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Hi Ryan, We have put total 550 hours on 2 of these props - and they are v good; makes for smoother running and about 3 - 5 knot gain.. More resilient to rain and wont take up moisture in humid conditions.. Cheers Chris
CASA - Draft Proposal for Jabiru Aircraft
bushpilot replied to slb's topic in AUS/NZ General Discussion
Ref the above post - this sounds slightly more positive than CASA’s original decree. I will be writing another response covering the specific issues requested here – i.e. operational limitations impacting flying schools. All owners out there should be doing their own submissions stating their own views and reasons (if wanting to propose modification to the restrictions) :- CONSULTATION DRAFT: OPERATING LIMITATIONS ON JABIRU POWERED AIRCRAFT CD 1425SS (Extract) CASA acknowledges that Jabiru has enjoyed a good reputation for manufacturing safe and reliable engines, and that most Jabiru-manufactured engines continue to operate safely and reliably, in Australia and abroad. None of the issues that have given rise to current concerns about Jabiru engines has anything to do with the safety and reliability of Jabiru aircraft, the integrity of which continues to enjoy CASA’s full regulatory confidence. To Jabiru’s credit, they have acknowledged that a problem of some kind does exist with at least some of its engines—which, as said, may be the consequence of mechanical, operational and/or maintenance-related factors—and that appropriate operational limitations should properly be introduced pending a determination of the cause of that problem and its rectification. * No operational limitations of any kind have been imposed at this point * No action has been taken by CASA at this point to impose any operational limitations, other than to publish notice of the limitations CASA proposes, and to invite public comment on those limitations. * No action will be taken by CASA to impose any operational limitations until after relevant responses to the invitation for comment have been considered, in conjunction with reports and other relevant information CASA has available to it—including submissions and advice received from Jabiru, with whom CASA is conferring, and will continue to confer until optimal and appropriate safety outcomes have been achieved. While responsive comments of any kind may certainly be submitted, the most helpful and relevant responses will relate to the nature and scope of the proposed operational limitations, and such alternative operational limitations as might arguably be more suitable in all the circumstances. In making such alternative proposals, it will be useful if clear reasons for those alternatives are provided. CASA and Jabiru recognise that any operational limitations will be inconvenient, and it will be in everyone’s interest to identify the cause(s) of, and to rectify, the problems involved as quickly as possible. In the meantime, general assertions to the effect that most Jabiru engines operate safely and reliably, or particular claims that a specific Jabiru-powered aircraft has enjoyed many hours of safe and reliable performance, do not address the safety issues immediately to hand. Extension of consultation period. In the consultation notice published by CASA on 13 November 2014, responsive comments were sought by close of business on Thursday, 20 November 2014. Having clarified aspects of this matter about which there appears to have been some misunderstanding, CASA has decided to extend the consultation period by an additional 7 days. Comments may now be submitted to CASA at [email protected] until the close of business on Thursday 27 November 2014. -
CASA - Draft Proposal for Jabiru Aircraft
bushpilot replied to slb's topic in AUS/NZ General Discussion
Tried to restrain myself on topic but in the end failed in that resolve... I'm not going to write an essay but here are some of my thoughts and observations: CASA saw a need to do something about the 'problem' because it was put to them by RAA that they needed to do something, as the RAA didn't have the power to do anything in their own right. CASA did something - but they have hit a mosquito with a double-barrel shotgun. Even the RAA Board and executive had no idea that the draft restrictions were going to be this harsh. They were not consulted before CASA went public, even though Ungermann was with the RAA heads and a group of 90 odd CFIs in Dubbo, 3 hours before he released his document. What CASA has done, in the way that they handled the matter, has caused irreparable damage, not just to Jabiru but to the whole RAA sector, by putting doubt in the minds of current student pilots and pilots (and their passengers) that operate their own Jabirus or hire Jabirus, and the generally public - our future members. Sure the proposal is at this point a draft for industry comment, but this slur on our segment of aviation will stick for a long time to come. It will also have a flow-on affect to GA, with a fair percentage of PC holders going on to GA RPL or PPL, or beyond. Despite a willingness to work with CASA and the RAA, Jabiru may not have the financial resources to survive this whole review and remedial exercise. Let's all hope they do... -
CASA - Draft Proposal for Jabiru Aircraft
bushpilot replied to slb's topic in AUS/NZ General Discussion
... however the operators report that prop ground clearance is a problem due to gearbox configuration... -
Plane Crash Barossa Valley 26/6
bushpilot replied to keith.b's topic in Aircraft Incidents and Accidents
On topic - Plane Crash Barossa Valley 26/6.. ..So that I don't have to read all 7 pages here - is the summary of relevant the observations that it was loss of control in cloud? I have a student coming to Bathurst today to fly her Tecnam and she is bound to ask. (I know its all subject to the investigation, etc... but Im just asking about opinions). -
Jabiru Engine 2200 Mechanical Problem Reporting
bushpilot replied to rick-p's topic in Engines and Props
Oil pressure fluctuations most likely to be the sender unit; they often go a bit erratic over time. VDO p/n 360.001 from Repco or similar (non VDO) from Jabiru. -
Jabiru Engine 2200 Mechanical Problem Reporting
bushpilot replied to rick-p's topic in Engines and Props
Are you sure the correct ring size was used? We put about 900 hours a year on our 3 Jabs and have had sticking rings only once in 5 years - on a 3300 engine. Sometimes the ring gaps line up for a time and give lower comps, but then they move and comps go back to normal. We use USA made Philips 20W50 oil all year round, Avgas 100% of the time, and run them at 2850 - 2900 rpm. Jab motors like revs. Like you, we also see very low CHTs - barely in the green on 2200 motors - and low EGTs on the 3300s, where we monitor CHTs and EGTs on all 6 cylinders on Dynon Skyview panel. -
Student Costs for Dual Training RA-Aus
bushpilot replied to DGL Fox's topic in Student Pilot & Further Learning
I'm coming in late here - But what is not immediately apparent in considering the cost of instruction / private hire, is the schools overheads costs. They vary a lot depending on the bigger ticket items like rent - but for us include (rounded): Rent $300 month Power $180 month Hangarage $400 month (5 aircraft) Internet $60 month Phones (landline / mobile) $180 month So the trick is to get the right balance in charges setting, to cover the fixed costs but not get so expensive that the volume drops off. We review every 12 months, with the main increases coming from Avgas increases. As for aircraft operating costs, we try to provide a $25 an hour margin as the aircraft contribution to overheads (3 Jabirus and Cessna 152). Our latest aircraft - BRM Bristell (Jab 3300 powered) is for private hire only (no training, other than conversion) and we make $30 an hour margin on it. Cheers, Chris -
Hi Phil - What hours has your wooden prop done and how much do you want for it? Chris Stott
PPL (& CASA BAK bridging) Theory Course - June
bushpilot replied to bushpilot's topic in Student Pilot & Further Learning
An update on our PPL intensive course for those that I have not been in contact with: The good news is that with the numbers committed we have been able to get the pricing down to well under the ‘commercial’ rate for these courses – so it will now be $260 inc GST for one weekend – $480 inc GST for both weekends. Remember, to be ready to sit the CASA exam, you will be best placed if you have attended both weekends. If you have current charts, ERSA and the CASA VFG booklet, bring them, otherwise we will have extras on hand. A general PPL booklet is included in the fee and lunch will be provided on all days. Limited accommodation is still available for out of towners. Venue is the Bathurst Aero Club. Start time on both the Saturdays will be 1000 and the Sundays 0900. If interested, contact us ASAP. Regards, Chris Stott [email protected] www.centralwestflying.com PJ Moodie Memorial Dr BATHURST AIRPORT NSW 2795 Ph: 02 6337 3945 Mob: 0418 223 694 Fax: 02 6337 3945 A division of Central West Recreational Flying School Pty Ltd, ACN: 131 541 403 -
(Post pre-approved by I Baker.) Hi All, Central West Flying at Bathurst is running a PPL theory course over 2 weekends for anyone interested in gaining a Private Pilots licence. The only requirement is that you have passed at least the RA BAK exam, or the GA BAK exam. Dates are: 15 & 16 June, then 22 & 23 June. If you are able to do both these weekends you will be fully prepared for the CASA BAK or PPL exam; if you can only do one of the weekends, you will need do additional work privately, or with our GA theory trainer, to be ready. Cost is $550 inc GST for the 4 days or $300 inc GST for 2 days. Limited accommodation is available in a shared house and a courtesy car for anyone flying in – click on ‘Accommodation’ at www.centralwestflying.com To register you interest or enquire further, email us at [email protected] Regards, Chris Stott [email protected] www.centralwestflying.com PJ Moodie Memorial Dr BATHURST AIRPORT NSW 2795 Ph: 02 6337 3945 Mob: 0418 223 694 Fax: 02 6337 3945 A division of Central West Recreational Flying School Pty Ltd, ACN: 131 541 403
I do not know of one instructor that is unhappy in the LH seat.. How do you think we teach our budding instructors? They sit in the RH, we sit in the LH. And usually when we are solo flying - or flying with pax, we sit in LH seat. Get her an instructor. Or better still, encourage your school or aero club to run a program for several partners.
Video: Chris Stott flight in Pitts Special
bushpilot replied to pilotdave69's topic in Aviation Videos
Thanks for compiling and posting this Dave. I'm just back from China today, so catching up on emails and this forum.. Made me seedy just watching this; worse then the real thing! :-) Cheers Chris -
Anyone know what this is all about? (Apologies if there is a thread on this already - I dont have time this morning to check back): From RAAus: November 9, 2012 | opsassist Following a CASA Directive RA-Aus is unable to process aircraft registrations, including renewals until further notice. RA-Aus regrets this inconvenience and the board and staff are working closely with CASA to resolve this situation as soon as possible. This notice will be updated by close of business Monday 12 November 2012, or earlier if there is any change.
The schools vary a lot in their approach.. and required time (in their training syllabus) to switch over. We start almost everyone in RA aircraft (except where the student wants only Tail-wheel instruction) and run them right through to attainment of their PC and X-country endorsement. Then we stick them in a GA aircraft (Cessna 152 or 172) and do what is effectively a type endorsement - with some basic instrument flying and controlled airspace - and finally a NavEx. This can add another 6 - 10 hours, or longer, depending on the individual. We also teach the GA BAK and PPL theory - usually in group workshops - but also one on one, if required. The benefit of this approach is reduced cost overall (compared to doing all training from scatch on a GA a/c) and, on completion, the pilot can hire and fly either RA or GA a/c - usually determined by how many passengers that want to carry on a given day.