Up until about a year ago I always used full flap. I seemed to be going backwards in my "good" landings for some reason. I remember posting this problem with plenty of advice and mostly fixed it by looking ALONG the runway at flair. Further practice with half flap was really the answer for me. Since then, no more bounces, ballooning, tickling the throttle, aborts etc. The only time I use full flap now is as stated i.e too high, windshear, thermals, tail wind component and near full weight. Amazing the number greasers I do now. The other trick I found was to configure the flaps and trim late downwind instead of base, this gives more time to judge and manage the base point of entry and glide angle., plus look-out time. further advantages as I see it are X-wind landings and further float time to settle down the speed for a smooth landing. I did ask my old CFI if this was exceptable, he said that whatever I feel comfotable with is OK.
So, I will stick with this method until my landings go haywire again, hopefully never.