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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. Thanks Watto. I have put into GPS for future reference Phil.
  2. Come on Bushman lets onto the secret!!!!! Worth a carton of Fosters for the correct answer. Phil.
  3. Thanks guys. I've got it sorted....I think. Querty. Look up Notams for the Lake area including William Creek. I noticed the other day that the ctaf freq has changed until November I think. Also broadcast position,height and headings within the published boundaries is required. Have a good trip. Phil.
  4. Would some body be able to assist in a route from Heckfield to Narromine or Moree to miss the worst of the tiger or is it a direct line to either? Phil.
  5. Thanks Terry I will put into GPS for my next trip. Cheers, Phil.
  6. Watto you are a genius Many thanks. Phil.
  7. Hi Chris, Yes done that mod too. I thought that this was the fix for a while. Phil.
  8. would say that the Painted Desert/Hills were the highlight of the trip we did north in August. The now drying out Lake Eyre and flying around in Wilpena too. Catch Maree man before he fades away due to wind erosion. If you are going through via Adelaide, then look for the whales at Middleton/ Goolwa:thumb_up:. Fuel at William Creek (bowser), Maree (drum), Arkaroola, Jamestown. Marcus Hi Marcus, Do you have coodinates for the "Painted Hills"? I tried to get last time that way but no go, operaters keeping it a secret so it seems. Phil.
  9. William Creek pub has some nice motel type rooms besides the normal bush accomodation, also fuel Phil
  10. Many thanks Jeff, exactly what I wanted to Know. Regards, Phil.
  11. Garmin 296 I have question for you guys that are expert in this model. I have a route of multiple waypoints..menu activate. I am not sure what to do when I cut the corner of a waypoint to save time. The GPS wants me to return to that waypoint. If I go into Route and activate the NEXT waypoint, will it continue onto the last destination or only take me to the next waypoint? If I activate the destination waypoint will it bypass the other waypoints enroute? I have been loathe to experiment in the air due to the possibility of stuffing up what I have programed for the trip. Other than the above I get along well with the 296 and find the map page overlaid with compass and heading excellent. Cheers, Phil.
  12. Thanks Kev. Tried for a couple of hours but can' find what I want. I Found wind map with gradients but not what I saw which was similar but MOVING. Giving up for now. Thanks anyway. Phil.
  13. Question Frustrating to say the least. I was at Caloundra 12 days ago, 6.30 am...no start. 11 deg temp, heavy dew. I purchased a battery pack the day before just in case. Choke on full for the whole cranking period. I removed the cowl to use the battery pack and noticed quite a lot of moisture on the motor. I was about the connect the booster but realised the leads were not long enough to reach (needs two people) The motor seemed to be turning over fast enough so I decided to wipe the magnets dry, it then started second try:clap: Last Sunday at Loxton it would not start again, this time it had been stored in the hanger, again plenty of revs. I had to boil the billy and pour near boiling water over the carby, instant start. I run 15w50 oil and the motor sure cranks over faster in the cooler weather than the W100. Question... has any one used WD40 or similar on the magnet area in a no start situation? All mods have been done except the removal of O rings in starter. I trruly think it is a fuel related problem except for the Caloundra experience as it has NEVER flooded after numerous efforts to start. Any further comments on the above would be appreciated before the warmer weather as no problems then. Phil.
  14. Recently whilst is QLD I saw on a weather report on TV a moving map showing wind directions with moving arrows around the highs and lows. This would be a good tool to visually comprehend what is you can expect on a longish trip through changing wind gradients. I have been unable to find in the weather site, could someone help here? Phil.
  15. A good post. An experinced Piper pilot once told me that he could glide his plane to a point on the ground that was level with his wing-tip. I converted this to my 230 and with practice found that the pitot tube on the strut was the distance that I could glide. Ofcourse this point would vary with the pilots height and seat padding etc. But having done this a few times now (in practice) I can confidently fly over Tiger as long as I can see clear country below the pitot. Hope that this will help. Phil.
  16. Be aware of your flap settings, they make a difference to your flare timing. I had the same problem for ages and found that I was not looking along the runway AND had various flap settings for landings which compounded the problem. Speed over the fence was another that I had to polish up on to get any consistancy. Practice the above and you will nail it. Cheers.
  17. Thanks JR Transfered today P O Box 755 LOXTON SA 5333 Phil Duthoit
  18. Interesting discussion. I recently had to have a stipdown due to through bolt oil leakage (out of warranty). I rang Rod Stiff and after asking me the way I ran the motor including what fuel I used (Avgas) he supplied all parts, labour and the latest pistons and cam, bearings etc. free of charge to bring up to the the latest specs. I wonder after reading this post whether he would have done so if I was running Mogas! Just a thought.
  19. Many thanks for the advice. Sounds just what I want (any fool can use) Re Cowra: I have a couple of trips planned for around that time and if possible I will deviate a few miles and catch up with you guys that are in attendance for a chin wag. 24 5135. Phil.
  20. Thanks Geoff, I will take all onboard. What you have sounds good. needs to be user friendly which seems like it is. I will keep a look out here. Phil.
  21. Recently my passenger complained that he could only hear from from one earpiece. I mentioned to someone who put me on the right track and swithed to MONO on that headset. God knows how long it had been on Sterio! Phil.
  22. Captain, Yes Dexter is correct. I do like the option of Radar for rain areas when flying to SE QLD a few times a year. I have yet to decide what device to buy for this, any suggestions as I am due for a new phone soon? Not very ofay with this technology (showing my age) I seem to be locked into Telsta phones and am a bit confused as to what I need to get radar coverage, which is what I need. My current Samsung 3G links to blue tooth automatically through Zulu headset. There is a radar site on weather, but useless other than an overview. Posts here are confusing to me. perhaps someone can recommend a device that suits me for the above. Phil.
  23. I have all the AWIS phone numbers programmed in under WEATHER and then alpha. Telsta 3G coverage is good and blue tooth through headset gives exl reception. This only gives aerodrome conditions which is what I want mostly for qnh/wind direction etc. Will be interested to see what is available later this year with iphone for pilots. Phil.
  24. Sounds like more trouble to have a fuel flow meter by the above. What brand would you guys suggest? Or perhaps may be available for Dynon EFIS hook up? Cheers
  25. Murray Bridge should be on your route if needed.
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