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Everything posted by willatodd

  1. what a read someone needs to write a book about this man
  2. i diddnt go full screen and still got the music maybe my comment on youtube was a bit premature!!!!!
  3. thanks for the welcome, you wont get a better turn than the gyro tail turn now that is fun!!! im based in Kempsey at the moment and flew the gyro's out of kempsey airport , im up for almost anything with wings these days between the gliding and gyros was a 10 yr break im hoping like hell not to wait that long b4 taking the controls again just waiting now till i can get some of the hard earned out of the grips of the kids and have some me time!!
  4. was booked in too and then a work function came up and now i cant we could say im not real happy!!!
  5. Well evening folks, this site keeps telling me to introduce myself so here goes. previously flew gliders through air cadets went solo then went broke so saved some pennies then went flying gyros (uncle wanted to do photography out of one needed a pilot) uncle changed mind no gyro for solo then broke!! now looking at ra aus for when i got the pennies again to fly to get back into it. More a forum watcher then a contributor not a lot an earthbound bloke can contribute at the moment. But for now I’ll keep hassling Scotty to take me flying!!!!!
  6. that is hot scotty i have booked in for the RDO's at work for the Maiden!!!!!!!
  7. thats just what my instructor in bathurst did years ago at about 200ft rope's goone!!!!! he thought it was hilarious me not so much
  8. you can delete THOSE photos scotty!!!!!!
  9. good to see i still got the photos b4 everyone else and lots more too!!!!! getting my daily fix of my build log for sure!!!!!!!
  10. i did my solo through the air cadets back in the 90's it was great every school holidays go to bathurst and have a ball two groups one week each was the standard back then i cant recall a single disagreement whilst i was going down there.
  11. well im cheating coz it would be in a gyro but fly till you found the softest looking trees then get low and slow as you can in a gyro then a controlled vertical descent onto the trees. and climb at best rate for as long as i could finding those trees
  12. http://www.recreationalflying.com/showthread.php/128286-I-ve-got-a-new-job!!!-(who-cares...)?highlight=cares.... link to post. is this the one??
  13. check the tread ""i got a new job who cares"""i think it was in there might be wrong
  14. bloody scotty you and your forum abuse who woulda thought someone would let you fly their plane solo!!!!! CONGRATS!!
  15. carefull russ i might just hold you to that
  16. thanks for starting here russ i been thinking it for a while being a gyro student and all!!! drives me mad, looking to convert to RA now i think it will be the easiest way to get in the air
  17. i sang row row row your boat, a little bit of tradition apparently. then the s***s started as i realised no one told the tug pilot i was first solo and we were heading for 2000ft AGL where the lift was had to get him on the radio to take me back closer to the strip.
  18. have to put my two bobs worth in here i started flying in an old blanik glider and side slipping was a standard approach i can say now that i am glad i did as it has come in handy with every other aircraft i have flown most recently the gyro albeit only to compensate for the x wind landings. ( only gyro training and only ever soloed the gliders so experience very limited).
  19. hi all, just started flying gyros and have been looking for an old mate of my late fathers. his name is boy norton and lived out in the riverina area of nsw outside of lake cargelligo. he flew what i believe was an american drifter and did his ppl with my father. have heard a few different rumors of what he is up to now but have no real idea any help appreciated. your friendly publican Todd
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