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Everything posted by icebob

  1. Hi Winsor68, also add to your list civilians in Department of Defence from Technical Offier 1 and above.
  2. Hi Powewin, Yes where i was working had a similar problem but with trucks and fork lifts that was fixed with the work orders having a bar code for the indididual vehicle that way the data base was updated automaticly and the scanner only cost just on $200. Could be done like that for aircraft renewals, just print a spacific bar code on each aircraft's renewal form so after confirming the money is correct just scan the form and the data base is updated. Bob.
  3. Hi Pud, There are some expencive paints out there but on my old Rotax I just used a wire brush, a good wipe with a cloth soaked in metho and heat resistant paint for exhausts from an auto shop. Every so often just hit it with the wire brushand a wipe over with metho(you can if you want drink what is left in the bottle,ha,ha) again and re applied more paint. Bob.
  4. And that smile changed after we used the electric cattle prod:laugh: Bob.
  5. Hi, sorry forgot to include about question one, I got mine from Burt Floods, rang them and told them what i wanted with slight modification and got the ceramic coating too both at a competitive price. Bob.
  6. Hi, Try www.lightflying.com.au, i got mine from them for a 582 blue top. look under Probes, Senders & AAccessories. Delivery was 2 working days. Bob.
  7. I have placed this information here as I can not find a creditable source. Government warns World Cup stab vests useless against taxi fenders……. JOHANNESBURG. A knife-proof vest being marketed to British tourists as a must-have item at the 2010 World Cup has been slammed by the South African government, which says it is completely pointless as most tourists killed will either be shot or run over by taxis. However the country has recommitted itself to killing as few tourists as possible. According to the BBC, the so-called stab vests are being marketed in the United Kingdom as essential security wear for the 2010 World Cup and cost up to $70. However, this morning the South African government condemned the armoured items, describing them as alarmist, reactionary and discriminatory against people who earn a living through knife crime. But, said spokesman Whiplash Mahlangu, the real outrage was how ineffective the vests would be in keeping tourists alive. "We urge our visitors to remember that of the 1,500 South Africans who are murdered and the 1,100 who are killed on our roads every month, only a tiny minority succumb to knife wounds," said Mahlangu. He added that while the usual 2,600 locals would be killed during the World Cup, South Africa was committed to killing as few international visitors as possible. "If we can keep it down to around one percent of the South African average, that is, 26 tourists, we'll consider that a job well done," said Mahlangu. But, he said, visitors would have to accept that stab vests would "not be of optimum utility in an average hail of gunfire from an average assault rifle, or against the earnest advances of a Toyota Hilux's front fender". He asked both South Africans and foreign tourists to remain positive about the World Cup. "The world is coming," he said. "The important thing to remember is that of the 500,000 guests coming to our shores, 499,974 will be going home alive. "Ultimately football will be the winner."
  8. Grandma and Grandpa were visiting Their kids overnight. When Grandpa found a bottle of Vi gra in His son's medicine cabinet, he asked About using one of the pills. The son said, "I don't think you should Take one Dad; they're very strong And very expensive." "How much?" asked Grandpa. "$10. A pill," Answered the son. "I don't care," said Grandpa, "I'd still like to Try one, and before we leave in the Morning, I'll put the money Under the pillow." Later the next morning, the son found $110 under the pillow. He called Grandpa and said, "I told You each pill was $10, not $110. "I know," said Grandpa. "The Hundred is from Grandma!"
  9. After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, Melbourne scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 100 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 100 years ago. Not to be outdone by the Victorians, in the weeks that followed, a Sydney archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a story published in the Sydney Morning Herald read: "New South Wales archaeologists, finding traces of 130-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 30 years earlier than the Victorians". One week later, the Courier Mail in Brisbane, Queensland, reported the following: "After digging as deep as 30 feet in his pasture near Beenleigh, Queensland, John Brown, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely nothing all. John has therefore concluded that 130 years ago, Queensland had already gone wireless."
  10. Hi The Wolf, Yes you can, the son of my old flight instructor has duplicate log books but in his duplicate copy he has fixed in a signed statement on the back of the front hard cover to the fact this log book is a duplicate of the original for security/document safety reasons. The only issue is making sure the hours are reasonable close in both and the fact is he never takes both books to get counter signed at any one time(you could loose both). Anyway off to work now, Bankstown airport here I come, now most of the rain has gone, a great day for aerial photography. Bob.
  11. Hi Shags, Yes from memory they were quick to replace mine too but I lost it Friday along with my wallet and was flying Saturday morning, two bits of good luck, one I had flow with the company/school before so i was known to them and i had the photocopy of my RAA card and an ID photo in a laminated pouch in the front of my current logbook. Bob.
  12. Hi, I guess the thought of getting a JP to sign your copies would be good, I have the benefit of being in the Sydney metro area so can get to a CASA rep to sign and stamp them. I have never had a flight training school or an independent aircraft "hirer" back away from accepting the hours as true with the CASA stamp on them, like gold. Even photocopied pages with endorsement on I got signed and anyway my endorsements are on CASA records and with the RAA office for RAA stuff. If you are not near a CASA office I guess you would have to rely on a JP and true, a test flight would sort out how your skills are to a stranger. Just as an aside how many of you photocopy your RAA plastic card? What happens if you loose it or your wallet and want to go flying, I have the photo copy on the inside page of my current log book, just in case. Bob.
  13. OK, To be absolutely "technical" a fire rated safe, still cost me $90(new safe but old stock). Bob.
  14. Hi, I had the same issue with recovering lost hours from the 1960's, however i had kept the receipts and invoices that stated hours and what was done(instruction or hire or solo). I took them along to a CASA rep: and he sighted the lot signed my new log book I had re-written in all the hours and then photo copied the receipts and used the CASA stamp on the copies. I now keep them in a small fireproof safe($90). I asked about my current log book and he informed me as long as i have some independent documented evidence i would be fine to redo the logbook and get CASA reps to counter sign it. I asked about computer records but he said i would need additional evidence to confirm the hours, he said a signed statement of instruction hours from my CFI would be acceptable or for solo flights submitted flight plans to CASA,fuel receipts from airport browsers or your bank statements showing the fuel purchasers and aircraft type. hope this helps you. Bob.
  15. As a Bagpiper, I play many funeral gigs. Recently I was asked by a Funeral director to play at a graveside service for a homeless man. He had no Family or friends, so the service was to be at a pauper's cemetery in the Back-country. As I was not familiar with the backwoods, I got lost; and being a typical Man I didn't stop for directions. I finally arrived an hour late and saw The funeral guy had evidently gone and the hearse was nowhere in sight. There Were only the diggers and crew left and they were eating lunch. I felt Badly and apologized to the men for being late. I went to the side of the grave And looked down and the vault lid was already in place. I didn't know what else to do, so I started to play. The workers put down Their lunches and began to gather around. I played out my heart and soul For this man with no family and friends. I played like I've never played Before for this homeless man. And as I played "Amazing Grace," the workers began To weep. They wept, I wept... We all wept together. When I finished, I Packed up my bagpipes and started for my car. Though my head hung low, my heart was full. As I was opening the door to My car, I heard one of the workers say, "Sweet Mother, I ain't never seen Nothin like that before and I've been puttin' in septic tanks for twenty years."
  16. Hi Rocketdriver, No the foam i got is not soft foam, it comes from WA and is a high impact foam, I think there was an article about it in the RAA Mag some time ago. The soft foam on the top is that foam that conforms to your bum when it warms up. With a wife with disabilities i am more than aware of the dangers of incorrect equipment. Bob.
  17. Hi Darky, My wife has the same issue as you and we got her a specaly foam seat and backrest made at one of the disability stores of high impact foam with a 50mm layer of the soft stuff like in wheelchair cusions that molds to you, total cost $110. Bob.
  18. Hi, I used it for a while but found it was attacking the fuel tank material, had to replace the tank, stopped using it after that, was no benefit at all to me. Bob.
  19. Hi, I agree with Matt, was always told beacon on just prior to engine start and strobe on at hold point prior to take off. Bob.
  20. icebob


    I was put onto this movie, what a top memorial to mustange pilots. Bob. GRAY EAGLES FILM BY CHRIS WOODS | www.asb.tv
  21. Hi Yenn, I got the microair kit, has the lot with it. The only thing I did different was fit a disc of 6061T6 for the aerial as the pod skin was a little flexable and it would act as a ground plane too. The wiring kit included was easy to rig up the only fiddly bit was securing the encoder. Bob.
  22. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
  23. A man in Scotland calls his son in London the day before Christmas Eve and says, “I hate to ruin your day but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough.” 'Dad, what are you talking about?' the son screams. “We can't stand the sight of each other any longer” the father says. “We're sick of each other and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Leeds and tell her.” Franticly, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. “Like hell they're getting divorced!” she shouts, “I'll take care of this!” She calls Scotland immediately, and screams at her father “You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, DO YOU HEAR ME?” and hangs up. The old man hangs up his phone and turns to his wife. 'Sorted! They're coming for Christmas - and they're paying their own way.' :thumb_up:
  24. Hi, Has someone been filming my landings again?????:big_grin:
  25. Hi Darky, Don't give up on it, my initial training was in the 1960's in a Cub, he was the local fish spotter. He did a number of runs along the full length of the runway at 20 feet and got me to look ahead and to a Yellow flag he had planted off to one side, he maintained by scanning both you use peripheral vision more and that training gives you more height perception, hay it worked for me. One day he removed the flag and after that most landings were fine as long as i took a ladder to get out of the hole,ha ha. Brings back good memories of fuel and rotting fish, yuk! Bob.
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