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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. Thanks Glen. Yes trip up was great. I will certainly mention our Loxton 40 th anniversary fly-in to all that I meet whilst here. I hope that you can post all the details on this forum when you can so pilots can organise their time away. Catch you mid Jan, meanwhile have a merry Xmas. Cheers. Phil.
  2. Caloundra trip Thanks guys for the help. I arrived yesterday morning after a pleasant overnight stay at Goondiwindi. I really appreciate the help given by members that made my trip more comfortable. Some stats: 5 hours t0 Goondi via Cobar, 93 mins to Caloundra some tail wind and the jab never missed a beat. Greeen country side and plenty of surface water QLD end. GREEN grass like you have never seen before all over the place. Here for a month, returning mid Jan probably via Moree, Narromine, Hay, Loxton as I will have a passenger back and would like to take in some different scenery without any Tiger. Cheers, Phil.
  3. $1.61 plus $10.00 opening fee at Cobar Monday. Only 55 lts so cost was no change really from the usual $2.00 plus that we are used to. Thanks for the help from the members that helped with the Nav to Caloundra, all went to plan.-
  4. email address is invalid! Please try again as my message bounced. Phil.
  5. Many thanks for the replies, they have helped a great deal. It does make it easier to know what to expect rather than flying in an unfamiliar area for the first time. My mind is now at ease with the leg to Caloundra. Cheers, Phil. p.s. Loxton is in the Riverland of SA about 20 miles from Renmark. We have 4 hangers with 9 aircraft, 2 GA and 7 LSA. BBQ Sundays. Good strip with happy chappies. :thumb_up:
  6. I am flying to Caloundra middle of next month from Loxton. I will have some tiger country from Toowoomba it seems. What would be the best route into Caloundra? I have marked Watts Bridge, Kilcoy and Landsborough as waypoints as I can't see a better route to avoid the tiger problem and CTA. Any suggestions from guys up that way would be appreciated. Cheers, Phil.
  7. I should have explained further. Cut out on landing was put down to the rough strip and carbie flooding. Engine stopping before touchdown is another matter.
  8. Happened to me a couple of times in the 230 until I adjusted the float level, no problem since.
  9. Avgas price Pirie yesterday self service was $1.87 using cedit card. Great guys.
  10. Jesse, I should have typed "Jabiru user group" Phil.
  11. Hi Jesse, Welcome to the forum. You will find a lot of what you require at the "Jabiru discussion group" in the search section. Any questions re Jabs will be answered by the many happy owners here. just drop a posting. Cheers, Phil.
  12. Ahh. Thats a different problem, ours cranks OK and if temp is below around 10 deg no fire at all, just tip HOT water through funnel onto top of carbie and it fires straight away, never failed yet. A pain to do as we have no power at the airport and use a gas burner and kettle. Muat keep the choke on until start. Phil.
  13. Poor cranking Hi all interested in this forum, I cant help wondering that we may be on the wrong track with this cold starting problem. We have two Jabs and they both start on cold days ONLY if we pour hot water over the carbie. To me that sounds like fuel not battery. Any comments? Phil.
  14. Hi, This is a great subject as so many of us have starting problems. I would like to ask if it is possible to use jumper leads if the battery has discharged for whatever reason and do I need a special charger to recharge? Phil.
  15. Avgas price Hi, Avgas price paid in June were as follows, Renmark $1.92 Broken Hill $1.91 Windorah $1.95 Longreach $1.83 Burketown $1.96 Boroloola $? Tindal $1.79 Kununurra $1.95 Broome $1.86 Halls Creek $1.92 Tillmouth Well $3.09 (correct) Alice $1.96 William Creek $2.40 Oondadatta 2.50 Plus callout plus landing fee The average price paid per litre was $2.02 Places like Port Pirie, Olympic Dam, Leigh Creek, Coober Pedy and Birdsville should be contacted for price and availability. Hope that the above is some help. Prices need to be changed from June, but will give an indication. Cheers, Phil.
  16. Cold starting Last winter and so far this winter two of the jabs here have been using HOT water poured through a funnel and hose onto the carbie, eureka!! Seems that when the temp is down to below 8-10 deg this method is required. We have no power at the hanger, so use either gas kettle or thermos. I have thought about heating the wheat bag used for injuries on the micro wave before leaving home and positioning in around the carbie to see how this would go, perhaps someone could try this. Changed to thinner oil last week at 100 hourly, may make some difference to the temps mentioned above. Cheers, Phil.
  17. Hi Ross, Many thanks for your help, I will try and follow your method. Makes sense! J430, yes I was in Alice then, infact I got in on the 2nd but did not fly until the the 9th, Sunday 8th I drove down the Finke track and watched the action, BBQ etc. left for William Creek on the 9th. There was another 230 that came in for fuel on the 8th, we left the same time Monday. Were you up that way then? Did you see the damaged twin that clipped the trees trying to get in on the rainy night? Very lucky people. Cheers, Phil.
  18. Hi Geoff, Jab is RAA. Alice have a tower but no radar. Just phone them and get a prefered time to land, they are very helpful if you tell them that you are new to the area. In any case report on tower freq 45 miles out with height and heading, they will then advise what to do from then on, just make sure that you repeat all instructions. You will need to have a Visual Teminal Chart. It's a good idea to highlight the various waypoints on the VTC on your track as they could ask you to hold over one of them. Fuel and tie down area no problems, ask for directions when clear of runways. Must have ASIC. All info in the ERSA. I did enquire about fuel at Bond Springs, no luck and was told no problems to land at Alice as it's a remote area and only fuel available. Cheers, Phil.
  19. Just makes me mad when you lose your post into cyber-space somewhere. Here goes again. Thanks for the queries, IAS 110-112 I would agree with J430 on the TAS at 3-4000" It was apity that I never caught upwith Don C, we could have had a good chat re the oil temps. Since installing the cowl mod (to the oil cooler) the temps have improved greatly, on the trip in the higher OS temps I never got passed 100 in climb, and around 90 in cruise. I kept W100 oil in for the trip. Changing subject. Any help would be appreciated for Caloundra. I have friends there and would like to visit when the weather fines up. Looks straight forward enough but local knowledge is always good. Cheers, Phil.
  20. I am having computer trouble. I just posted a reply and it seems that I reposted my original post. I will try again. Altitudes were either 3500 or 4500 except for terrain and smoke deviations. 2850 rpm was maintained 95% of the time. 500" levels coastal and Kimberly areas for scenic views. Yes Brent, Broome would be a great place to spend a month or two during our winter. The strip is interesting, one of the best finals around, over the ocean and line up over cable beach, great. I saw another 230 parked outside the club house but it was gone the next day, pity.
  21. Just back from a trip Loxton, Burketown, Mataranka, Kakadu, Kununurra, Kimberly coast, Broome, Halls Creek, Alice, Home. Total tacho hours were 42.0 I averaged 20.2 lts/hr However as I had 20 landings and if the landing/ takeoff warm ups were taken into account the true in flight usage would be about 23 lts/hr. Oil used was 2 lt total of which about 250 ml was in the collector can. The averge cost of avgas was $2.02 lt. Dearest at Tillmouth well $3.12 and the cheapest at Longreach and Broome $1.82 and $1.86. The Jab performed beautifully apart from a radio hiccup which you do not need when that far from home. Phil.
  22. Fuel taps on Jab I would think that the above scenario is the reason that Jab cannot install wing taps in factory build a/c. I believe that it is a casa directive. The header tank will give 15 minute or so flow. The current single tap fitted on all factory built will only give a couple of minutes (whats in the carby) Makes sense.
  23. There are a couple of Jabs here that have EZI Pilot fitted, both single axis only. They are very good and I believe the price is right. OZ dealer in Adelaide. Airleron controls are very free when not engaged. I did question why altitude hold was not added and the answer was that at our lower flying limits it gives a porpoising effect in thermals. I think the extra cost was around $1000 depending on exchange rate.
  24. Jabiru Phil

    J230 LSA Visitor

    Hi Captain, I have reread my notes of the week end. I can now explain the different reading that you show. The CHT gauge is in fahrenheit and the OT is centigrade!!! I erred in the reading also, should have read 280deg F
  25. Jabiru Phil

    J230 LSA Visitor

    Hi Brentc, I replied to the oil temp on a different post so you may not have seen my latest temps since installing the oil cooler cowl mod. All OK now and temps are 80 oil and 240 CHT (same as your pic) 3 hours at the weekend and no variation. Thanks for the help. Phil.:thumb_up:
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