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Everything posted by icebob

  1. Hi Pud, I have only seen this done once at a car show where the aircraft was the backdrop. It took a very long time after applying the Armor-all to rub off and get a good shine and later in the day you could see fine dust lines where the edges of well rubbed areas meet poorly rubbed areas, so maybe a lot of hard work to generate a dust magnet? If it is practical to do and not effect the fabric it may well be worthwhile and i may consider it too. Bob.
  2. I got mine in 1973 when i was flying a VP-1. The then Commander Air the boss of all flying at HMAS albatross(I was in the Navy) forced him self on me and wanted to fly my aircraft. Middle of winter and as cold as charity. After an hour of flying he returned and asked "whats' your name son" me just said "Bob" so he reckoned i was a block of ice to fly "that thing" so the name stuck as Icebob. Bob.
  3. Hi, Just come back from Mildura, the owner of the mildura plaza motel($88) will pick you up from the airport and drop you back plus you get a light brekky too at that price. Bob.
  4. Hi, opps sorry, can blame sleep dep: for the poor spellinggss, sorry.
  5. Hi, I have had all the motors(3 - 1x 503 & 2 582's) that failed all at mid to high RPM. Facehunter is correct at 600 hours get a new one, I sell my old motors to the go-cart mobs as is, you can get a fair price for them too. Bob.
  6. Hi Merv, if the oil leaking is just a few drops after say an hour or two of flight then no issues if however it is about 1/3 to 1/2 teaspoon OR MORE in two hours of flight you have a seal issue. If you have the same in one hour of flight plus higher engine temps then it is an urgent issue that needs looking into quickly and may need a rebuild. Bob.
  7. Hi Bluey, Yes it is possible to get false readings, unfortunately it is a knack at getting it reasonably accurate and that comes with practice and time. Getting someone else to do it too is no help if they have not done much of that type of testing either. Check your maufacturers web site they may have stated 400 hours so it legally is 400 hours. Bob
  8. Hi BLA82, Yes the book does indeed say 300 hours, if i do all the appropriate tests and that does include a total strip down and measure everything and all are well within the manufacturers specifications then i would feel confident of reusing the motor "on condition"for at least another 100 hours before retesting. I know most owners would not have available the facilities i do for engine component testing and overhaul and if i did not have them i too would stick to the 300 hours for sure. It has been electrical items like alternators and voltage regulators that have let me down more so than the motors. an interesting thing here, when the alternator packs it in it is usually very close to or just after the 300 hours anyway, a strange phenomenon in deed? That was on both motors too. Bob.
  9. Hi, my two older motors(none oil injection) when they got the figures of 0.04 front bearing and 0.055 rear i got another 16 hours before that motor failed and the other motor did another 105 hours before it was overhauled a seal leak that had me rebuild while replaceing all the seals.. hope that sort of helps. I know the book says 300 hours but if your bearing wear is unchanged and all other tests are within the specs then cautiously give it a go. I will say motor one failed in flight and was byond rebuild where as motor two did not fail and was rebuilt- there is the cost thing. In hind sight it would have been cheaper to rebuild the failed motor long before it gave up the ghost, oh and less mess to clean up, if you know what i mean. Bob.
  10. Hi Darren, All the best from me and Maureen, will miss throwing empty beer cans on your roof, so sad,ha, ha. Bob.
  11. Hi Gibbo, Was speaking to the sister in law last night who lives at Rubyvale and she said they had short showers all day until the wind got up, strong enough to blow washing off the line. Rubyvale = 29.6 degrees C,5mm rain today,wind NEE @15kts,1019hPa. Bob.
  12. Hi, There is a VW motor manufacturer in the Bribie Is. area, just north of Brisbane. Bob.
  13. wow i don't remember it being that expensive???? I did need the lead and socket and from memory i had to buy both just to get the socket. Bob
  14. Hi Geoff, sorry not Dick Smith it was Altronics in WA part C9093 or C9092. Bob.
  15. Hi Geoff, I picked a NATO plug and socket up from a Dick Smithor Jaycar store last year for an electronics project
  16. HI all, Just a word of caution when using the tester. Make sure the point of the hook goes between two threads. I loaned mine to someone and he just stuck it in without care, nicked a thread and then was so heavy handed doing the test that thread broke and by the manufacturers recommendation that is considered a tear so a fail. We patched the butcher job and moved on to another location, this time I did the test and the fabric passed. so now he has this ugly patch he needs to keep an eye on for the life of his fabric. If you see a lovely white and red fabric aircraft with this postage stamp size pink patch you will all know who the butcher is/was. I am on purpose not naming names or aircraft, this will drive him crazy, oh I am bad, he, he. the other issue on a pull up to test stitching, please take care you are only testing the folded area with the stitches through it not the actual stitch material on its own. Bob.
  17. Hi, am having a meal so thought this may interest you To purchase a unit from Airborne, order BETTSOMETER UNIT Part #109095 Don't know the price but they are the trike people in Sydney. My unit has the 1.2mm hook that is tapered. purchased mine about 2 years ago for I think $55 plus postage of $7.50. Bob.
  18. Hi, yes you can at a pinch but need to check the accuracy of the spring balance, can go to the chemist and use their weights to check it, you may do small amounts of damage with an "ordinary" 2mm hook and it may need a patch on as some fibers will not go back to their original location after the test. The one in my test kit is tapered around the hook section. Bob.
  19. Hi, I think is was s.k.y.s.h.o.p. but i am off to work now so when i get back in the morning i will check and post here. Bob.
  20. Hi, Several of the pilot supply stores have them new for about $60 including the initial calabration, maybe Ian has them too? Bob.
  21. Hi all, someone on the forum asked me about fabric testing and i can not remember who so am placing the information here. The standard test is the Betts test with a pull of 1350gms the fabric should not tear. Any figure below that is a fail. The two part test needs to be done in two directions and at 90 degrees to the other test. I contacted X-Air,Dimension Polyant of Germany and a trike manufacturer to confirm the test. It is of interest that all recommend the same test and the same test pull figure. Bob.
  22. Hi Geoff, the microair web site has the plug wiring and colours as a pdf file, too big to download to this site. Bob.
  23. like to see him do an inflight restart???? Bob.
  24. Spot on Mazda. In the 1970's I built a VP-1 at HMAS Albatross and I was in the Navy then and I did fly out of Nowra just about every weekend AND on "sports days" without any problems and we had Skyhawks,Trackers,DC 3's Iroquois,HS748's and the odd balls I worked on Wessex. I even convinced Commander(Air) to have a flight in the VP. Not once did I ever have a problem, the basic training for ATC has not changed only the technology and it would surprise me if anyone had a real problem transiting Nowra airspace if the rules were relaxed. The other issue is the weaponry and sensors available on our military aircraft is so sophisticated and they can not find a Rec aircraft then they should be relegated to the bath! Bob.
  25. Hi All, I started with a Vesper 125 sports in the 1960's then got a new Honda DT250 when they first came out. After smashing my leg on a spectacular stack i went up in size, crazy i know but like flying once it's in the blood you are hooked. I also had a Suzuki 1100 road bike for ten years and sidecar, cool for camping in. Bob.
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