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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. Saw one fitted to a Jab in Italy. I think mandatory there. PHIL.
  2. Italy I think has a mandated brs policy Phil
  3. My favourite, written by an American woman poet. My candle burns at both ends It shall not last the night But o my friends and ah my foes It shall not last the night! Good pic by the way. Phil
  4. Disconnect gauge, if still reading the same, probably a faulty gauge. PHIL.
  5. Following on from what has been posted re Unicom the debate. I remember that about four or five years ago flying into Broome, Unicom was pretty congested. The operator only gave the positions, times and directions the incoming aircraft were inbound from. That left it up to the pilot to slot into the circuit. A different scenarario was at our local airstrip where I (pilot) on the ground broadcast to the incoming aircraft that the active run was X wind so and so etc. I had some concern that I was maybe breaking some rules. I contacted RAAus with my concern. The reply was all ok. I didn't have to have a Unicom licence. So, if an aircraft in the circuit or on the ground, or using a base radio to advise other aircraft the conditions, What's the problem? Happens all the time! Or am I missing something? Phil
  6. Have a pic somewhere of Bradshaw art that I took in a cave there a few years ago. Showed a figure with Wellington boots and a pipe in his mouth, Could have been Captain Cook or earlier? They didn't sign it! Phil.
  7. Interesting spinner attachment on a Jab in Italy I saw recently. Phil
  8. I haven't been able to translate using this site. I get the NAIPS and copy to the translate box but when I hit the translate button a message appears that says. Disclaimer... Not endorsed by Air services BOM or CASA. No translation appears. Tried on I pad, similar result. Phil.
  9. I think it's called something like "free editorial with advert" Happens in most press, country anyway. Phil.
  10. Plenty of space on the grass if no usual tie downs available. Not too good if very wet though. Phil
  11. Edited to IS active Phil
  12. Do this route regularly albeit Narromine refuel stop ex Loxton. My route which would be similar from Dubbo is... Narromine, Moree , Gatton, Somerset dam wall, keep right of Kilcoy and follow the Brisbane Valley to Caloundra. This route has limited tiger country. The other suggestion given via South Straddie, Bribie is one that I keep in mind if the weather over Gatton is RS. I haven't had to use that route yet. Follow the valley from Gatton to the Somerset Dam wall where there are numerous ( smallish) ALA's. I can send an OZ runways flight plan if you like. Great scenery. Watch for fog forecast and keep just left of Amberley air space. Also monitor frequencies for Toowoomba 127.65 and Watts bridge 127.3 and when closer 118.8 Caloundra and Caboolture. My notes say 20 nm from Gatton not above 4500' 20 nm from Somerset 7500' if R620D is active, otherwise 4500' Phil.
  13. By memory, I got the impression that nose wheel aircraft were not around when this was written Could be wrong though. PHIL.
  14. Well for a start. The comment that it is impossible to stall unless you have the stick back! Phil
  15. Gave a couple of copies to mates as Xmas presents a couple of years ago. Very sound and easy to follow chapters. Would recommend Phil.
  16. I am holidaying in the northern part of Italy, about two hours from Milan. I called into the small club yesterday, only the groundsman around but he showed me the planes in the two hangars. Unfortunately we were not able to converse too well, but enough to find out that they have 30 members and about 14 planes. I noticed a Jab amount the gliders, helicopter and fix wing craft. The 3 blade prop was, if I understood him correctly was for better climb performance due to the high alps around the valley of Ciola. Hope the pics turn out. PHIL.
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  17. Very good outcome for the young fella. Full credit must also be given to his instructor, well done. Phil.
  18. Death of The Red Baron (Video) What a terrific job someone did at putting this video clip with great animation and period footage/photos together. Listen to the radial engine sounds and the background music. Very entertaining.
  19. Over 300 hours on Irridium plugs with Avgas, all good. Phil.
  20. I haven't been able to find one yet. PHIL.
  21. Good luck for the future and thanks for your input and posts. Always sensible discussion. You have made the right decision to put family first. PHIL.
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