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Everything posted by Nick

  1. Re: Sydney - Brisbane - Port Vila Thanks Robbo :D But they don't have a Starbucks :( :( :( or a Gloria Jeans :( :( :( i guess i will have to grab one in sydney
  2. Hey everyone i havn't been posting alot i have been busy you know how it is lol anyway i'm off to Port Vila but i have a 3 hour stop over in brisbane is there anything to do in the Brisbane international terminal? (any starbucks or Gloria Jeans?) I fly up to brisbane a fair bit but have only been to the domestic terminal so i don't know. Any help would be much appreciated :D Cheers
  3. Hey jacko hope you have fun mate remember don't take 95% airport pics mate :( Take 99% Have Fun!!!
  4. Nick

    QF 777's?

    I can't really imagine a Qantas 777 but if they get them wow
  5. Now come on jack you make photography sound like a chore mate [-X
  6. Cool A380 http://pic.mota.ru/avia/img/avia_172.jpg My Fav of the Luffy 737 (this should be in an art gallery) http://www.fabuloussavers.com/wallpapers/140b.jpg The AS350 http://www.pics-go.com/wpapers/1387.jpg
  7. eeewwwweeee
  8. Hey Darren i have been to Macau when i went to Hong Kong we caught the fairy over for the day one of those high speed cats. It was like 2 bucks for normal or 5 bucks for first which is upstairs we went first and you get lunch and a drink and huge seats so it was really cool. We got a guy in an old Mercedes to drive us around when we got there. and yes there are alot of church's and alot of history. But make sure you go to macau tower if you make it up in the glass elevator and then make it past the glass floors at the top then you can bugee jump of the top thats right bunjee. make sure you catch the fairy over to hong kong Kowloon terminal i am pretty sure. I was only there for a day but i would definately go back it has mroe of a portugese effect than a chinese one i am sure you will like it have fun :D
  9. Brand: Nikon Model: D40X Lense: 18-55mm Accessories: 2GB SD card When i try to blur out the background on a moving object i usually shoot PASM mode S with shutterspeed set around 160-250 or i just shoot on automode. This is a pic on auto mode (taken throught glass)
  10. I watched it last night and WOW. Buggati won;t let them put a veyron around there test track but for some reason they gave them two veyrons to do the test with. Go TopGear!!!
  11. I would prob buy that lense if i had a couple of grand laying around but i don't lol
  12. it was worth the wait thanks alot Glenn :D
  13. Check these ground to air pics out now thats somthing ey :!: http://www.skystef.be/contrail4.htm
  14. The flight home was the flight from hell by yesterday afternoon i had been awake for 36 hours so i was not in the mood at all lol It all started of by waking up at 8am on the 26th cruised down to breaky and then rented a car and visited the oil fields (Brunei's main income is oil) and then fianlly ended up checking out at 6pm dropped the car of at Brunei airport around 7pm. There is nothing and i mean nothing to do in Brunei airport before customs or after it so it was a 7 hour wait before i flight left at 1am :evil: As soon as i borded i saw the worst possible thing you want to see at 1am in the morning no personal tv screens :evil: Well i ended up drinking coffee and looking out the window for 7 and a half hours... When the wheels touched down in Sydney there was nothing better :D Well time for some photo's My plane loading up While taxing to 16R i snapped a pic of the A380 Crusing at 32,000 On approach to Brunei The tower at Brunei how cool does it look Saigon airport (big but no people :?: ) This pic is totally un aviation related but this is the fuel price in a country thats full of oil :D http://i215.photobucket.com/albums/cc109/Nick_Da/PIC02589.jpg Cheers Nick 8)
  15. No more coming sorry Jack my Blog got deleted some how ????????? :? So i thought i would give it a miss please i would like other people to give it a go though!
  16. Woke up nice and early at 4:30am to drive down to Sydney from Newcastle to catch my flight. Check in was quick and easy so i was very happy spent the remaining time taking some pics drinking some coffee. I had entertainment onboard which was good but the the movies were pretty old only 2-3 movies worth watching. The guy infront of me kept ripping his seat back into my face so about 30min before we were to land i asked if he could put his seat up please he told me no so i showed him how we do it in aus (Oii D*** H*** MOVE YOU SEAT NOW) for sum reason he never hassled me again lol :shock: I had a 2 hour stop over in Brunei before continueing on to Saigon the airport had no air con but the internet and coffee were cheap so i was happy. The A319 was a really nice aircraft to fly on and for some reason Saigon airport was not as busy as i expected. Anyway we were told on our travel documents that we had a late check out at 6pm because our flight left at 9pm but when we got to the hotel at 1pm after shopping we were told it would cost us 50 bucks or we get packed and get out in 20min.So of we went left in 20 minutes caught a cab to the airport and it was about a 7 hour wait so 8 beers and a couple of coffee with baileys later it was time to board, walking on the plane was a bit difficult if you get my idea especially because Royal Brunei is a dry airline and Brunei is a dry country (no booze at all and here i am). Food was good the plane was empty so all in all very smooth very comfortable. I still got the 8 hour trip home and heaps of photo's so stay tuned :D Cheers Nick
  17. Great photo Glenn (as always) i can't wait untill i pick up my new SLR :D
  18. Thanks for the help guys :D Thanks avi for telling us about the V thing, i think i will pick up a 300mm and sumthing bigger because i do want those long shots up high :D Thanks for tip on focal length chainy
  19. YEAH!!! Go jack hope you have fun mate i need a holiday :D Its a long flight flown it many times make sure you get entertainment who you flying? Also hate to burst your bubble but i really really disliked Los Angeles as a city the airport is cool but the city is bad :( Can you tell us where your connecting to after KLAX? Make sure you take lots and lots of photo's jack and make sure its a long trip report :D
  20. I just bought a Nikon D40X duty free haven't looked at it fully i pick it up when i come back. My question does anyone own or have any experience with this camera an if so what size lense would you suggest? I am mostly photographing aircraft so yeah. Any help is appreciated :D Cheers Nick 8)
  21. Thankyou very much guys :D it was a great flight i got personal entertainment so very happy. I am sitting in Brueni airport right now waiting for my connection to Saigon the humidity is starting to get to my dad. He much appreciated the audio :D Can't wait for that video Darren talk soon Cheers Nick 8)
  22. God there are some nice people on here =D> thanks Daren callsign BI 194 Ok give me exact date and time and I will even put the audio up here for you [/quote:1n7xree2] Talk about nice your definately gettin a postcard lol :D Departure date 20th May Departure Time 12:00 Callsign BI 194 Route Sydney - Brunei
  23. God there are some nice people on here =D> thanks Daren callsign BI 194
  24. Only 2 more days untill i leave i just thought i would post up some pictures of the the aircraft i will travel on i never realised how beautiful there golden yellow livery was :D http://www.airliners.net/photo/Royal-Brunei-Airlines/Airbus-A319-132/0862854/L/ http://www.airliners.net/photo/Royal-Brunei-Airlines/Boeing-767-33A-ER/1185489/L/
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