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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. Hi Alley, Yep, got me thinking, "panels"? Went to Renmark for a coffee yesterday morn and then for a flip over Barmera and home. Next Sunday Breakfast at Renmark and and BBQ at Loxton, flying ofcourse. I may catch you at one of these events. No problems re chat whenever. Cheers. Phil.
  2. In my early training days I did a touch and go without reducing the flaps. The instructor took over and pushed the stick forward. He said that was a good lesson to learn. It did take me by surprise and guess that I would have stalled and spun in. These days I am aware of the problem and reckon that it would apply to most aircraft.
  3. Put me down for one. Phil.
  4. Whats the bet that Jabiru will eventually go for direct injection and fix the problem?
  5. Thanks Watto, Startiblast, That electric CO detector sounds the go,where to purchase? I must admit that I did not think to look at the detector in flight:censored: I only realised that there could be a problem after inspecting the heater arrangement later. I will have another look at the weekend and follow up your suggestions Re the sore heals... I do have soft runners and don't have any problems when driving long distances in the car. Modern cars these days have a rest for your left foot and makes a comfy spot and right foot on gas pedal is OK. The seating arrangement in a car also gives you the option of shifting your right foot when on cruise control, a contortionist movement in the Jab. The Jab flys without any pedal input and resting feet there only lightly is nearly impossible to do without some pressure going into that control on longer flights, hence my idea to have a couple of foot rests. Any further comments would be appreciated. Phil.
  6. JR Thanks for that Consider them sold. How can I send the money? Phil.
  7. Interested if still for sale. Phil.
  8. I got back from the Sunshine Coast last Thursday, 8 hours with a 15 kn headwind most of the way. The air was pretty cold and I used the heater for most of the way. Sometimes it got a bit warm and I was experimenting with only partially opening the heater. I took off the cover yesterday to check the motor etc and found that when the heater control is partially open the air inside the engine bay is open to the cabin. I am not sure if this air can be forced into the cabin along with the heated air or not. Heater is a factory installation which is different to the old kit build hearter on the old 230, which goes via a collection box. Perhaps someone could comment on this and allay any fears of what could be a major problem if there was an exhaust leak etc. On a different subjec: My heels got pretty sore after a time and I reckon that a couple of foot rests either side and above the pedals would be a big help. Anybody had this problem? Cheers. Phil.
  9. Well done Ally, I am pleased that you had a great time in the air on our first flight.:thumb_up: I will be leaving Caloundra a.m tomorrow for home. Hear from you in the air 27th. Cheers, Phil.
  10. Sorry that you had a "let down" due to weather. I wondererd about that as I left Loxton a couple of hours or so before the change hit. Yep, Sunshine Coast is aptly named, 24-25 since arriving here Saturday, soaking up the sun and beach walks. Alley, study the books and you will find things a lot easier to understand in the air and dont be afraid to ask questions, there are some great people on the site that will help a new wanabe. Catch you Renmark 3rd Sunday for Breakfast. No I won't I will still be here. Probably leave next Tuesday. Cheers Phil.
  11. Well ???????:thumb_up: ????
  12. Alley, I am pleased that you made contact with Gary, he is a great instructor. He will make you feel at ease, a knack that only a few have. Flying to QLD tomorrow for a couple of weeks. I will keep a lookout for your comments of how you went. I know you will enjoy the experience Phil.
  13. Hi Student Biggles, Did I read your post right? There are three RAA instuctors at Renmark. We at Loxton have been extemely happy with their instructing. We have also found them to be very available at any time for lessons, BFR and any help. CFI phone is Gary Douglas 0417890215 Club 230 is well maintained. Give that a try and post your results. Cheers Phil.
  14. Did my BFR today. My Jab needed the hot water trick. The other 230 started after 4 tries but a couple of hours later. Both in shed similar to yours. Temp was about 6 deg and then around 12 for the other Jab. I guess that it may be a bit warmer in the shed than outside as we have old thick carpet on the floor, also no wind factor. Phil.
  15. This post reminds me that I have been meaning to write about this same subject. I guess that I didn't want to give people the impression that I was a millionaire or similar. Anyway a brief tale about getting around and "out there" I was tardy in obtaining my licence due to factors like building a 230 Jab. I had a mate in the states who built a Carlson Sparrow and was enjoying his retirement. I suggested he come for a visit and I would show him some of OZ. He accepted the invite. Now, I was 69 years (4 years ago) and had to finish my training and the min 25 hours before I could go anywhere. I saw an advert in a flying mag about this company in Stawell that does "tag along" trips to various parts of OZ, about 10 days in total. Well a phone call and deposit, licence, pas. endorsement and the mandatory 25 hours and away went. The route was the "Kimberly" trip, 44 hours 29 strips. Loxton to Burketown, Broome via Kakadu, Mataranka, Kununurra, Alice, Kimberly coast etc.etc. I realised soon after take off that I may have been a bit hasty in taking on something like this, however the pilots of the other 4 planes 2 had commercial licences were fantastic in all ways and took me under their wing so to speak. It was such a great experience that I went again last year and took my brother who had just retired from the merchant navy. He had been around the world numerous times but not seen much of OZ ,certainly not where we went. They supplied weather each morning and we did our own flight plans. They organised accommodation, breakfast, evening dinner, transport to and from airstrips and day tours where time allowed. The experience gained from these pilots and trips has been a great leaning curve and has allowed me to get around the country with confidence in my flying ability. They also do a Pilbara and Cape York trip. I will book for the Pilbara when finances allow. So, it is possible to get out there and enjoy longer trips without too much worry. I hope that this is of help to members that are looking for further horizons. Phil.
  16. I have been guilty of inserting in the wrong category. I always seem to have a problem here. Ian, perhaps a paragraph or two on how to insert a thread would help a lot, it would me. Just a thought. Phil.
  17. Jabiru Phil

    Air filter

    Hi Jack, Thanks for addding further to my comments. I still have the original element so I will be on the lookout for any different seal thickness when I replace. RE oil type element. I have still in my old Nissan Patrol '79 with 320 k's, it has been all over the sandy deserts of Simpson, Canning etc. it sure catches the muck. I would be loathe to have similar in the Jab as the conditions are nowhere as severe as that and LSA cat. I also do not expect to get that amount of air time between overhauls. But they do work. Cheers. Phil.
  18. Jabiru Phil

    Air filter

    Paper filters A LAME told me that it's not the filter that causes the problem but the way the cover is reinstalled. DO NOT over tighten the cover screws as this can distort the cover and allow dust to bipass the element. Only tighten lightly. He demonstated to me and I could see what it did. Phil.
  19. Many thanks for your replies. Mobile 'phone seems the logical culprit, I never thought of that. I am going to Caloundra this week-end, about a seven hour trip so should be able to verify if that is the cause. I will report back. Phil.
  20. My Dynon 10A shows "Remote compass not detected" after an hour or so in the air. I have actioned the trouble shooting list including reloading and chased back the wiring to the compass under the seat, checked joins etc. Apart from the compass, OT readings are haywire and altitude indicator goes mad, all other functions work. I have turned off and waited a while and sometimes comes back on, sometimes not. I have spoken to Jab and tried their solutions i.e turn off transponder,radios and checked wiring joins. A guy told me that should know (A dealer) said that it may not be a Dynon loom. Next step is to fly to Horsham and get investigated unless anyone has any further suggestions. Phil.
  21. Sorry, to clarify I only use on very cold mornings. Phil.
  22. For those who have not read my post on cold starting. We have no electricity at the hanger. I take a thermos (saves heating with the gas burner) of HOT water and pour over the carbie, works every time. Phil.
  23. A great trip report Many thanks for sharing with us.
  24. Caboolture/Moree is not too far and the HOT springs available at motel accommodation is an experience. Goondi is a good stop enroute. Have fun.
  25. Dont know the name of the gas burner but it exploded the other day at Alice. We think that the fry pan was too large and the heat transfered to above the throw-away gas bottle. destoyed the stove and cut a guys leg. The fry pan (heavy caste) cushioned more damage. I would not entertain this sort of equipment. I have a pic but BIG troubles trying to include. Cheers.
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