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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. The Grandson of a friend of mine was accepted for the cadetship with Rex at Wagga just prior to Xmas. He was doing the Uni course at Brisbane hoping to join the Airforce. I think he opted for Rex because of the uncertainty of becoming a fighter pilot. The above description with cost options can be viewed at "Rex cadetship" One option is 23k up front with a couple of guarantors. Phil
  2. We have two planes, a 160 and a 230 fitted with the EZI-PILOT at Loxton, supplied by Jake Jansen S.A. The Guys tell me that they are very happy with Jake who is very knowledgeable and no probs after sale service. Both these A/P's are coupled to a GPS. They do not go through the Dynon EFIS. However if you had a Dynon it would be considerably cheaper to use Dynon A/P. Hope this helps. Phil
  3. Since Seniors are texting and tweeting, there appears to be a need for a STC (Senior Texting Code). ATD: At The Doctor's BTW: Bring The Wheelchair BYOT: Bring Your Own Teeth CBM: Covered By Medicare CUATSC: See You At The Senior Center DWI: Driving While Incontinent FWB: Friend With Beta Blockers FWIW: Forgot Where I Was FYI: Found Your Insulin GGPBL: Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low! GHA: Got Heartburn Again HGBM: Had Good Bowel Movement IMHO: Is My Hearing-Aid On? LMDO: Laughing My Dentures Out LOL: Living On Lipitor LWO: Lawrence Welk's On OMMR: On My Massage Recliner ROFL... Rolling On The Floor Laughing... And Can't Get Up TTYL: Talk To You Louder WAITT: Who Am I Talking To? WTFA: Wet The Furniture Again WTP: Where's The Prunes? WWNO: Walker Wheels Need Oil
  4. SA agent service is very good
  5. I write to you as I have enquired through Ian's shop and PM re an order 4 times in the last week with no reply at all. I would not worry too much as it is only for a 240V charger for the aera GPS i got from him recenty. BUT I put my credit card details with the order and as I have heard nothing, there could be a hick up somewhere. PM or 0418806466 Sorry to bother you, Phil.
  6. The decision to leave until winter was spot on. Rock to Either Cadney Homestead or Cooberpedy, Whyalla, Kingscote seems to be the easiest for fuel and distance, about 750 miles. Port Lincoln would be another choice (Cutting out Whyalla) except for the water crossing to be legal. Have a good trip Phil.
  7. I looked around for an aircraft for my personal needs. Originally I settled on a 230 kit due to price, performance and fuel loading. I have since purchased a factory 230 for the same reasons. The fact that it is a high wing never came into consideration except for what I think is a better looking craft. Some remind me of WW11 fighters. Summing up. I wouldnt mind owning one but it would not suit my needs as there is a lot of space between fuel stops where I can explore with space for luggage. I recently did a couple trips (tagalong) to Cape York and Kimberly etc and the fuel stop divertions by two of the low wing planes whilst OK were I think a pain for the pilots. So its not just High V's Low. Depends what you need. Phil.
  8. Thanks Nev, good point. I only intend to check Baro with calibratd EFIS and only curcuit and local flying until I get it sorted, Phil.
  9. THANKS FOR THE COMMENTS. I will use the EFIS and GPS until I can be satisfield that is is behaving correctly. If not, spend $$$ Regards.
  10. Hi all, I found that my Altimeter has been tampered with. It now reads around 3500 ft at my airfield (125 ft) Seems that someone possibly a child has wound the knob passed the stop. Not at this airfield. I guess that the only way to calibrate again is to take the readings from another plane and set the alt with the QNH Is this my best method? as very costly to send away and they may not inspect due to not being an approved brand. I did set the taf QNH and airport height the other day but yeaterday it was about 70 ft out using QNH again. Regards, Phil.
  11. B&W Roadhouse Dropped in there a while back enroute Burketown via Combo waterhole (where the jolly swagman drowned) oneway strip, good nick then.
  12. Burke and Wills roadhouse has great hamburgers (with chips) walk 5 mins. fly 12 hours though.
  13. Yep, about 4 years. I feel that I am supporting the flying fraternity. The mag has plenty of news that would otherwise be missed by normal means.
  14. Mine gets harder to slide towards the due service time. I note that the throttle rod that slides through the tension nut is quite dry, infact sort of sticky after a time and grabs. I wipe clean with petrol cloth and apply a very light smidgin of oil. Too much and you get on your hand when operating. Wipe off excess. You will need to do every 25 hours at least. Hope this helps. Phil.
  15. Yes,same here. I wanted to use tomorrow for a trip to QLD. Guess that I will have to decipher the hard way. Phil.
  16. Is anyone having trouble connecting to Ian Borgs Pemet?
  17. Hi Alley, Yes, I believe so. How was your trip to Tinti ?
  18. Irish Hunting Trip Two Irishmen flew to Canada on a hunting trip. They chartered a small plane to take them into the Rockies for a week hunting moose. They managed to bag 6. As they were loading the plane to return, the pilot said the plane could take only 4 moose. The two lads objected strongly. "Last year we shot six. The pilot let us take them all and he had the same plane as yours." Reluctantly, the pilot gave in and all six were loaded. The plane took off..... However, while attempting to cross some mountains even on full power the little plane couldn't handle the load and went down. Somehow, surrounded by the moose bodies, only Paddy and Mick survived the crash. After climbing out of the wreckage, Paddy asked Mick....... "Any idea where we are?" Mick replied....... "I think we're pretty close to where we crashed last year."
  19. Wow another Jabiru has an engine failure, anyone else not surprised? Jab knockers will be upset to know that "pilot error" due to fuel starvation was the cause.
  20. Nong covered the subject pretty well. I ended up purchasing from a boat shop, they use it for joining sails, pretty strong stuff and should last a lot longer in sunlight than the original product. The reason it is used; is imagine small pebbles being lodged in the groove if it was absent, a long shot on bitumen surfaces but not so on gravel. The joining tape from the boat shop was a fair bit wider than the original and needed trimming. Cost about $10 Phil.
  21. I heard that it will be over planned "importing" pilots at a very much lower salary. So they have every right to be concered.
  22. Bob; Would you PM me your phone number Thanks. Phil.
  23. Hi Bob, I visit friends at Mooloolaba 3-4 times a year, play golf etc at Maroochy. I park on the grass at Caloundra, so nearby would be ideal but would consider anywhere within reasonable driving distance. Phil
  24. I am very XXXXoff that there are very few places (if any) to hanger a plane in QLD. Over the past year and a half I have investigated the possibility of hanger space to no avail. I tried to purchase space through this medium with no results. Seems to me that if I was not 74 years of age I would be opening dialoge with a council to lease/buy land for this rare commodity. There also may be an opportunity for a farmer or investor to allow or develop an area for rec. flying activities Anybody with some foresight could I imagine, make available areas for hanger lots to enable our various aircraft organisations to have a home for their planes and a base for their clubs. I suppose that the above boils down to what the future holds for our "industry" Talking to the converted here I know, but look at the big picture and ask the question, More spaces, more planes, means more pilots..... Your comments appreciated. Phil
  25. Anderson plug mounted on right hand side of panel. Grommett through fire wall, only a few inches.Looks and works great. Carrying jumper leads is the only pain. Phil.
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