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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. My source says that engines with latest mods will be exempt from the restrictions. The rest will stay as is. The "A" and "B" argument put forward by the honourable senator PHIL.
  2. Jabiru Phil


    Yes Peter. Mine has the same characteristics that you describe. I first noticed and was very concerned when I turned the prop after refuelling at Narromine from Caloundra to Loxton about 6 years ago. I rang my LAME, an expert on Jab engines and he said " totally normal" Over 500 hours since and still very stiff after taxi back to hangar. I checked another 230 here recently after landing with Similar tendencies. Both about same hours and Definately no fretting evident. More likely as mentioned, piston expansion. Not a problem as far as I am concerned, motor performs to spec. PHIL.
  3. I should have added, nice circuits and radio calls. You kept the alt spot on. PHIL.
  4. Most newbies do it, takes some extra concentration to overcome. Did the same myself. Slap over knuckles fixed it. PHIL.
  5. Hi Bruce, I spoke to Mike tonight, he hasn't been doing much flying lately. He didn't receive an email but could have been a pm which he missed. PHIL.
  6. I had 3 tyre blowouts on the Birdsville track in the 80's. When arriving at the Birdsville pub with blisters on hands and very grubby, I was asked by a guy dressed in white shirt and tie how did I go with my puncture? Turned out he was a pilot and flew over me a few hours before. That's when I decided to take up flying. PHIL.
  7. And a branding iron.
  8. Got my renewal notice plus reminder by email. I am interstate so not sure if a paper reminder was sent. All good, just followed the prompts, filled out the form with hours flown for the year, last BFR dare. Took a snapshot of my doctors report and included as an attachment. Money taken from account. I expect the license to be home when I get back next week.
  9. Hi Tim, Guess I will have to drop in sometime. Black one sugar. Cheers
  10. China by Drone This is a Drone Video, one step further than Drone Photo, And it is in 4K UHD. Note the 3D effect. Enjoy! Enjoy this video in the comfort of your home/office. Very clear and interesting views. One would never have seen these on a ground tour. https://player.vimeo.com/video/107995891
  11. Russ, Dunno if you have Ozrunways, if you do there is a function to translate to plain English. I looked up Horn earlier today, winds 12 kn at 130deg, scattered at 2000 So runway 14 would have been ideal. Cheers
  12. Russ, I have flown to Horn albeit better forecast than you have now. Better to delay if uncomfortable. The get there itis should not be a priority, hope weather improves and you enjoy the trip. Fruit not allowed at Horn or Weipa. They will usually inspect aircraft and spray for bugs. Cheers
  13. Staying with a mate at a small pu in Broken hill years ago, full board. He complained to me that I was sipping his sherry bottle. When I denied if he urinated in the bottle to catch out the culprit. When we left, the woman publican said, nice to have you boys here and hope you don't mind that I put some of your sherry in the soup. Fair dinkum story. PHIL.
  14. Maj and Howie sitting on a cloud with a beer. Looking after us! Never met him but a respected aviator RIP
  15. Your recommendation?
  16. Hats off to jabiru tho......they've come to the rescue for me. In the early days when they were having problems with their oil cooler, I was near Burketown enroute to Kunnanurra, They somehow got a replacement to me to pick up when I landed. Meanwhile they explained how to bypass the cooler safely until then. Still amazed at the service received. PHIL.
  17. Latest I read was Eureka mentioned Jabiru vs CASA
  18. I always carry a hand held radio with headset adaptor in my flight bag as a backup.
  19. Try Jamie at Jabiru. I had a similar problem some time ago and they lent me one until mine was fixed. Charged for it and was credited when returned. When I ordered my new plane, I stipulated two radios. I wasn't that confident with just one, however no hassles since. PHIL.
  20. Hi Russ, If any help to you, I did a couple of trips as a tag along in my 230 with three other craft through Stawell Aviation to The Kimberly region. I have the itinerary with all coordinates distance etc if you would like to have a look. No idea how I can send to you except snail mail? The route was similar to your plans, so maybe of some help. Yes, you need to be well organised with forward and up to date contact with the strip operators for pick up times, No iPhone connections, Pm we if you want the info. Great journey, something you you never forget. HIC is obviously the guru for this area! Best wishes, PHIL.
  21. This is a great topic, learning from this. Keep it up. Cheers, PHIL.
  22. http://i.imgur.com/sCfjWeI.gifv Two shot penalty for hitting the ball twice, Two shot for hitting his elbow. And he still had to putt. PHIL.
  23. I had got into a habit of landing dead stick these past couple of years from base or late down wind. My last BFR instructor told me to tidy up my landings! So, had to come in on final with power to placate. The engine out test was a tick! I will still do no power landings occasionally, you never know! PHIL.
  24. Always two sides of an argument. This is one view. Makes you slightly biased If correct. PHIL. https://www.youtube.com/embed/tJnW8HRHLLw?feature=player_embedded
  25. Not all Muslims are terrorists, But all terrorists are Muslims. Read it somewhere. PHIL.
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