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Everything posted by jeffd

  1. welcome eamon i am a student myself and im sure you will enjoy all the training to come
  2. u have probably sorted the fear thing out geoff, however i tend to think of it as apprehension when i first started ,and that was only recent , but i found the more i flew and learnt about flying the easier it has become to the point where im not worried about that side of it. i do know however that the safe flying i do is only achievable because of the planning ,maintenance ,training and pre flight checks that are done . So even though i and thousands of others do this i know i will never become blarsey about it ,anyway great flying and hopefully will see you somewhere.
  3. hey scre80 enjoy the tif its all good fun
  4. thanks dutchroll that was a very interesting read am glad that you took the time to type it in for those that are interested .I know i certainly am.jeffd
  5. yes i hav actually looked up a bit about it and its history the trend is obviously for people to buy better and better if they can afford to or wish to however some of the older aircraft if maintained and serviced properly should still hav years of fun in them, what is the idea of the wings bent upwards does it improve lift during a bank or ?
  6. thanks for that old koreelah ,this best asked in the other a/c forum.but what do u think of the jodel a/c as u have 1 on your avatar or once did
  7. As i dont much about the aircraft involved or actually to much about flying as i am just a student could 1 of the more experienced people here give me an idea how high the aircraft can fly and how high was the storm ceiling etc.i would imagine if you cant go over you go around and i think it was nev who said that atc is there to provide separation. I certainly would think though that the pic of the aircraft is supposed to be the pic of the aircraft and not atc,although as i said i am just a newby and will never have to make that decision ,although i suppose deciding for the safety of 1 or the safety of hundreds is the same principle
  8. theres always 1 who doesnt want to play nice i suppose
  9. hey squizzyhunter i also have trained at coominya flight training with john and after a short break am about to continue this year with my training ,im live in the laidley heights area near gatton so it is pretty close for me.I also had friends father go there to do some training as well. I know David (magishme) and his family from meeting at the flying and we have gone flying together a number of times. I like it there at coominya as it is not an overly busy airstrip and John and his wife Lynda have an easy and outgoing friendly nature. There are also a few other pilots and student pilots who are good to talk to .That being said though I believe wherever you choose you will find that type of friendliness in this type of activity as we all do this because we love the idea of flying and it is a great way to meet new friends and get to places throughout the country. So yeah even though the mighty dollar rules we have in this area of south east qld a number of FTF to choose from so definately call a few people and see how you go.Well i had better wind this up as im sure the other readers on here will probably all be getting a tear in their eye. Oh and you must agree how good it is to read such good natured banter between members hey.....
  10. your all wrong with the aircraft type .its a cessna, its always a cessna dont u know that
  11. mayb the cockpit crew saw it as they hit it with the window
  12. as a person who likes his photography it would be natural to say "can u go a bit lower and a bit slower",however as a student pilot what have other pilots told me "speed is god " or "aviate ,navigate ,communicate."
  13. well good luck with it all kyle hope they can sort out something positive for u
  14. oooh sounds nice and speed isnt my thing anyway ,1 day i will hav to get out and about a mate of mine ,magishme,can now fly everywhere so he may want to go for a flight 1 day as well ,especially as im still a student lol.ok hope u are having a great christmas and new year to come stay safe
  15. hey kyle there r ways to beat /turn around diabetes on the internet ,u probably hav seen some of these anyways but i hav found some myself to be quite an interesting read.dont expect to much help from doctors to beat this as it is a billion dollar a year medical condition.i am renewing my flying training in the new year so will send u a friend request on facebook to talk more about it although like i said u probably know of them already cheers
  16. hey sdqdi how do u like your aak hornet stol a/c im taking up my flying again at coominya flight training in the new year ,ages away from an aircraft but am wondering what u think .
  17. well actually people i have just done some interesting reading on the internet(which never lies of course) and found the 8 minute footage of the media crews who went in and filmed the fella with the stuffed monkey ,during this film this fellow had actually placed this toy on some luggage took his hat off and made a christian cross with his hands aross his chest. b 4 that of course i also had believed he was being disrespectful.no of course that doesnt mean that the rebels aided by russian techs didnt shoot that aircraft down however i am yet to see the info provided by the american side regarding the missile launch so i will hav to try and search for that as well.also regarding the shooting down of that iranian airliner i also found some information stating that the navy ship was in iranian waters helping the iraq forces which was revealed at their enquiry by a high ranking member of their crew and apparently the aircraft black boxes showed the aircraft in iranian airspace ,climbing with all transponders etc going. i put this in not say there r any conspiracy theories out there about mh17 especially as peoples credit cards who were on board r being used who by ? however whoever is responsible it would be nice if the truth could just come out ,but yes i know i am probably just being a lit bit too optimistic
  18. yes terrible news.condolences to all .i certainly wouldnt be surprised if it involved a bird strike i have been up close to a pelican when flying with a friend of mine and would make a terrible mess.and i havent heard much regarding problems with structures on the morgans anythings possible i suppose if it works loose but i am certainly not going to speculate here at all. im sure we will eventually find out and learn something from it.
  19. yep as they say ,NEVER LET THE TRUTH GET IN THE WAY OF A GOOD STORY, oh im sorry did i type that out loud woops
  20. im pretty new as well and u will always be learning something new
  21. welcome liftmad im only a new starter (in hours) as well and even when we get our certificate u will always be learning something new
  22. welcome geoff and yeah never too late i started when i was 47 and am still to do my solo im at about 20 hours and will hav a few hours to go yet but there is no rush and i take it 1 lesson at a time ,plus study at home.
  23. excellent sounds like you are sure getting on with it.
  24. no mate am only up to 20 hrs so am still in my b 4 learning more after gaining my certificate learning period haha.however i went for a training flight today after a 6 week break and wow am no behind slighlty so have to get back into the groove of things , but my instructor is great and where i fly is quiet so i dont have to worry too much about other aircraft. and yes once you realize u want to do this then u end up just continueing and its not only just the flying i have made a swag of new friends both in person and some involved in flying via facebook as it is the new social medium, and these days it is easy to keep in touch and get ideas/advice etc.so keep flying bloke and im sure a mate an i will get over 1 day for oshkosh is it ya big flyin, which would be great
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