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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. Full back trim on final in the 230 fixes the problem for me.
  2. Just a thought Just a thought, slightly off topic but what about splitting aircraft catagories to say LSA factory built with CASA guidelines re engine etc. with CTA training for pilots to access or at least transit CTA. Say, 100kn verified cruise, transponder and radio. I doubt many slower aircraft owners would consider going into CTA anyway by what I have read in these posts. I fit into the above suggested category but personally I would not bother to pursue mainly due to the extra work load it would require for a pilot of my age. The above 5000' would bring you into contact with most GA fliers that are in your area. I certainly follow these guys on the area frequencies with their calls to centre and at times I have made contact with them to relay my position etc, if a possible height or course conflict is a possibility. So bring that one on. My thoughts.
  3. Yeah, Thought that I had it all covered until last week-end when the pax said after landing that she was worried somewhat when I cut the power on late down wind. I will now add this to my inflight commentary.
  4. Could have been "Neds Corner" See AOPA directory
  5. Well, if you can point out to me any errors in this publication I and others would be interested. I gave some copiess away to some mates a couple of years ago and they and I still use as the BIBLE of flying, Your comments please.
  6. Don't mean to steal Alleys post but Renmark brekkies are every 3rd Sunday and Loxton BBQ every Sunday (bar a couple like Easter Xmas etc)
  7. I have to agree with Yenn in his post Keep eyes on the flare point Then to end of runway. I, like others learning had the problems last year and the above helped greatly. I had got out of the habit described above for some reason. Probably my "old XXXX age" For those new flyers I can say that one of my sub-consious problems that came to light and improved my landings was the thought of running out of runway distance, especially on touch and goes. I was tying to "put her down" if the flare went on too long from either speed or wind variations. I found out recently when landing on a 1600 m strip and I was not in a hurry to put down as the exit was at the far end, a rare greaser! I hope the above is taken as "my experiences" and in no way suggesting that it is correct but may help someone who is like Darky trying to understand the reasons for hard landing. My thoughts. Phil.
  8. My epirb hangs around my neck. Apart from scaring my pasengers when they ask what this is for, I can't find a better and accessable place for it. I tried the map pocket and it got wet once, no damage though.
  9. Perhaps I did'nt make myself clear. The 35 gliders were lined up single file near the down wind end on the bitumen runway 29 facing downwind and were then tugged to the parallel grass trip 11 which effectively put 11/29 u/s Its a mile or so from the tie down area so I imagine that these runways would be out of action anyway due to the towing process to get the gliders to the tugs. In my view NOTAMS should have mentioned that 11/29 may be out of commission from X time to X time if they were aware of the wind forecast direction before hand. I am not a knocker, just surprised to find a runway completly blocked on arrival and forced to use the cross wind strip.
  10. Exadios, Sounds like sense to me but how do you shift 35 odd gliders from the runway when they are lined up for competition flying? Not a goer I think. I would have been more comfortable if the gliders were lined up for the tug on the side of the runway, space permitting. Just seemed to me to be a dangerous situation if the alternative runway was u/s for whatever reason. Notams did not mention that any runway would be not available. With 35 odd gliders you would think that they could have notified of a possible delay for the active runway and I could have planned around this. i was there for over an hour and they were still tugging when I left. I have no problems with the gliding guys, just the safety issue in taking over the whole runway for a couple of hours or so.
  11. (1) What about the recent midair at Bankstown....both had, and were using radios G,day Maj. Re the above mid air collision. I am of the opion that the collision occured at the reporting point as the two aircraft converged at this spot. The point I raise is imagine if you have the reporting point in your GPS, both planes would be at the same spot. A radio call saying that you are X minutes from overhead reporting point X would minimise the risk somewhat. Not being GA, perhaps there is a proceedure for this in place, if not then there should be action taken to fix this dangerous situation, more reporting points? Mandatory radio waypoint arrival time? Phil.
  12. Glider ops Flew into narromine last Wednesday to be greeted with 35 gliders on active runway 11. Notams, so knew they were there but did not expect them to be all lined up on the active runway. They had 3 tugs operating on the paralel grass strip for take offs. I used the cross wind strip 04 after talking to one of the tug pilots who held for me. Would have been interesting if the Xwind was near max and fuel low. Guess that Dubbo would have been my only option.
  13. Hows this for a call Few months ago I was inbound to Caloundra, I distinctly heard "Helicopter XXX any conflict Caloundra" No other call was made. There was a Helicopter refueling when I got there, may have been him. Thinking about it afterwards it wasn't a BAD call as any aircraft in the area would have called in position etc. but not what we have been trained to do.
  14. Admin Dunno, but would be happy to send it to you if you can figure it out Phil
  15. JR Mobile What are the new temp figures please? Phil.
  16. 196 dvd I have a copy of the DVD for the 196. Much easier to follow and understand than the manual. Its a real eye opener and well presented by a Garmin employee. I would recommend to 196 owners. I have upgraded to the 296 a couple of years ago but most of the instruction covers this model too. Wonder if there is a traing DVD for the 296 also? It would be handy for the upgraded information. Phil.
  17. The Australian factory built has no wing tank taps, only one main tap. The kit has the two wing tank taps. My experience with both types I found it possible to even the tank quantity by flying out of balance for a short time. watch the gauges and they will indicate this. The two tap version (plus main) is a problem with full tanks as it tends to overflow from the lower wing. I always only ran one wing tank at time. Caution, more fuel management is required.
  18. Hi Chris, I had pm from a chap at Broken Hill that fitted to the mains. I have since cleaned out my pm box but he told me he had to put a couple of spacers between the outside and the axle bolt. He may come back to you as he would get this post I reckon. Cheers.
  19. Pilot was heading for Casino via Hay. It was RED so maybe the same one you saw.
  20. Hi Maj, Heard that it broke up. weather that day wasn't good. plenty of thermals and cloud that could catch a pilot out and exceed vne in that type.
  21. Yes, Boorabee. I saw at Renmark the day before, a nice looking craft. The pilot had low hours I am told. Always a sad time when this happens and makes you think when so close to home. I hope that we can get a report of the accident that will benifit pilots in this type of ultralight. My thoughts are with the family.
  22. Many thanks, I am in Adelaide at the moment. I will give you a call on my return home when I have the maps open. Phil.
  23. This 230/400 trim problem has been around for a while now. My trip lever will not go to the full forward position in flight. infact about 2 inches short of full forward compared to on the ground. Other owners have trimmed off some of the two overhanging pieces on the elevator to fix the problem. I will not do this as I was told that the elevator extentions are for safety and will keep the plane from a dive if elevator control is lost for whatever reason, also illegal in factory built. I find that on some trips that the trim works well at the full forward position, other times not. I suspect that the loading i.e fuel, passenger and luggage makes the difference here. I overcome the problem by nosing down slightly and moving the trim lever, hard to do with one hand though. I thought about attaching another lever to the trim to get more leverage as suggested, but its only a cable and some screws into fibre glass that holds it all together so not going there. I have done 200 hours now and have gotten used to the problem albiet with a sore thumb. I guess that if Jabiru built a 230/400 for 120K it would have a trim wheel and other mods like toe brakes and such. But as it stands (except for cold weather starting) I am very happy and reckon its value for money. My thoughts. Phil.
  24. Querty, Sounds like you need PitrexWXD weather decoder $29.95 plus postage Also has other great features all in the Kings (Queens) english. Well worth the purchase. Brilliant! Phil.
  25. 09 = September 11 = November Daylight saving is less 10.5 hours that way.
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