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Everything posted by icebob

  1. Hi, I take your point that it is a individual decision and likes and dislikes come in to play. I can only speak from experiance that the Odessy "out of the box" did all it said it would. MGL's web site and forum have offered fixes to a number of issues quickly(I have not needed any help). I like the fact the whole software can be downloaded to a data stick for safe keeping and the unit allows for conection to a computer. MGL has sold considerable numbers of units, just not that many here in Australia,yet, mainly to GA. and gliders in other countries. Bob.
  2. Hi JayKay, That is why I was looking at the Odyssey, it comes with the whole kit of censors as a standard price and ok you need the likes of oziexplorer and the aviation maps, we are talking less than $500 here but and this is a big but all the sofeware is in place, is available now, is Australian produced AND you can get a 3 axis auto pilot by simply purchasing the servos and an expansion module a total of about $900. What can sykview give you now, this minute and straight off the shelf? Bob.
  3. Hi, I had a look at these too but the little information coming from the US sort of said no up to date maps for Australia???? I have then looked at the Stratomaster "Odassy" at www.lightflying.com.au as oziexplorer goes straight on. Bob.
  4. Hi, not a problem. I am fairly sure there is a Typhoon being built or ordered in the Perth area, you may need to contact the manufacturer to find out. Better to see one in the flesh so to speak, gives you a better view of the aircraft, plus another builder near by is always handy. Bob
  5. Hi, I have had a look at these aircraft, from my view of building both a VP-1 and 2 these are easier to build then a VP, as far as bits fitting together. As far as the right fit for your flying only you can answer that. I would give the VP-2 a 65/100 (yes i love mine too) and the Typhoon as an upgrade of the VP-2 and a 75/100. There are a few items that i would look at with the Typhoon but it is all cosmetics except for the seat. The seat material i would change, I can see after some time one would have a numb bum. The Typhoon flies very much like a VP-2 in the circuit but tends to float a little more but was firm,stable and was fun. I have not flown it longer than an hour or out of the circuit. I would like a bigger fuel tank maybe 65-70 Lts would be "nice". Bob.
  6. Another product I am impressed with is "rescue tape", have a look on www.rescuetapeaustralia.com.au. what do you think? Bob
  7. Hi, My VP-2 prop turns with the motor off but not fast enough to re-start, one reason I fitted a electric starter. bob.
  8. Hi David, I used the Randolf Ranthane butyrate paint from the USA - (aircraft spruce), the Dacron was not that far gone but for 10 months the aircraft was outside, the betts test about 18 month later passed but I was worried about the paint thickness giving a false reading so took samples where it was not painted and it failed. The paint was very good/easy to paint on and stuck well to the dacron. would I do it again,no, so much preparation work for a 1/2 reasonable result. In hind sight(20/20) I should have painted 2 years to 18 months before I actually did. Bob.
  9. Hi Dazza, yes i did enjoy the video but would still be better with a script and some coaching. He did very well, for the first time. Bob.
  10. Hi David, I painted my volksplane and i am sure i got an extra 12 months life but i did notice my Betts meter was harder to penetrate through to the fibers to get a reading which worried me that it was inaccurate. Bob.
  11. Hi, I have been through the video a number of times and re-read all the responses here, just a note i would like to make and that is this is his first attempt at an instructional video so give him the credits for that, sure there are some issues but please let's not shoot the messenger, no script, poor face to camera technique and poor diction and voice control,voice overs volume and clarity, sun and picture distortions. Hay a beginner lets give him some constructive assistance, we all would a student pilot I am sure. It is the total package not just his instruction, as an exercise just go through the video not looking at the technical flying issues but all the other things and you will see all of the crew are new at this. Bob. Oh, our son did a 4 year Film and TV collage course and i was his "study buddy" interesting what you pick up, I really think i should have the certificate too, ha,ha.
  12. Hi, I must say i enjoyed the video, even had my own bollard head w-a-y in the background too. I was always taught with a quartering tail wind on taxi exactly as per this video and wing down into the wind. Then again a carrier can be a bitch to taxi on too. Hay turbo, i missed that, that will teach me for not paying attention, thanks for highlighting it. Bob.
  13. icebob


    Hi Maynard, Do you have the 80Lt. tank fitted? I have seen an X-Air at Tamworth that had the 80Lt. tank plus a 20Lt. plastic drum strapped on the pax seat with a car electric fuel pump fitted to the top and he had a small sealed motorcycle battery to run it. He said that gave him about 9 hours of flying. Don't think my bladder would endure that amount of flying, ha, ha. Bob.
  14. Hi, Try the Volksplane users group on Yahoo, there are a couple of them with laminated u/c and 6" wheels. Bob.
  15. Hi Peter, I got caught the same way and no the service station owner did not notify anyone of the added Ethenol, plus i suspect something else was added, it left a gray putty like deposit in the tank that totally blocked the filter, like the fuel had emolsified. Avweb(USA) had some articles on this subject some time ago that was very comprehensive and there were representations to the FAA about disclosure violations by some fuel companies over there but do not know the outcome. bob.
  16. Hi All, I must say I too have seen a decline in numbers and it is sad to see once active aircraft just sitting, sadder still when ground staff have to move them to cut the very long grass under and around them. On a good Saturday there was at least four or five in the circuit and four or five buzzing off somewhere, now you are lucky to see three flying. The other issue i do not understand, offer the owners a free BBQ at the strip and none turn up, beats me???? Bob.
  17. Hi Brad, Welcome to the forum, I have an X-air still in its containers ready to build, like you other issues have got in the way. I'm an ex Ulverstone boy now in Sydney for a while. Bob.
  18. Hi all, found an intresting site www.navaid.com Bob.
  19. Hi, There are a number of units used to move caravans, i got a secondhand one for ours for $190 just needed a new car battery fitted. Easy to modify to tow an aircraft. Bob.
  20. Hi all, I have just purchased a new basic survival kit from which I intend to build on to make a more comprehensive kit. The kit is $32.95 from Australian Emergency Survival Kits and Equipment for Camping, Scouts, Cadets, Car, Truck, Aircraft, Free On Line Survival Course Outback© Survival Kit Contains: Basic Survival and First Aid Instructions Magnifying sheet - For vision deficient users reading the instructions Our very own SunBURST Signal Mirror - Tough scratch resistant acrylic lens, aiming aperture all in a small unit of 60mm dia x 1.8mm thick Combination Compass Whistle - Made from tough acrylic, has clear and easy to read gradient markings, loud in-built whistle and comes with safety orange lanyard Fishing gear, sinkers, hooks, fishing line, swivel Basic food pack - Energy foods Basic first aid kit - Bandaids, alcohol swabs, paracetamol Water sterilising tabs Pencil and wax paper Silver foil Wire - Multi purpose Strong nylon cord Razor blade Nylon ties Sewing kit Tea Bag - Foil sealed Waterproof and windproof matches Safety pins Packaged in a sealed metal tin (80mm dia) with twist lid - Can be used to boil water for purification. I have found this kit to be for the price a very good building block and if need be could be used on it's own at a pinch. The other good thing about this company is that on its web site it has a basic survival course, you can go through for free(love the price) that is valid, correct and well explained but is more orientated to the walker but still most appropriate to us.
  21. Hi, Our CFI wants us to cross out the error with one line then write "entered in error" either above or below and then sign it with a black pen. He informed us the log book is a legal document and therefore correcting fluid/tapes should not be used. Bob.
  22. Hi, Had an issue with a couple of screens where there was star cracks around the attachment screws, it appears that 4mm bolts/screws were used and the screen holes were 4mm not 4.5mm to allow for the screen to flex/move. I am aware of your issue is the frame but it would be a shame to fix that and then get star cracks after going to all that trouble. Bob.
  23. Hi, OK it looks like it IS or COULD BE an FS problem? Have you downloaded the latest updates? In FS control settings after the first screen have you selected "MOUSE YOKE"? To get mine working I had to reload FS a couple of times. Bob.
  24. Hi, It sort of looks like your joystick is the issue. I would still get the latest drivers from the internet, the joysick may work with them. /not work Bob.
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