well i hear that the top brass r interested in the soryu class submarine from japan. cost i think was 20 billion and the japanese said for that price they would have to build them in japan, plus they werent really to keen on giving their secrets about them away. maybe if we lost ww2 they would have been built here although all us round eyes would probably be dead.SLR great firearm even had 1 as a civilian in qld when u could own them ,arh those were the days,303 another great firearm, used the m16 but never the steyr from what i hear glad i didnt.however yes i think there will always be a place for manned fighters because at the end of the day they can decide whether to shoot or not.geoff13 tell your son to stick things out ,even though i thankfully have never had to go to war,the returned service personnel would have the majority of people in australia appreciateing what they did and are doing.