Jab high oil temp.
Hi all!
Saturday was the first fly with the oil cooler mod fitted. Jamestown and return. The oil temp never got over 80 and the cylinder head temp was down 10 deg.
OAT was only 18 though. However I think that this mod did the trick. Thanks for all those who helped with the discussion.
Phil. :thumb_up:
I had a slight incident last year with my old 230. I find it difficult to see the right aileron movement with a passenger. I got into the habit of doing control checks before entering the cabin to assure full movement.
This day I am taxiing for runway and I had a sip of water from a plastic container and as the next landing was about 2.5 hours away I put the bottle on the arm rest with the neck facing towards the bell crank. Left hand turn after take off was restricted by the neck of the bottle jamming against and between the bell crank and rod end!!!
I now ask my passenger to lean forward so I can see the aileron movement.
I assume that this is the reason that the S/B was issued.
I had no problems with the suction type antenna from Bundaberg to home and 40 hours since. Only problem I can see is if the suction cups were to fail, the antenna could cause some distraction on retrieval from the floor.
Many thanks for all the comments.
I think that the unicom operator wanted me to "clear off" as soon as I could to be clear of the aircraft operating to the LEFT of the air field and active runway. I was clear of crowd, buildings and parking areas before turning. 700' being a normal turn, 500' would probably be an early turn by your comments. Maybe I should have broadcast when turning?
I reckon I will in future use the 500' as an early turn unless advised to the contrary by the operator. :thumb_up:
Thanks Brent,
I think I should have turned at the end of runway, thinking about it.
The plane ahead was a twin and that should not have been overhaulable.
Early right turn at Cummins
Hi peter, missed you amongst the 100 odd aircraft at Cummins. We do need some form of identification on our planes to identify ourself.
Question for members, perhaps new member and ATC can help.
I had to leave before the show finished to get home b4 last light, the unicom were very helpful in slotting myself and another Jab in between the perfomances.
All OK and just b4 takeoff, unicom directed me to takeoff and do an EARLY right hand turn. I complied at about 200 ft. It was then that I saw the Helicopter below me at about 2 o'clock and about 150m away, he was travelling away from me to my right.
"what height is an early turn"?
Comments would be appreciated.
Two 230's and a 160 from Loxton will be going. We have been invited to stay at Coota for the duration.
Hope to catch up with some of you. What we need is a sticker of somesorts to put on the plane to identify forum members.
Great idea. Loxton have hanger talk, coffee and BBQ most Sundays for those wishing to visit from near clubs. Jamestown could be enroute for some flyers.
Phone 0418806466 and we will make sure of a welcoming committee.
Hi Flyer Phil,
Just back from Cunnins air show, brilliant!!!
The KR2 is owned by Graham Strout at Renmark. His contact phones are; 0885953495
0428953495 emai; [email protected] He will be very helpful for info as he has done a fair bit of re-building since purchasing.
Hope this will help to KFOWLER.
A Mexican, an Irishman, an African, a kilted Scotsman, a priest, two lesbians, a rabbi and a nun walk into a bar. The landlord looks up and says, "What the hell is this? Some kind of joke?"
Hi Phil,
Great trip report. I am pleased that you enjoyed the visit to our small enthusiastic club.
The invitation is there for visitors who want a coffee break or just a chin wag. We are in attendance Sundays from around 8.30 and BBQ around 12.30. If hanger doors are open we will not be far away.
Cummins air show 5th and 6th of April will deplete some of the members that weekend.
Great stuff Chris, reckon you will be hoping the days go by quickly. Will you need to build a hanger?
I am finalizing my trip to Bathurst before the Queens bithday weekend in June so will miss the BBQ.
I will be intouch when details are concreted,
I would imagine that the cost of investigation of a fatal accident would be greater than the $5K mentioned if carried out by the ATSB. LSA VH registeredf are investigated by the ATSB and can be viewed on their web site.
I personally would like serious accidents and incidents investigated by the highest experienced personel and have wondered for some time why the RAaus do not lobby for this help. The findings would only benifit ourselfs.
Yep, ground speed a depicted on the gps. Land on belt, apply brakes, the weight of the aircraft turns off the belt and as there is no forward motion the plane comes to a smooth halt and taxis off the belt to the parking area.
Dunno, They could have the conveyor belts different colours as moving numbers would be hard to read.
I guess that whatever we write from now on will be patented by the 47 guys that believe in miracles.
A registered name for this invention could be CRAP (conveyor refuses aircraft pilot)
All very interesting except for one thing you guys have missed. If the aircraft flys, why dont the navy have conveyor belts on their aircraft carriers. They would be able to do mutiple take offs with the deck sizes they have and smaller ships would only need a few sqare metres of space to launch aircraft. :thumb_up:
70 minutes Monday, OAT 19 deg, the oil temp never got over 80. I also noticed that the oil level has now dropped to just below the bottom marker line. As this has coincided with the lower temp, it may have some bearing. I will go up again when the OAT is higher and note the difference. I will not add oil yet.
Mod still to do but these now lower temps have me intrigued.