Well yet another holiday i did this one a couple of months ago.
Well it started of badly to begin with i rocked up at check in at Qantas there's the first problem. They told us that we could not sit together as a family one side of me said yipee and the other said OMG i might sit next to some weirdo but anyway i stuck with it. So went through customs went and got a pizza which in true airport style cost me an arm and a leg. Sat around in the terminal which had repairs going on which was annoying but then again it was the new terminal for the A380 so i was ok with it.
There were screaming kids and broken chairs and planks of wood for walls it was pretty depressing so i went to the duty free store where i bought a new 2GB sd card for my camera that took about 20min.
I went and got another arm and a leg pizza but they were closing so all they had was a hawaiin which made scence because i was going to hawaii.
Well boarding time came around and as i walked down the jet way i said goodbye to the family and took my seat. Every person that walked by i thought please don't be him please be her not him etc etc.
By this time it was around 9pm
Well to my surprise an Irish women sat next to me. She was very nice and plesant to talk to, she was back packing around the world. well after much discussion and many lost hands at snap (i blame it on the luck of the irish). She fell asleep, i soon followed.
As the sun came up almost everyone was out of there seat no one was sitting down they were all going to the toilet i was thinking what the hell very strange. Anyway there was a very nice flight attendent he was from africa i nick named him humphry because he was about 8 foot tall and could kill me in one punch but he was so nice.
He came by gave me a pen and a deck of cards plus 2 extra meals because you know no body gets enough food out of airline meals.
Well after we landed we were taken by a bus into customs but its very very different in Honolulu airport its more relaxed no windows no scary security guards every 20 metres.
Well after much laying around on the beach and going surfing i went to the island of Hilo were i visited a dinner Kens diner actually the planes came so low that you could scream as loud as u could and no body could hear you. it was the true american dinner the huge cook that probably sleeps with a meat clever under his pillow.
Anyway after that it was home again the flight home was like every other but custom's wasn't i was pulled over taken into an interigation room i was scared shitless. They thought i was smuggling drugs they did the test's and i was clear the full story was i bought some 2 kilo's of beef jerky from walmart and they thought no body can eat that much but they found it was clean but they still took it off me. Thats it no more writing i have already writen enough now just some pictures for you all enjoy.
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There was a mountan in Hilo which was 15 000 feet high and the rental car company said don't drive up it so what do you do... drive up it off course here she is at the top.
The view from the hotel
Well i hoped you enjoyed
Cheers Nick 8)