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Everything posted by jeffd

  1. ye yep thats true,i havent been on this forum long or a member of raa long however i have been involved in other board (bored) like meetings and believe me if you got to hear some of the rubbish that went on you wouldnt want to know everything that was said. confidentialty clauses i think are pretty much standard these days plus like the other member said you certainly dont want different stories from everywhere being circulated.Tony King is my local rep here where i am and im happy to go to him specifically if i have any queries or questions and am happy to wait for an answer if he cant tell me straight away.If he has to wait for the answer himself so be it.I guess the longer im here and the more i get involved then i will be able to form my own opinions.
  2. h ow far under haha and as a 1st aircraft it may be bter for me to go for an older lw anyway or equivalent a/c to continue however a while to go yet so plenty of time to learn
  3. and inches u use on a friday and saturday night out on the town
  4. i is that the new 1 howie is building high wing when due for finished hope he puts up more picts would be interesting to c the price of
  5. i better start eating less cause i got about 15 kg to get rid of mayb the xl hey
  6. i reckon my instructor would say the same and i reckon if u decided to sell always some1 to buy ,interesting to c what howies new 912 is going to look like have seen the video on it so far ,new plane price of course lol,thanks for your thought Doug
  7. hey stevron will certainly consider a lightwing when the time comes ,do you know any details about it year built ,engine etc i will have to start looking at what you get for the money thanks for letting me know a fellow pilot friend of mine will be buying as well 1 day so i will pass that onto him as well
  8. hey all havent posted for a while and probably a bit early to start asking but what the hell.have been looking at aircraft to 1 day buy and will want something to tour/enjoy so have been thinking gazelle,lightwing,savannah anythoughts on this would be good but truly i would be at least a year away ,am learning in a lightwing 912 at coominya which probably is fast enough for me at the moment.of course money will decide but i dont want to mix up my dreams with my actual skill levels ,so i was thinking something not to fast but well built,forgiving and something that i would be just happy to afford to get up and fly in.any thoughts
  9. hey david i suppose you hav read the other members thoughts on the brumby in the aircraft forum especially by the owner motif
  10. jeffd

    brumby facts

    certainly does thanks Ross afriend whom trains at the same flight school as me Coominya Flight Training (theres the plug lol) likes the low wing as well he is on here as magishme and his name is david i will let him kno your thoughts thanks
  11. jeffd

    brumby facts

    am looking at the 610 /600 as a potential 1st aircraft can any1 give me a run down on them ,thanks
  12. t thanks for that info i shall check it out and c what i find
  13. hey david am tryin to catch up with u give me a call wen u can 0407717273 jeff
  14. h hey oscar im only new to flying and this site but am loving both, well mayb flying a bit more, havent looked into the number things yet so can u tell me what the diff is in 55 and 24 i only intend at this point to fly ra aus due to costs etc but certainly think the jab 230 is a good sized aircraft for touring.certainly would be a no brainer to install a camit motor as opposed to a rebuilt jab 1.thanks for your info was good reading and will be investigating further.
  15. yes thats right if u want changes or to be heard then thats the reason to vote plus your local rep is there to call and discuss things with , and being on any board can be a two edged sword where where the member would like to discuss what he/she hears at meetings but has signed that confidentialality clause which is not unusual for boards but is there to protect every1 till final decisions/discussions have been done.
  16. sorry scotty meant to send it to the fella with the hornet u were talkin to i will retry
  17. hey what d o u think of your aak hornet price etc flying etc
  18. plus i think maj ,and even as i am only new to flying,anyrep could safely say that most members would be happy for some degree of mtow increase whether it was to include extra fuel or even extra safety equipment .but im sure this topic will always b spoken about
  19. mayb ultralights will slowly become lsa only in the future ?
  20. well im 94 and my instructor has me up there learning
  21. im in the same boat except not half way ,just started but its free to look and a great way to get knowledge
  22. any1 had anything to do with the hornet stol aircraft from ole hartmann out of taree?
  23. thats a great experience to read about .
  24. ok but i will hav to meet your wife first
  25. hey there rankamateur how u doin i like that comment although im a long way from having my own aircraft (both in training and finances) the savannah s seems to be popular.as my experience grows i recko i will be hunting around for a flight as well.i definately know i will be going to clifton for their flyin this coming march.however i do realize i have a bit to go but there is nothing sayin i cant plan (well ) ahead lol cheers
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