was an Iron ore deposit not Bauxite. Also of interest, nearby Cockatoo Island (80% iron ore) had a long par 4 fairway which was also the aircraft runway. Golfers had to give way to planes; rightly so. He also commented on the excellent quality of the pics. Phil.
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