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Everything posted by jeffd

  1. hey donc7 i hav only just started as well. im 48 but was 47 when i started but am still loving it and i reckon thats the secret u hav got to do it cause u want to. i fly fortnightly but i reckon 1 a week would b better , however money does rule at the moment.no flying advice from me as im still just starting out, except stick at it and enjoy it and yeah u will never stop learning but its all fun
  2. well done beefy good to hear
  3. thanks for that info Andrew
  4. jeffd

    jab taildraggers

    have seen a few sales come up for jab taildraggers and am wondering if any1 has had anything to do with them,or if any owners could put their thoughts and comments on the forum.i am learning nosewheel but will eventually go for the tail wheel endorsement as it will open up other aircraft types.
  5. hey jabsp6 is that a taildragger the sp6 just curious as how they go for something different may hav to post this in the general jab area though
  6. i t i think he is upset with u turbo
  7. is there a "decent political party" just askin
  8. a proper noun sorry i first read it as a proper "nun" i must slow down my reading
  9. to be able to be involved in the search for that aircraft would be something special.as a student pilot knowing that if the worst should 1 day happen and that like minded people would continue to look for you regardless of the outcome so as to give closure to family and friends i think is something that makes aviators keep doing what they do.most of us fly for the pleasure of it but lots fly because its a job whether air ambulance or commercial or whatever and its good to think that people wont give up on finding u.
  10. the airframes do seem to b popular and homegrown as well .there seems to b alot of people who like the 160 as a good compromise between them all
  11. that is true about the collision side of things for sure.i havent heard of any jab 160s falling apart but am interested in looking up bad incidents of the brs ,knowledge is good to have,and of course engine out on any aircraft doesnt mean an immediate pull the cord response.
  12. have u heard any other news regarding brs systems for the jabs oscar.a fellow i speak to from sth australia on facebook has a 160 is upgrading or changing over from another type,and has had no problems with his motors and is very happy with the aircraft.my interest in the brs is purely from structural failure ,collision etc side of things
  13. hey jaba i spoke with bryan from brs hear in australia via email not long ago with that question .he told me he had spoken to jabiru and at this point in time they werent prepared or able to devote what was needed to install a brs .however things may have changed so send him an email directly and c what the latest is.
  14. ive been in aircraft with both those designations however i didnt find no beer ?
  15. get 100 mile an hour tape and go around and around and around an a ar to hell with that go and hav a beer instead
  16. hey there ave8rr i train at coominya with john walmsley he did tell me the difference between the 2 abbreviation i cant remember at the moment,however call john and he will let you know he loves his lightwings as well just look up coominya flight training and give him a call.very approachable
  17. nope u got it all wrong the soldiers shoot each other the pilot slips the pistol from the officers holster WHILE twisting his arm up behind his back then using him as a shield withdraws back into the aircraft .then after making a lightning excape from the aerodrome in his aircraft lands said aircraft safely at another location dropping off the officer safe and sound.After returning the officers pistol ,unloaded of course, to the officer so as he does not lose face our intrepid pilot once again takes to the skies with the sound of the james bond theme song blaring from speakers in the plane ?????????????????????
  18. so has any body have any opinions on the foxcon terrier 100 or 200 .and can the owners of these aircraft post what they like/dislike about this aircraft
  19. hey john ,i have been reading about the subaru motors as i actually have had a subaru car b4 and worked on others .my question is ,is it just a matter of buying a subaru motor and then doing the mods yourself where you can or is it more involved than that.as i have read there seems to be different vehicles for ignitions etc to source bits of pieces from which would reduce the overall costs i would imagine.i read with interest the motors were actually designed for a/c from the start .let me know as i havent decided on anything my friend david(magishme) and i am very keen on looking at the r80 and initialy we were considering the ul motor as another friend of ours is putting 1 in his bushcaddy r80.thanks for the info so far .jeff
  20. hery there bloke are after as much info as we can find on the r80 myself and a mate of mine david ,magishme,on here wanting to look at that type of aircraft we r in south east queensland brisbane area and know a fellow flyer who is building 1.so if u have any picts you can put on here of facebook if you do fb would be good to see them ,ok hope to talk to you later
  21. i kno mate cant afford it though unless we pinch johns big plane lol.will hav to ask around and get over to jerrys
  22. wondering if there r any bushcaddy r80 owners out there a mate and i r trying to check some out.
  23. had to just tick the like symbol as there is no symbol for; want 1
  24. hmmmm sounds hmmm sounds like a nostalgic plane but mayb i should just settle for something mor modern
  25. what do they sell for if u can find 1 ,hard to fly ? maintenance intensive i suppose
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