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Everything posted by Windshear

  1. I should have specified I'm looking for intercom audio only. The problem is that it is extremely quiet. I don't want to have to go through the fuss of returning the cable though. I'll definitely try the lapel mic next time. Thanks for the tip!
  2. Greetings, I won a GoPro (Hero 3+ Silver) around two weeks ago and I've taken it up flying with a cable which allows the camera to record audio from the intercom and pick up all radio chatter. On my recordings, the audio has came across as extremely faint and inaudibly quiet at some parts of the flight. The other aircraft in the area came across even worse. My attempts to amplify and clean up were not met with success. Here were my raw results: (And appreciate it if you don't share this one) I'm just generally asking if anyone has any solutions or suggestions because I know there a few of you on here who frequently use GoPro's. Many thanks in advance.
  3. Anyone from the Gold Coast/Brisbane willing to accept a tag-along? I've got no ride up there.
  4. I'd definitely go up to Oakey.
  5. With the CMA airshow down at Point Cook next month happening, is anyone else on here going?
  6. Right back at you with 1 SQN patches.
  7. Yeah, I know. We use their buildings.
  8. Apologies in advance for the selfie, don't tell my CFI!
  9. Don't quote me on this, this event occurred before my time. Sometime in the past 15 or so years the same aircraft stalled on landing and both wings were replaced and the fuse fully restored.
  10. TSG was a very well looked after aircraft. The only problem I can recall (if you could call it that) was that all the pilots I had talked to reported the aircraft had a tendency to naturally bank to the left and you (the pilot) would have to be correcting the aircraft throughout the duration of the flight. This is something apparently not present on our other tiger moth (VH-ASB). EDIT: Would that be worthy of contacting the ATSB over? I still haven't received a knock on my door.
  11. Some more food for thought. GoPro #1; Typically set to take a high resolution photograph every 2 seconds from engine startup to shutdown. Mounted on the wing facing towards the aircraft. GoPro #2; Typically set to record a 720p video from engine startup to shutdown. Mounted behind the windshield facing towards the two occupants and the rear of the aircraft. GoPro #2's Field of View
  12. Cheers. Jim was just about the nicest guy you could ever meet. He had a fantastic personality, loved what he did, would always stop what he'd be in the middle of just to help me out with anything. He was just a terrific guy and had flying skills to match. And that's no sympathy story simply because he's gone, I legitimately can't think of one bad action to put to his name. First in to work, always the last out. I'm going to miss him.
  13. For all those who don't know, I work at Tiger Moth Joy Rides handling the phones, washing the aircraft and mowing the apron (with a push mower, don't laugh). I was not at work when the accident happened (I've been at RAAF Amberley the past 10 days). Please try not to make this thread go super public but if anyone has burning desires then feel free ask. I'll address the GoPro SD card topic as I see it. We don't use the waterproof housings for our cameras. It's certain that the camera's raw housing and subsequently the SD card were exposed to salt water.
  14. I'm hoping to slot on next years GFPT/PPL course with the AAFC @ RAAF Amberley. They provide nomex flight suits for the duration of the course but I'll probably invest in my own for keeps. Beyond that, from what you guys have said is a decent headset (I'll probably skip an ANC one for now) and I'm throwing between a kneeboard setup or a 7" tablet. What is everyone's opinion on gloves?
  15. As someone who's to start commencing flying training soon, I best want to prepare myself for the future. Just from me to you guys, what are some of those cockpit essentials that you just couldn't see yourself flying without? Pretty much anything that makes flying more convenient.
  16. Cheers fellas, I appreciate the warm welcome.
  17. Greetings everyone. As far as the obligatory introductory posts go, I'll keep this one short. The name's Chris, I just came on 17 years of being on this planet (come on, age diversity is usually never a bad thing :P ), and I'm about to properly start my GFPT/PPL course at YAMB early next year. I've done some flying here and there. I'm currently working at Tiger Moth Joy Rides on the Gold Coast as one of the ground support crew (image below). Mowing the apron by hand and loving every second of it! Beyond aviation, photography, technology, the ADF (and other militaries), modern history and music are my other most prevalent interests. I'm a graphic designer as well. My studies are winding down for the year so I thought it was a good idea to start to socialize with the aerial brethren I intend to share the rest of my life with. I'll catch you gents around. Peace ~
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