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Everything posted by Tex

  1. Tex

    Oil for 503 drifter?

    Castrol Activ 2T for me as well. My old engine was run on the Castrol Power 1TTS synthetic and as mentioned those who know better than me recommended the mineral Activ 2T because it offers better 'non-use' protection... it is also half the price of the synthetic and easily available almost anywhere you may travel...
  2. Tex

    Drifter Pics

    Well unreliable might not be the best word to use... but I do believe they are not very powerful,... or efficient... I just don't trust it in fuel critical situations. Happy enough to run off it only in good areas, straight and level, normal cruise flight etc. But if anything coughs the fuel pump goes on at the same time the nose gets pushed over... It is a long way for that little pneumatic pump to draw fuel, especially with the outlet on the bottom tank. I was considering moving mine lower as it would push fuel better than pull it, I understand. (Nope... think I will stay on the bottom rather than rig a transfer to the top tank.)
  3. Tex

    Drifter Pics

    Hi David, Those shots were taken WNW of Oakey, a friend owns the Auster, we dropped in for a cuppa.
  4. Tex

    Drifter Pics

    That is why I like pictures Sorry to HIJACK the Drifter thread, it is still a tail dragger...
  5. Tex

    Drifter Pics

    Yes they do, mine is an hour away
  6. Tex

    Drifter Pics

  7. Yes task, W&B, torque and the like... left seat may be better for slinging, long lining... leaning over collective instead of away from it.
  8. I will be working but if I could find out when they are occurring I will definitely be over one day.
  9. How did it fly? (or not)
  10. I wonder if Wayne likes them slightly tighter for a reason, hard to guess for what tightness is, very subjective. I might take a measurement off the mid point of mine ... oh yeh, that is very loose to be hitting the prop. What, both those wires broke?
  11. E flat or F sharp? Gotcha... yeh I guess a dull twang would be the right frequency.
  12. Tex

    Drifter Pics

  13. Hate to disagree on this but I was told (by a few people) a little lose is fine (definitely no twang but no slack either)... these are for stopping the wing moving forward. Not sure it would effect trim on the tail? I have seen many with rudder trim and plenty with out... take some pictures please Justin and I will have a look and compare those others I have seen. What about the cables? are the equal? They can stretch...
  14. Tex

    Drifter Pics

    I was thinking nice one... landing there, though surely there was somewhere better around. Then I read your blog. Great write up there Justin. Must check my fuel tank soon. You know a lot of people over hear replace those fuel filters with automotive paper ones. I still use the one you have but regularly check and replace it. If you are not aware the fuel system on the Drifter has many faults... and the poor old Rotax fuel pump isn't the most efficient. Make sure you run the AUX pump whenever you may need a little extra confidence in fuel getting in... i.e. not directly over a flat landable paddock
  15. Hi Up Into The Air:wave:
  16. Tex

    Drifter Pics

    Good pics all... we should have all Drifters in the world pictured on here one day
  17. Tex

    Drifter Pics

    OO YEH! Nice Justin! I might just have to go for a big fly out west to to enjoy some similar country. Read your blog... hardly boring ... can you tell us a bit more about your experience and capabilities with the flaps if you don't mind...? Cheers, Tex
  18. Excellent, thanks OME, interesting stuff. Sorry Maj... my mistake, you were wrong or maybe right, all along
  19. Fair enough, so Maj has it wrong and the apprentice could have been right all along
  20. I wouldn't know... but what about with OME's answer from John Schwaner who talks of washers?
  21. Not mine unfortunately... I am stuck at work
  22. This year its is the Pre-World Championships, next year will be the World Hang Gliding Championships. Conditions a bit disappointing so far it seems but still some good flying to be had. Follow it at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001784449955 or http://www.forbesflatlands.com/
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