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Everything posted by bushpilot

  1. Txs Dazza - Just had a look and it seems the go is a: Dual Electronics iPad GPS with Bluetooth (Dual XGPS150A). Anyone know if they are available in Australia? (I did a quick search and seems ex-USA only)
  2. Whoops!: One of our students bought ipad and ozrunways and discovered today that his new ipad doesnt have a gps! He didnt want a sim - but should have specified gps. I know there are external gps available - but has anyone had experience with different brands? And does the external work as well as inbuilt?
  3. Anyone know if there are any YouTubes on using OR? We have several students & pilots who have subscribed to the app recently and are looking for some starter guidance.. time that we dont always have to give them.
  4. Hi David - You mentioned recently your having PI insurance. Would you mind telling me which insurer you use? Thanks Chris Stott
    1. David Isaac

      David Isaac

      Hi Chris, Sorry mate I have just discovered this note on my profile. I have $5M Professional Indemnity and $20M Public and Products Liability insurance through Alan Wilson Brokers in Melbourne under an FPAA group scheme with Calliden Insurance Limited. In a previous business I had PI and PL with CGU. Regards, David
  5. Been in.. I'll be bacccckk..
  6. Hi Wynand, Like the graphics there; it's a nice looking 430. I'm interested in the sliding section in your side window. Was it installed by the SA Jab people, or did you have it done? If the latter, do you know the brand? Would be very handy for photography work.
  7. You are on the money facthunter.. In fact I had earlier made enquiry about this incident.. as I have done the factory engine course (for L2) and was naturally interested. It seems that this motor had a top-end done 19 hours before the failure - not by the factory. Some of the circlips were apparently distorted in the process of inserting them; this can occur if they are over squeezed on fitting. Jabiru are going to put out a maintainers advisory covering this.
  8. Great summary, JG.. Something our club is talking about doing..
  9. I did over 200 paddock landings in my first Jab (J160) and never had an issue with the u/c. It is now owned by another person and has done about 1200 hours, with only routine maintenance on the airframe and engine (top end at 1,000 hours).
  10. And they are now offering a fuel injection option.. More power / less fuel / no carby heat needed.
  11. Spot on, Col. Between us and our sister school at Orange, we have 7 Jabs in service with TT around 5,500 hours and over 14,000 landings.. You dont get anything approaching those figures with 'weekend warrior' aircraft..
  12. I agree.. And the sheer number of them in service meens that some of the incidents have to fall their way..
  13. Thanks very much HH.. I'm on to them right now...
  14. No, nothing to do with the NSW floods, but wondering if anyone knows where we can hire a self-inflating life-raft for 2 weeks.. Need it by mid next week.. for a crossing to Flinders Is.
  15. Or any Repco or Auto 1. Haggle and u can get them down to $14. They are good for 500+ hours - so end up cheaper than normal NGKs at every 100 hours..
  16. I agree! I am in China a few times each year, for (non-flying) business - and am yet to experience a proper 'clear' day.. at least in Shanghai and Beijing. However, private flying is really taking off over there (pun intended).. One school has built their own airport with 1500m concrete runway and a mega administration and hanger complex, with control tower. Their first batch of training a/c are Jabiru 160s (21 of them!) - they took delivery late last year. Apparently if you go far enough West you run out of the pea-soup..
  17. I agree 100% with you here... Comments like that, irrespective of history between them, is abhorrent..
  18. Seems that this configuration of a/c have a fair number of incidents... I wonder if the rate (per hours flown) is higher than for landlubber a/c..
  19. Hope the mods dont think this is 'advertising' but given we are outside your territory it should be OK.... We have 4 Jabs (160, 170 and 2 230s) and hire them wet and insured for weekends or longer periods - with some advance notice, so they are not booked out for training. Minimum charge is 3 hours per day. No cancellation fee if weather no good. Details on our website..
  20. I'm with the Dunkleys here> Go look at the Rotax forums and see the failures that they report.. Same with Lycs. and Contis. We have 2 3300 motors and 2 2200s. They have done around 1170, 780, 690 and 340 hours - and have never had more than the required maintenance done on them. We did have a crankshaft gear failure on one 3300, but this was a very rare component failure. But, as others have said, they must be serviced / maintained in accordance with Jabiru manuals..
  21. To be honest I preferred the tighter focus on recreational aviation... Why? Well, several years ago I stumbled on this site whilst searching for anything to do with our category of aviation.. I looked at, but didnt engage with, the general and commerical aviation sites because I was a member of a specific interest group and wanted to exchange with like people - and to feel part of that community - a subset of aviation. And, since then, this site and service has more than met my expectations and my needs. However, I think it's likely that others new to rec. flying might not see this site for what it is (or was, at least) when they do a general search and find a portal and forum with such a generic name as "aircraft pilots". With that title and the sub - 'the home of pilots, aircraft and aviation' - the focus will change and over time it is going to take a lot more weeding to get to the stuff that I am interested in. That label, after all, covers a miriad of layers of the industry, including RAAus & HGFA (3 axis, 2 axis, gyros), Gliding, GA (3 axis, helicopter), Commercial passenger, freight, courier, agricultural, etc.. (3 axis, helicopter) and the Forces - RAAF, Army, Navy airwings.. and all the equivalents outside of Australia. I think in time the site will be barely recognisable for what it was.. and that will be a loss..
  22. A 'prune' is a plum from last season that didnt make the cut.. So sure, some of the traditional aviation establishment will fight to preserve some dignity as they wither on the tree... and some will refuse to accept the fact that Rec Aviation is taking some of the mystic and exclusivity out of flying and opening the skies to all. (Disclosure declaration: Our school is launching GA operations - but this does not mean a move back to the 'grey side'; it's to allow our students to have access to career or sport progression to other levels of certification)
  23. BTW: One other thing - on handling the media.. Whilst we were waiting for our retrieval crew to turn up, a TV news outfit came along and proceeded to off-load gear into the paddock and set up to film the scene. I thought - will I allow them to interview me or not? And decided to do so - to help get the story told my way, not have them make stuff up. So I did the interview and basically said that it was an event that we all train for and, in my case, I have a paddock strip at my home and this was no different to the many landings I have done on it.. They then shot some more angles of the a/c and packed up and headed off.. And, you guessed it, the story was such a non-event when the station editor would have looked at it, that it never ran on our local (regional) TV station at all. So I figure tell the story straight and avoid the inventiveness of an inquistive journo who might otherwise just create a story to go with the footage..
  24. Thanks for all the positive comments. The surmising on the affect of no power and prop speeds is interesting. Even though my motor was as dead as a door nail due to no spark at all, the prop continued to windmill all the way down. I have to say that I noticed no real difference to descents and landing at idle. And, yes, it was a bloody big paddock, ozzie.. That why I chose it.. Figuring that the stoppage might be something minor and fixable (without an engine removal) - and I wanted room to fly out again..
  25. Good point you make... The student actually phoned me the same evening to say that it was the best experience he could have had.. and that it actually took away any fear he had had about the fan stopping on a single engined a/c. But I still figured best to give him a credit on that one!
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