Hi All. (Permission granted by Ian Baker for us to make this announcement )
We are very pleased to advise that we have a new General Aviation instructor, Martin Wookey, starting with us this week. Martin, together with Stuart Park, will be working with those wanting to gain a Private Pilots Licence or doing their Biannual Flight Reviews. Both instructors will operate under the licence of Phoenix of Camden. Martin is also endorsed for tail-wheel instruction.
Chris Stott, Gary Penglis and Matt Thomas continue to instruct in the Recreational Aviation category.
A number of those we have trained to RA Pilot Certificate standard want to progress to PPL and a few through to CPL. Our local Aero Club (where we are housed) has a Cessna 172 that we will be utilising.
Ab-initio students will have the choice of starting in the RA category or going straight into GA; but we will be encouraging RA first - saving them significantly in those initial 35 hours or so.
Additionally, we have a new, all metal, Bristell aircraft currently being built in Europe - to compliment our fleet of Jabirus. This high performance, low wing plane, with advanced avionics, auto pilot and ballistic parachute safety system, will be available for private hire (RA registered) commencing late September / October. See it here: http://www.andersonaviation.com.au/aircraft_range.php
Central West Flying