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Everything posted by jeffd

  1. what an auster ,i love the look of those planes will have to buy a book about them i think
  2. haha actually i had another look in the mag and it was a nosewheel as well.didnt think u b selling it unless u looking at the new 1.the lightwings certainly do seem to hav a cult like following starting
  3. hey maj is that your lightwing i see for sale in sport pilot or just 1 looks like it plus have u seen the pictures of howies new lightwing. have hit 16 hours and am still loving the training with john at coominya flight training.he has a tail dragger there as well which i will talk to him about getting endorsed on as well when the time comes. i got some good photos at the clifton flyin and met some more people there as well which is all about the love of flying as well,ok bye for now
  4. i have to agree with the people about seeking help.i have been personally involved with the rural fire brigade and have seen a few fatal vehicle crashes plus house fires here and interstate, thankfully no a/c accidents and had both saw and was first on seen to a motorcycle police officers death via truck accident,and felt fine for a while tilll the initial shock wore of then your emotions can catch up.every1 can handle things in a different way according to your experience in life but remember there are people there to help and talk to and can be a great idea to think about. a terrible loss of life of course and condolences to everyone involved as this will effect many people and families.
  5. yep if im goin in i want to b able to run up the front kick a door in smack him or her on the back of the head and say"thanks alot prick"
  6. hopefully the water depth will assist in the recovery whereas the air france was a pain due to water depth if things r bad all we can hope for is to discover what went wrong and hopefully prevent it from happening again ,if it was a terrorist action,which terrorists usually claim quickly, then other actions will have hav to b considered to stop it happening again
  7. yeah the lightwings small but simple and strong hey look nice and good to learn on am still considering 1 for my 1st a/c once i get there lol,if i find 1 that is not the quickest but who has to go fast to hav fun hey
  8. how did trhe a/c feel to u doug still capable and solid
  9. well considering i wouldnt go after an islamic countries aircraft if i was islamic,it wouldnt help my cause,plus a modern a/c like the 777-200er going down without a trace even if it hit the ocean there would have to b a breakup surely.mid air explosion or breakup of the a/c i think i would be to busy screaming to look for a signal on my phone ,which would be turned off anyway,full system meltdown possible i suppose i certainly do not hav the knowledge to answer that 1 maybe the users on this forum could giv us an indication on the likelihood?.explosives on board again those who work in the industry could answer how stringent would the security be to slip explosives on board especially in malaysia unless there was a diplomatic bag taken on board or would this still be searched anyway.hijacking could they get into the cockpit"open up or we kill the little girl in the aisle seat"possible i suppose ,but then where to and wouldnt we have heard by now.or mayb they turned back and went down in mountainous area.also even if decompression, wouldnt aircraft be on autopilot and still flying etc ? so it is very strange for this to happen
  10. march 8th and 9th meal saturday night u buy but cheap on field under wing camping is advertised in sport pilot i will be going (driving sigh)
  11. i im not insulted cause i dont know what it means
  12. yea not good hey we must not forget those who lose their lives in training and while in serviced r still those who lost their lives in the service of their country and their familys have paid that price as well
  13. yeah they can giv to me lol
  14. im doing my training in a 912s and at the end of the day will probably buy 1 as a first plane ? the 1 i fly has 30 l per wing however im sure i read where there is a larger long range tanks available may b other forums users can enlighten you.plus even though speed is good 75-85 is ok i suppose especially if u r still building your hours up plus its all fun
  15. jeffs plane
  16. i watched that link looks good will b good to c follow up videos and even go down there for the launch
  17. hey u didn t kno a terry beaurman by any chance u he did same thing .and b 4 u type it yes i know the were lots in the raaf lol used to get the same questions about telstra and the army reserve
  18. hey huggy good to hear u got a nice a/c there i am also a student pilot training on lightwing gr 912 yours looks really great im sure u will have many hours of fun out of it
  19. welcome david good to c u on
  20. u might be right about going for a lightwing gr doug good backup fun to fly which is what i got into this for in the first place australian product and affordable so i can just get out there and go when the time comes thanks for ya words
  21. lol thanks ozzie i just got my february 1
  22. thanks for that number i will let me other mate know magishme he on here somewhere and we may enquire
  23. wow pretty cool except for bloke riding his bike off the pier
  24. and i havent got my magazine yet for feb were we supposed to get 1 for january
  25. what about evans head when they build the airpark thingy theres a beach and fishing
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