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Steve Donald

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Everything posted by Steve Donald

  1. Tiny tach is best and safer the old system used to stop the engine with a tack failure. Your question was replied there is no grey wire on that old 503
  2. Gota love Glider pilots every flight ends with a forced landing.
  3. Congrats awsome project
  4. Ive had fair amount of time in the Sonerai 11L very responsive spins easy builds speed fast if your not on it quick as it bites there was a wing mod AD years ago some dont have it . The aircraft was originally designed as a Formula V Pilon Racer 18ft 6 wingspan . If its ended up inverted on the ground you cannot get out something i took a lot of notice of. I hope this Man is found just awful
  5. The news reported the Beacon was activated at 2015 light is not an issue or indicates the Aircraft was flying the investigation will reveal what happened, God bless Luke and his Family a great young Man he will be dearly missed.
  6. Oh hell really no way I could handle anything like that, what the hec have I got myself into what a mess.
  7. Thank you, Your Wife is a wise Woman, I have heard similar views from Doctor Aviators for years now it certainly ups the cost for insurance for all of us and in each category that we require it. As for points 1&2 Spot on, Cheers Steve
  8. Once I'm feeling better I will Complete an accurate accessment of the cause, I think it unwise to guess because some people start fiddling with their engines to search of a bogus, and then may lead to creating one, its happened on a few Jab engines I know of so as soon as I find the exact problem I will post it immediately .
  9. No it's not RAAUZ this fellow chased around looking for compensation and finally phoned RAAUZ he said they told him he had to write me a letter of demand then I send it to RAAUZ with a copy of the accident report, Then RAAUZ send it to PBS insurance brokers in Sa the insurance co is Alliance, But no no payments made yet and when they do accept a claim then I get hit with a excess cost, I was told they often delay the processing order to observe if doubts arise which can then cost the claimant even genuine cost he has his own income cover no waiting period , he does the same job as me , I am at work now 12hr shift did a 3hr this morning he's talking another month off yet, he's partying towing boats fishing quad bike riding, no way could I d those things but I can do my job bloody sore, but satisfying because the contrast is s o evident I will post my CT report just so others can see what I am saying is fact, this has been very interesting , but I must say how great it is to get advise support and objective ideas, and for that I am very thankful cheers guys
  10. Yea I know Mike, but you have to get it correct some punctuation correct I actually enjoy writing but thos ,,,....?..,,"" give me the pips after 3 Scotches doesn't mix with Endone to well ha
  11. I hope your right Mike, I'm really stressed about it, I just can't believe the formal request,I had already said send me your bills anyway,I just felt ill so I got a Dr to clear me for work start back Fri , I will stay on my back until then hopefully it will hold good enough
  12. Y Yea I know mate and agree but it's hard to take when this happens, aim glad all has worked out well for you .I also agree its a great thing to do have so many good times and adventure people don't understand it , but I guess I'm just at the end of the road I guess overall beware of those with no integrity as people. All the best Steve
  13. Yes my concern's were written in a continuance , without regard for spelling or punctuation . However when I write reports for the Courts such as Social background reports to assist children in distress, The Judges take favour in my information as an author who provides the situation at the time. Sir Professor Hedley at Adelaide Uni said, those that can do, those that cannot teach , thank you for your compassion the world is round and comes around each day, you have a good day Sir
  14. Hiya fellow pilots, well we all know how mind blowing flight is every time we take off and land, and don't we talk about it, and look skyward every time you hear a familiar sound and this incredible thing we enjoy you just want to share with your friends . Well think again don't do it might as well fly single seat on thr 1st of this month I pranged my Lightwing engine st itself bad country no where to go but a crap scub paddock so in I go and stall it on to the crap, we walked away my mate had two stitches to the head sore bum, me broken l5 which I was not aware of gave first aid to my mates head. Saw him off in the ambo I refused an ambo went home had a shower and then went to the hospital I was not good bp 200/100 scann showed fractured l5 . I have spent 4days in hos. Told to have 2 weeks bed rest before a surgeon can look at it due to swelling thought I was going ok until today, my mate rocks up saying RAAUZ says I have to give you a letter of demand for compensation medical cost glasses and shirt and jumper that the ambos cut off, during the time I have been resting this fellow has been out partying helped a mate yesterday and drove out to pick up his 20ft north bank boat and take to his house whilst his friend got his car repaired. I am devastated now I have an access to pay with RAAUZ ins plus whatever crap gets chucked my way Never would I again offer or accept a request to or from a mate to share something special. I'm gettin on and scarred of being screwed I had plans for retirement was planning on buying a coast property near my daughter and kick back a bit. But instead I Am getting a clearance from a dr tomorrow to go back to work , fri I work security high end stuff but due to my mate have no choices now end of flying for me this. Mate has screwed my head if my back breaks at work in an altercation so be it its my fault I took a mate fore a ride he returned the favour, no thanks for the good outcome most that saw the scene and circumstances say not aa survivable situation what more can I say I feel like crawling into a hole top it off I'm on my own tonight it's gona be he'll I hate this its all about $$$$$$$$$
  15. Hi thanks mate I am sure I will be back in action fairly soon and having this media and support is great I am lucky compared to the suffering others have endured amongst our aviating family no burns or major issues that are life changing apart from the lesson in appreciating what we have , these things do make you reflect , all the best Steve
  16. Hiya I am feeling a lot more comfortable this morning, yea 380 was great to fly I had replaced rod ends engine mounts fitted a new Bolly it was so smooth and cruised nice at 70kts I loved it best tail wheel I have had since my Sonerai, I just enjoy tail wheel flying wish I could get up for a fly now, but I think after waisting so much cash now and at 55 I should hang up the headsets ill post in the classifieds all the gear inst h sets intercoms down the track when I am mobile, the worst part of these events as a pilot is looking across at your passenger and seeing their total reliance on you, he was very brave and remained well braced without any distraction to me, but hard to take knowing is not going to be real nice, leaves you feeling guilty well that's how I feel, then all the what ifs hit you in the head, he's been really nice about it as well visits me in hospital phones all the time I'd prefer a punch in the head that part doesn't hurt , funny thing is he batched all the numbers descent rate area freq reg no date time you name it and used the data for cross lotto tickets, anyway mate all the best Steve
  17. Thanks everyone for your thoughts and best wishes, and yea I found it helpful to put it out there as well as helpful to others in some way, my mate Rob went home this morning couple of stitches in his head and a sore bum and wrist The press here wrote it up wrong made me sound awfull saying my pass went to hospital and me being worried more about the plane, I actually was scrambling around and found my first aid kit and treated robs head,the aircraft was of no importance once rob was off to the hospital I phoned RAAus and gave them the info Astb then phoned me as did SAR so I was at the scene for 1.5hrs b4 I left for the hospital but I didn't know my back was broke I just had pain, weird as it sounds no pain when it happened just shows be careful post accident, you can be in a really bad state and not know it
  18. . Thanks Mike yea I had 98 hp pt Augusta still here I need more X-rays a ct before they move me to see how much chord involvement is there I am optimistic I can feel everything and move it and the pain is a good thing just for the record the iPad survived and OzRunways was still runing sorry about the spelling and punt I can't focus real good and thanks to all of you well wishers on the forum and for some that have not had a prang there are lots of options when the fan stops pick one and commit to it fly all the way in treat it just like a normal short field landing on your home strip always the best outcome even if you do get hurt ok got to go this nurse is gona kill me in sec if I don't put the iPhone away cheers everyone
  19. Yep rough paddock I new exactly what the terrain was like 582 engine the plane is a right off great airframe like the jabs no surging this in most others my mate got head slashed 2 stitches and seat belt burn and bruises and me I got a broken back rather me than my passenger I am druged up but want facts out there not speculations hell I'm sore but ok
  20. bugger the sections of the act or the abillities to quote superfluous crap, just follow them to a landing point and show them their error in judgement, some make mistakes like anyone can and some just dont give a shit or bother learning the rules or are too dumb to understand how their actions can affect others, or the posible outcomes for that matter. but hey it happens everywhere on the road water you name it, they are everywhere fly accordingly .
  21. oh yes that looks the part bloody serious prop hec it would have heaps of static thrust bet the brake wont hold it, even the 3 blade i had to tie off to hold it for run up test, but yea nice props for sure lightwing only approve bolly and Kieve which i havent heard about for years and thats it for prop choices acording to Howard, still Bolly kicks arse anyway so i am happy.
  22. 582 blue top are you getting 75 out of the 582 ? i asked about the 2 blade 72 inch and they talked me out of it, i know 2 blades is best 2 for go 3 for show, glad your happy with that the 100hp rotax only just makes 80 ish thats a good outcome for you for sure.
  23. Bolly 68inch 3 blade great performer just fitted one 70 it cruise and is approved for Lightwing
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