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Everything posted by bushpilot

  1. I wonder if the site shouldnt be more member focussed - so that we dont have people snooping in the shadows, watching, but not joining... Maybe more restrictions on access to pages without signing up. Like allow visability to visitors on the initial post of any new thread, but after that they need to sign up to view subsequent posts.. Or is that overly restrictive? Views?
  2. Good news 'C'. In that case ignore my pm asking how it was going !
  3. Hi Ian - Gee, sorry to hear that. I guess I must have my head in the sand in the sense that I was unaware that u had those issues running. All I can say is that prima facia it seems odd that the RAA can link commentary against them to licence issue / renewal, regardless of the constitution.. That would be like the RTA / VicRoads saying because someone says they dont manage themselves well, they wont give them a drivers licence.. (And whilst the structure is quite different, they are ultimately put into office by the constituency).
  4. (This thread is a spin off from another thread that was about doing a BFR which saw the application for membership to RAAus was prevented. So as the posts went off topic, they have been moved to here as a new thread. Another thread was started by users for the same topic so those posts have also been merged here into one thread...Ian) So, Ian, you hanging out for a better offer? And the winner is.............
  5. Excellent article.. A must-read for all students and pilots...and their instructors.
  6. Happy to have you in Bathurst for a few days, Ian.. 4 Jabs (& Cessna 172 and Decathlon, if u want to upsize!) and 5 instructors. $175 an hour dual. One of our instructors has a government grant to study RA instruction methods and has visited and interviewed RA schools (FTFs) in most states - so is right up there in understanding best practice.. Cheap acomm at my farm! Long way to come - but you said you were up for an adventure! (Good to hear your are medicine-free, btw)
  7. We overcome this by offering both RA and GA training in the same school. Amongst our 5 instructors, 2 are CPL, 2 PPL and 1 RA PC, but we all instruct RA as well. That way we can be totally unbiased in explaining the options to new students - and, of course, give full credit for RA experience..
  8. Not cheeky at all; a logical question to ask.. Well, we decided to make this a 'premium spec.' aircraft for PC holders to hire - for an hour, a day or a week - so fair to say we ticked 'all' the boxes - with Jab 6 cylinder, Dynon Skyview (pic attached), ballistic recovery, auto-pilot and many other accessories.. All up, over $150,000. But the base model starts under $100,000. Brett Anderson in Australia can give you the price list: [email protected]
  9. Hi Phil - We have gone for Jab 3300. It's the most powerful of the 3 engine types they offer - Jab., Rotax, UL - and we know the Jab motors well, with 4 in our Bathurst fleet... and another 3 over at Orange.
  10. Not that particular text - it is not long released - but other DH books are available through this forum shop - so Ian would be able to source it for you: http://www.recreationalflying.com/pilot_supplies/books-and-manuals/student-pilots.html
  11. Hi Compulsion, As usual with training - it depends on the student. But we figure on at least 10 hours. Plus there is the theory conversion to achieve the PPL. Dyson-Holland have a conversion textbook (RA to GA) or you can use Bob Tait's PPL book (also available on-line as an e-text) or Jim Davis PPL, or any of the other GA texts. (Good job with the Air Leg!).
  12. Hi All. (Permission granted by Ian Baker for us to make this announcement ) We are very pleased to advise that we have a new General Aviation instructor, Martin Wookey, starting with us this week. Martin, together with Stuart Park, will be working with those wanting to gain a Private Pilots Licence or doing their Biannual Flight Reviews. Both instructors will operate under the licence of Phoenix of Camden. Martin is also endorsed for tail-wheel instruction. Chris Stott, Gary Penglis and Matt Thomas continue to instruct in the Recreational Aviation category. A number of those we have trained to RA Pilot Certificate standard want to progress to PPL and a few through to CPL. Our local Aero Club (where we are housed) has a Cessna 172 that we will be utilising. Ab-initio students will have the choice of starting in the RA category or going straight into GA; but we will be encouraging RA first - saving them significantly in those initial 35 hours or so. Additionally, we have a new, all metal, Bristell aircraft currently being built in Europe - to compliment our fleet of Jabirus. This high performance, low wing plane, with advanced avionics, auto pilot and ballistic parachute safety system, will be available for private hire (RA registered) commencing late September / October. See it here: http://www.andersonaviation.com.au/aircraft_range.php Central West Flying
  13. Talking to a LAME who supplies oil to an owners of 2 Jabs and a Rotax Foxbat and he recommends USA made Phillips XC Aviation 20W 50 oil. I dont know what the position of Jabiru factory is on this oil though. It is apparently commonly used in a number of types of GA engines. Anyone else out there use it?
  14. I can see why you would say that it was a 'bit tough' and I withdraw the remark.. with an apology to SN. What I should have said is I was interested in the post - but the words make little sense to me.. Nothing to do with the spelling though. Maybe it picks up on another thread elsewhere that I've missed.
  15. Maybe people who post on this forum should pass a literacy test first... :-)
  16. Mine was reluctant at first - but after a couple of flights a few years ago - checking out what the neighbouring farms were doing - she has become the one who plans weekends away! Likes getting there and back quickly and taking lots of photos along the way...
  17. We do ab-initio training in both J160 and J170 (our J230s are used mainly for NAVEXES and private hire) and most students prefer the J170. Dont need to worry about power management in landing as much in the 170; just get it low and level and pull the power back to idle and it will ground-affect for a bit, then settle without drama. The 160 likes some power kept on until its on the deck.
  18. I meant to add: I just renewed our covers - and tried PSB for the first time - and they saved me over $1,o00 compared to dealing direct with a well known insurance company...
  19. We have 4 aircraft insured through these brokers.. They provide excellent service and they shop the main underwriters for you: http://www.psbgroup.com.au/Aviation.html Talk to Geoff Tonkin on 08 8267 2875
  20. We have 2 J230s that we hire out.. When doing conversions or check flights we demo short field - with low / flat approach at about 2000 RPM and 60kts over the keys; then back to idle (needs to be below 1000 RPM at idle). The ground affect is minimal and we can pull up within 200 m in nil wind. (Don't try this at home.. Do it with an instructor first; each has their own technique.. :)
  21. Yep - H60, ST and Tongara (near Robertson).. Lived Bowral - so pretty handy..
  22. The book is actually by Glenn Woodward.. Here listed in the National Library: http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/701673 But indeed Rob Woodward was also one of the pioneers of the sport of hang gliding; I flew with him quite a bit when at uni in South Australia in the 70s. I, like you, moved to Sydney in the 80s and lost touch.
  23. Also check that the drain / breather hose from the top of the motor (off the side of the oil filler pipe) does not dip down when passing rearward over the top of the motor - to ensure there is no syphon affect.. On all of our Jab motors we have lengthened the hose a bit and cable-tied them to one of the top engine mounts - to produce a bit more of an incline in the first 500mm of the hose. Seems to help.
  24. Dipstick should be screwed in to check oil..
  25. Hey Ian, Would you consider putting up a sticky page where posters could add website links (description optional) for all States - covering farmstays, B&Bs, restaurants etc that have own strip. This would be real handy for people over time as an up-to-date reference when planning trips. We could then prompt forum members, from time to time, to add to it - so we pick up the knowledge of new members.. Thoughts? Chris
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