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TAA up-into-the-air

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Everything posted by TAA up-into-the-air

  1. Maybe Remember that there are only about 18,000 pilots with valid medicals in the GA/ RPT sphere, so $165,000 is $9 each. #casa were giving away free cups of barista coffee at the event, so one would need two cups to get any value at all. Not the way I want to see my money spent!! Maybe if you look at the #casa annual report, or put in an FOI you could determine what #casa are actually doing. These are a direct reply from Robert Walker on an FOI request.made in July 2017. Other requests can be found on: Results page 1
  2. AOPA has a facebook page: AOPA Australia, which will keep you updated and a much upgraded web site at www.aopa.com.au A lot is going on: Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association Australia July 16 at 4:50pm · Local government across Australia needs to start working with the aviation industry and community. It is this very kind of abuse of our airport assets that is contributing to general aviation decline nationwide. Where have the necessary protections been? Where is the Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development and their oversight/safeguards to stop/prevent abuses of industry? Where is Transport Minister, Darren Chester, standing up for the men and women of this industry, pledging his support? It's time for genuine change. Effect on Glider Pilots at Benalla
  3. This demonstrates how far ca$a are behind the world in regulation compliance. Even Rhodesia is better!!
  4. 2016 is with us and a review of what has happened is due about this time. 2016 review
  5. My understanding this is not an appointment by casa, but comes directly from Mrdak. Read Minister Chester
  6. Latest is Shane Carmody appointed Temp to position. Why was Aleck not considered?? Was it about his I'll founded comments to the Press?? on Jabiru MTF
  7. What a crock. You are not talking about the same person I have met. Skidmore is a person who avoids questions, walks away from direct issues. Does not understand the issues facing small business and aviation. Further he has been led by the nose by people such as Jonathan Aleck. Happy to show you the evidence. Mark was informed of the problem issues and people at the initial stages of his tenure. The Jabiru example and that of the #colmarbrunton survey disaster certainly do not give me or the Australian aviation industry any confidence. Introduction of the #FAA far's immediately, is the only way forward.
  8. The person here is Jonathon Aleck. AKA The Witchdoctor
  9. That Skidmore has gone does point to a problem of proper reform in way required by #asrr. The Forsyth way must now be implemented immediately. Part of this is the US far's. Dumping of a complicated, complex Reg set is part of that process. A good set of "b....L's" is the requirement of the Senate in a direction to the minister. Over 300m has already been spent. No more
  10. There were three articles, plus a series of interviews on ABC plus a Today Show story yesterday [sorry about on-its-side for first 10 seconds!!!]. Dick Smith made some major concessions for the big-iron, but much more should be taken from this with Alan Jones taking up the cudgells on Friday 5th June 2015. More to come I would expect. The Dick Smith story is summarised on: http://vocasupport.com/dick-smith-has-a-win-against-casa-with-commonsense/ Just remember, we need good regulations, a simpler Part 61 from the FAA or the NZ Regs put in place, not exemptions and just another re-write.
  11. Yep, just reminded of the AVMED effect, CVD and the pilot: http://vocasupport.com/2015-changes-to-dame-handbook/
  12. Here is an update on these costings, which amount to a total $352 million over 9-years, removed from aviation: http://vocasupport.com/casa-gets-extra-400m-what-for/
  13. 2015 budget gives casa another $25m this year In the current budget, casa gets another $25 this year and up to $100m from a continuing avgas/ avtur levy by the budgeted 2019 year. This levy was supposed to finish in June 2014. http://vocasupport.com/casa-budget-2015-what-is-revealed/ A major cost that is not justified, to the entire aviation industry.
  14. Shane Urquhart, the father of one of the 15 victims talked on ABC - 612 tonight. It is worthwhile listening to the background of the accident, the effects and the effect of the regulator. http://vocasupport.com/lockhart-river-shane-urqhart-talks-to-abc-612-in-brisbane/ RIP
  15. Further information on some of the protagonists: http://vocasupport.com/legal-links-in-casa/
  16. CASA, Coroner's Courts and the Ombudsman The following is a compilation of this report and the situation leading up to the Ombudsman's review: http://vocasupport.com/ombudsman-hits-casa-over-inaction-on-coroners-courts/ It demonstrates that there is a broad ranging problem.
  17. Senator Xenophon stops the CASA regulations: Part 145 Manual of Standards And about time this happened with the disaster set of regs served up by CASA. $250m and counting. Then there is the $89.9m and counting from the continuing avgas/ avtur levy. _______________________________________________________________________ The Disallowance Alert lists all instruments subject to a notice of motion for disallowance (whether at the instigation of the committee or an individual senator or member). The progress and eventual outcome of any such notice is also recorded. http://vocasupport.com/senator-xenophon-stops-the-casa-regulations/
  18. For you information, John McCormick was nominated for ICAO Chief, but there was an under-current of objections to this appointment - probably the nomination was the reason for him leaving "quietly" last February!! A Chinese woman was appointed to the position.
  19. The #MH370 is a real mystery, with a year passing and no wreckage. [/url] This has the recent senate estimates information to read. There has also been a review of the immsarrat data undertaken by a Canadian - worth the read.
  20. Goulburn airport operator hits operators with a restrictive NOTAM. Details are: http://www.pprune.org/pacific-general-aviation-questions/540919-goulburn-final-death-throws.html
  21. US-FAR’s Please Enough talk already, well done Senator Xenophon and team. The reply to the Senate over the PelAir report was given to the Senate around 4.45PM on Thurday 20th March 2014 and well reported on pprune. The aviation world really does know what is needed and it is to get rid of the rubbish that remnants of the 2-airline policty have left us, re-structure the CAAct and un-lock the shackles. The type of regulation casa has put in place has led us [kicking and screaming] to this point. And in some cases at huge cost to participants as casa “get it wrong” – the current AVMED debacle over CVD and other assesments are examples. Polar Aviation, Barrier and others. Any number of of represenations to casa – such as the well documented case put by the AAAA show the philliblustering that occurs. I am well aware that similar representations put to atsb recieve the same fate [Dick Smith and Benalla, Shane Urqhart and Lockhart River]. What is worse in these cases is the complicity of casa to bury information and “escape”. Is the resignation of mccormick the first real crack in the casa shell?? Well exposed by Nick [is the casa conflict of interest] and the senate team in PelAir inquiry and the use of people such as Ian Harvey, the barrister commonly used by casa when “things get sticky” as Counsel assisting the Coroner in the Lockhart River inquest. The ASRR inquiry must reflect the will of the aviation industry, not be watered down and fully implemented.
  22. Current submissions to the ASRR: http://vocasupport.com/election/regulatory-review-2013/asrr-submissions/
  23. There is no risk of the directness of the AAAA submission and that of Phil Hurst should be congratulated. It is a pity that all involved in aviation don't stand up and be counted. The fear of retribution is certainly "alive and well" and unfortunately is real. The cosy relationship between ATSB and CASA, exposed in the PelAir inquiry is to be condemned and this type of internal interference with investigations has been traced by some as related to the 15 deaths at Lockhart River and the six deaths at Benalla. The DAS [McCormick] and ultimately the CASA Board have a lot to answer for in how poorly aviation is working in Australia. The regs need changing to the US-FAR's and the CAAct completely re-written. The way forward is to pro-actively start ringing, writing and e-mailing the Minister, the Board and your local member. The relationship of high regulatio, it's removal and improvement to business that results, has a specific MP allocated to it. e-mail address is: [email protected]
  24. I believe that there is no "next time" - surely we have had enough. That casa spends $250m and the regs are still not adequate [Look at the Part 61, where the first 90 odd words have to do with operators, not pilots], thus the Part 61 is defunct. We must now stand up for a reasonable go, not expect a corrupt casa [i have lots of examples] to "look after" us. As I said before: We must "suck it in", ditch the OZ debacle and immediately introduce the US-FAR's or NZ-CAA system. Call the Board, tell them what you want.
  25. Yes the AAAA is a ripper submission as to how an organisation tried to get changes but was stopped by CASA. The resultant submission can be found here, with other submissions as they become public. The response by the CASA Board [and at 5PM on a Friday afternoon] is just rubbish and will not engender any support of further change. The cost so far since the "process" began, exceeds $250million of our dollars. It has to stop. Tell the Board and the ASRR [Truss review] that we have to have change. We must "suck it in" ditch the OZ debacle and immediately introduce the US-FAR's or NZ-CAA system.
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