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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. Good question Captain. The method I use is not foolproof due to mobile coverage. Finding a responsible person in a remote area is difficult too I guess. Airservices, flight plan with SAR lodged through NAIPS would be the go I reckon. I had radio coverage all the way, Melb Centre, then Alice, so that would be my preference. Looking forward to replies to your post as there must be heaps of experienced pilots with this knowledge that can help. Phil.
  2. Up until about a year ago I always used full flap. I seemed to be going backwards in my "good" landings for some reason. I remember posting this problem with plenty of advice and mostly fixed it by looking ALONG the runway at flair. Further practice with half flap was really the answer for me. Since then, no more bounces, ballooning, tickling the throttle, aborts etc. The only time I use full flap now is as stated i.e too high, windshear, thermals, tail wind component and near full weight. Amazing the number greasers I do now. The other trick I found was to configure the flaps and trim late downwind instead of base, this gives more time to judge and manage the base point of entry and glide angle., plus look-out time. further advantages as I see it are X-wind landings and further float time to settle down the speed for a smooth landing. I did ask my old CFI if this was exceptable, he said that whatever I feel comfotable with is OK. So, I will stick with this method until my landings go haywire again, hopefully never. Phil.
  3. I have done that trip a few times but not coastal. I did enquire about that route once and was told the big rocks are everywhere. My usual route is Narromine, Moree, Goondawindi, Gatton. Follow the Ma Ma creek. Phil.
  4. 123.45 Seems to be the chat channel. I have tuned in when heard "Go to chat channel" Phil.
  5. The bi-ennial flight revue test that I have done incorperates flapless landings. I just come in a little hotter, no problems. One of our jabs had a couple of inches of water in the fuselage after rain a year or so ago. The flap motor did not work until it dried out. Has not given any problems since. Maj, What I meant by the larger jab wing was the flaps are larger. Yair, got a Burser in shoulder. Specialist next month. Phil Phil
  6. The secret is DON'T renew early. I needed to renew mine early as I am planning to visit a Secure airport a week after expiry. I was told by RAAus staff that I would lose a month. I replied that this was crazy, she then told me that this was being addressed. Phil
  7. Thanks for the above information. Sounds as though I made the right decision. I just remembered my crook left shoulder of the last few months. I would have blamed the flap lever if I had one. Twisting and useing the right hand would be a Houdini trick I reckon. Phil.
  8. I would have been one of the first owners of the "new wing" on the 230 B (nearly 6 years ago) Talking to Rod Stiff at the time, deciding whether to go the new wing or not. He at the time advised electric flaps with the larger wing (optional) after asking my age as there would be considerable force required to lower flaps opposed to electic with the larger wing. That was the main reason I chose that way and no regrets. Has anybody got manual flaps on a 230 (obviously kit built) for comments? I did my training in the UL manual. Phil.
  9. G'Day Captain, A guy, Ken Watts runs a flying shool at Bond Springs, he trades under Rural Helicopters Alice phone book. He kindly gave us parking areas and brought out fuel as he is there most days. Re the hire car. He could give you a lift in to Alice and may drop off the car for you. Be prepared for many coffees and chat. great bloke. I took 2 X empty 20 lt cans in the 230 but never used them that time. Filled at Cadney H/S but William Creek is further if going that way. Can't help with Darwin. Regards, Phil
  10. Just open the opposite side vent only. I think you will find a better air flow to your side. Phil.
  11. Just a word of caution re cabin heat. I noted some time ago that by only partial openening of this control will leave cabin open to engine bay air. I also found that opening the opposite cabin vent had better air flow to the pilot. Phil.
  12. My immediate thought on reading was "Where do I stick it when my cover is on"! Reading further it seems that I can "stick it" on the fuselage somewhere out of the main slip stream. Where would that be so it could be read from the wing tip? This also brings up Maj's concern re security. To check my throttle lock they can always unbuckle a part of the cover and view. Any thoughts here Ian and others. Phil.
  13. Hi Catsy!, welcome Loxton now have 5 Jabs with another due June sometime. We have a BBQ Sundays, mostly a dozen or so attend. You and fellow flyers are most welcolmed if you want a navex sometime. See our website www.loxtonaero.com Phil.
  14. Google Dynon. there is a section to post queries. They reply too.
  15. I remember my solo nav well. The instructor retrieved his hand held GPS from the rear of the plane after I landed Guess that he wanted to know if I landed in a paddock over the hill and waited. Good trick.
  16. 4 please 2 X Flying gets you HIGH 2 X I fly for fun All with Jabiru Phil. Thanks
  17. Q. What's the difference between a bagpipe and a trampoline? A. You take off your shoes when you jump on a trampoline.
  18. :Rogue:General Aviation Caucus convenes in Washington A group of senators from both parties met in Washington for the first meeting of the new General Aviation Caucus. The two-dozen-member caucus plans to ensure Congress listens to the concerns of general aviation. "Our small airports are the lifeblood of what we do," said Sen. Mike Johanns, R-Neb. Omaha World-Herald (Neb.)/The Associated Press (1/30)
  19. Many thanks Ian. System works on my iPhone OK now:thumb_up: Let us know if you change the address for access. Cheers Phil.
  20. I NO COME WOK TODAY!' Hung Chow calls his work and says, 'Hey, I no come wok today, I really sick . Got headache, stomach ache and legs hurt, I no come wok.' The boss says, 'You know something, Hung Chow, I really need you today. When I feel sick like you do, I go to my wife and tell her to give me Se-x. That Makes everything better and I go to work. You try that. Two hours later Hung Chow calls again. 'I do what You say and I feel Great. I be at wok soon........You got nice house'.
  21. Remembered. Roadhouse is Tillmouth Well.
  22. Did the Kimberly trip again last year. My track was somewhat of a detour (via Burketown) but the main route I took which should suit you would be if endurance is OK. Mildura, William Creek, Alice Springs, Halls Creek, Kununurra, Drysdale Station, Prince Regent Gorge, Walcot inlet,Horozontal Waterfalls, Cape Leveuc (spelling) Broome and back to Halls Creek. Wolfe Crater can be seen on the way home via the Tanami. The longest leg was Halls Creek to Alice but fuel was available with prior notice at a road house about 80 miles out from Alice. (name escapes me) Bungles could be done from Halls Creek to Kununurra leg. (see ersa for details) I thought that the Kimberly Coast and the prince Regent River at low altitude were the highlights. Hope of some help. Cheers.
  23. Thanks for that Ian, Enjoy your break. Cheers.
  24. Hi Ian, I purchased an i-phone today and whilst in store I got them to put Avment on. No GO. It brought up the area map but not the index of states. Do I need to do something here? Pretty slow with technology and the workings so a step process would be good if you have the time. Thanks.
  25. My thinking was along the lines of RAA registered aircraft llke Tecnam, Texan, Jabiru etc. when I mentioned the speed. These would be 24 registration and also experimental if approved by CASA. There are some VH reg slower planes at the moment which would not be a hassle as they are already GA qualified for CTA. Yes I agree that we don't want a division but I was trying to think around the access to CTA and controlled aerodromes and the objections that CASA has to our access and this could be a way around it!!!.But you are probably right. I was not aware that one could get an endorsement for CTA at this stage. How and where? This would fix the problem as I see it if correct. Re the 5000' What I really meant but was not very plain in my post was that you would encounter MORE traffic above 5000' than below. My experience anyway. I believe that a resposible pilot would not fly over tiger in adverse weather. If he happened to be caught out, I believe that help can still be obtained from the area freq. I know I would ask if in trouble. That's it. Happy New Year to all.
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