This post reminds me that I have been meaning to write about this same subject. I guess that I didn't want to give people the impression that I was a millionaire or similar.
Anyway a brief tale about getting around and "out there"
I was tardy in obtaining my licence due to factors like building a 230 Jab. I had a mate in the states who built a Carlson Sparrow and was enjoying his retirement. I suggested he come for a visit and I would show him some of OZ. He accepted the invite. Now, I was 69 years (4 years ago) and had to finish my training and the min 25 hours before I could go anywhere.
I saw an advert in a flying mag about this company in Stawell that does "tag along" trips to various parts of OZ, about 10 days in total. Well a phone call and deposit, licence, pas. endorsement and the mandatory 25 hours and away went. The route was the "Kimberly" trip, 44 hours 29 strips. Loxton to Burketown, Broome via Kakadu, Mataranka, Kununurra, Alice, Kimberly coast etc.etc.
I realised soon after take off that I may have been a bit hasty in taking on something like this, however the pilots of the other 4 planes 2 had commercial licences were fantastic in all ways and took me under their wing so to speak.
It was such a great experience that I went again last year and took my brother who had just retired from the merchant navy. He had been around the world numerous times but not seen much of OZ ,certainly not where we went.
They supplied weather each morning and we did our own flight plans. They organised accommodation, breakfast, evening dinner, transport to and from airstrips and day tours where time allowed.
The experience gained from these pilots and trips has been a great leaning curve and has allowed me to get around the country with confidence in my flying ability.
They also do a Pilbara and Cape York trip. I will book for the Pilbara when finances allow.
So, it is possible to get out there and enjoy longer trips without too much worry.
I hope that this is of help to members that are looking for further horizons.