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Everything posted by jeffd

  1. yep no matter what high system u hav it comes down to the infantry at close quarters to go in and take and hold the terrain.if u think that war can be made to look nice if u can fight it from a distance u r probably going to lose everytime, fix bayonets close with and kill the enemy.
  2. well im learning to fly so that 1 day i will get my raa certificate and then hope to meet a gorgeous young rich girl who is looking for a young hunky good looking guy who she will fall in love with. And if she doesnt then she could always consider going out with me.
  3. so whats the answer for the l2 side of things.hit casa up with questions regarding it?
  4. well i hear that the top brass r interested in the soryu class submarine from japan. cost i think was 20 billion and the japanese said for that price they would have to build them in japan, plus they werent really to keen on giving their secrets about them away. maybe if we lost ww2 they would have been built here although all us round eyes would probably be dead.SLR great firearm even had 1 as a civilian in qld when u could own them ,arh those were the days,303 another great firearm, used the m16 but never the steyr from what i hear glad i didnt.however yes i think there will always be a place for manned fighters because at the end of the day they can decide whether to shoot or not.geoff13 tell your son to stick things out ,even though i thankfully have never had to go to war,the returned service personnel would have the majority of people in australia appreciateing what they did and are doing.
  5. hey tony im still training in qld for my certificate as well. when i do buy my own a/c im pretty sure i will be buying a completed 1.as i am learning in a highwing (lightwing) how do you find the lowwings temperature wise. 1 day i will be going for a flight in a low wing but thought i may as well ask .thanks
  6. well if u flew around the raaf bases and dropped chaff im sure u would get some1s attention b 4 to long
  7. yeah give him a call if u want good man to talk to about lightwing he has both a taildragger and 2 nose wheels,or there would be heck field might be a bit south of u though
  8. what about coominya out near gatton ,coominya flight training run by john walmsley 0413 452 547 he has a number of hangars not sure of space but he also trains with lightwings.im a student there as well a mate of mine from thornlands goes out there to hire as well
  9. whats jcw
  10. hey shags do u live up around the caboolture area
  11. hey jamie myself and david more so david have been keeping tabs on your build and we missed you at evans head ,where are you hoping to land next
  12. good on u tho mkennard im still only new to flying training and not interested in building my own aircraft.however i may still do certain amounts of maintenance and knowing what u have described only helps me and others to benefit in the future.thanks for having the guts to share it.
  13. hey all just asking and this is really directed to lightwing owners and those qualified to answer , is it possible for a lightwing to be modified to swing wing configuration either nose or tailwheel .just wondering as it is a great little aircraft and i may be looking at a swingwheel aircraft in the near future
  14. well if he wasnt endorsed to instrument fly at night or take passengers etc ,wouldnt that be mistake number 1 ? just askin
  15. hey don if u r happy to let me know when u get it, and david and i will come and hav a look and drool over it or as close as u will let us haha ,obviously u will want to hav a play with it for awhile b 4 u let others near it though.
  16. myself and a mate of mine david,magishme on here,have spoken with errol a couple of times once at evans head flyin and the second at watts bridge ,we r hoping to catch up with him at heck field when he has some time.He is a great bloke to talk to and very knowledgeable about the aircraft and seems to be genuinely interested in taking the time to talk with people,regardless that he obviously is in the market to sell the sling 2 and 4. If im ever in the position to spend that sort of money on a new a/c i would be buying 1 for sure
  17. yes apparently technical fault with fuel transfer was what i read via facebook ,he was in contact with the u s coastguard letting them know what was happening.i suppose at the end of the day a good save but the dragging thru the water was certainly dangerous enough
  18. hey old koreelah this is away from the topic and not knowing how to send a message here yet ,im sure i will find out if i look harder, i had to tell u that there is a jodel d9 on the recreational aviation site for 8000 ,?build date 64 i think it was
  19. i will be there actually will keep an eye out for u , is the d9 the only jodel approved for raaus would 1 of the 2 seaters qualify
  20. hey old koreelah that was a great read im up in qld near gatton and fly out of coominya flight training do u get up this way much ,i will certainly be looking at any jodel close up in the future ,a two seater will be nice to have but a single seater like that would be something special i reckon
  21. would the cfi's have the time though to do that on members behalf, yes they are making a living from training but that is their core job,someone else who has the time and is a certificated pilot with a few years in RAA with an interest to take on the promotion/defence off RAA plus the experience to do so would be a better bet.
  22. sorry gareth i know we dont know each other but i couldnt resist i had to besat the other blokes to the punch plus im sure we will get to meet one day and you will get me back somehow:smile:
  23. was good robyn looks like a great place to visit i will hav to put in on my bucket list
  24. ive looked up on the roko nice looking aircraft .how big was ya milkman
  25. h hey dave butler i am a student of johns on the day of that aircraft unfortunately crashing my mum who lives at elimbah heard it and went outside and took some some photos of it flying over.i will print this picture out and show john my next flight.that should bring back some memories for him
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