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Jabiru Phil

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Everything posted by Jabiru Phil

  1. http://www.bea.aero/docspa/2015/d-px150324.en/pdf/d-px150324.en.pdf This report explains the workings and security of the cockpit door that we were in the dark about. PHIL.
  2. Yes, just a few thousand k's Cheers, your twin, PHIL
  3. Dunno, but works in the Riverland SA Probably why they are so cheap Phil
  4. I have had a pair of these in my J230 for a few years now. Brilliant result when early morning easterly departure. Recommend. Phil
  5. Good idea Tim, Keep in touch with your itinerary. I will let our members know of your plans. Third Sunday is the official bbq to tie in with Renmarks breakfast, but we have one weekly anyway. Phil
  6. There is a huge house in our street. The extended family is run by anold woman with a pack of irritable dogs allowed to run without a leash. Her car doesn't even have a number plate, butthe police do nothing. To the best of my knowledge, she has never had a regular job in her life, and herbad-tempered husband is notorious for his racist comments. A shopkeeper blamed him for arranging the murder of his son's ex-wife andher boyfriend, but nothing has ever been proved. All their kids have broken marriages except the youngest, who everyonethinks is gay. Two grandsons are meant to be in the Army but are always out partying innightclubs. One of them just got married and seems to be settling down but the second isout of control. It is not even known if they have the same father. I hate living near Buckingham Palace.
  7. Aldo and Alf, Just finished reading a great book written by Paul Carter. "Smoking Monkeys and Drilling Rigs" Follows his years of working on rigs around the world. Well worth the read. PHIL.
  8. Visited a while back Enroute to Horne Island. Great stopping place, great tour and history of the evolution of the lava tunnels. Vividly remember the wild cow on the runnway, wanting to charge the Jab. Thanks Russ for posting.
  9. Yes, Frank, It always amazes me, thank goodness we live in a democratic system that allows free speech Even FT is allowed to have a say A leaked A D in China and plenty of other country's would mean you are sniffing bricks for a while. Just need to be aware that there are rumours and facts, sometimes hard to tell apart. Forums give some pleasure for whatever reason, probably lonely key board sleuths, but they keep the site going with their comments. Someone made a comment recently that we have newbie members here and wanted them to be be aware of the fact that this is a real problem for them to sift the crap. Hope so! Let's hope that some good will eventuate from the "leaked AD" and the perpetrator is not hung and dried! Just another interesting and informative comment to investigate. PHIL Just read your post after this Frank, sorry if I have misread your intentions. Phil
  10. Perhaps I should elaborate Went for a short fly today, first since returning home from the Sunshine Coast two weeks ago. I gave the prop a pretty big once over, not sure if I knew what I was looking for without a special light source. Also not sure if I am qualified to inspect anyway. Still had both blades intact on my return to base. PHIL.
  11. Not a laughing matter IMHO Phil
  12. Just reread Craig's post to make sure that he is getting the see sawing BEFORE he contacts the runway. Nothing to do with wheel barrowing. I find this very unusual unless excessive rudder input is applied. Camel has posted the classic approach for the 230. What I suggested was to use half flaps for a while before trying to master full flap landings, consequently a slightly higher approach speed, round out and gradual stick back to settle on mains at or near stall. Mostly I use half flap unless near nil wind conditions. The remainder of flap is used if too high and I look like missing my touch down point. Phil
  13. Welcome Craig, I posted a reply, hope it helps. I have over 600 hrs in the 230. Great touring machine. PHIL
  14. Try 70kn over the fence with flaps at take off position for a few landings, wash off speed over the keys. This will get you on the runway a tad faster and help stop the ballooning you get. Full flaps take a fair while to master. Probably a hundred or so before I got it right. I still prefer half flaps, except on short runways. Apart from X wind landings, I have never had the nose do what you describe. Just wondering if the flap adjustments are correct. Let's know the outcome sometime. PHIL.
  15. Things are not always as they seem: Theatre Seats for Seniors An old man lay sprawled across three entire seats in the theatre. When the usher came by and noticed this, he whispered to the old man, "Sorry sir, but you're only allowed one seat." The old man didn't budge. The usher became more impatient. "Sir, if you don't get up from there I'm going to have to call the manager." Once again, the old man just muttered and did nothing. The usher marched briskly back up the aisle, and in a moment he returned with the manager. Together the two of them tried repeatedly to move the old dishevelled man, but with no success. Finally they summoned the police. The officer surveyed the situation briefly then asked, "All right buddy what's your name?" "Fred," the old man moaned. "Where are you from, Fred?" asked the police officer. With a terrible grunt and without moving Fred replied... "The balcony."
      • 5
      • Haha
  16. I flew into Giles via Ayres Rock a couple of years ago. They have Met guys on I think 6 month rotations. Interesting to see the balloons activated every few hours and info they send back to a computer, all sent to a central computer in Canbera. There are a few of these sites around OZ. Temp, wind and pressure recorded. Phil
  17. Hi Ryan, Fully agree with Chris' comments. I have only done about 60 hours with mine but I cannot fault it. A flying buddy bought one for his J160 a while back, swears by it. Highly recommend. PHIL.
  18. I agree with your comments. But when a statement comes from the horses mouth, so to speak, that anything smaller than an iPad mini is illegal, one has to take notice. i.e. iPhone is a no no. PHIL.
  19. Frank, Good point . This was discussed at the talk they gave. Bottom line was that the scale is not the same, so illegal. PHIL
  20. Sorry, came from the CASA rep. Someone asked what was the penalty for this? Didn't know offhand. Phil
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