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Hi, Try www. flightsim.com Once you register you have 2 hours to do downloads for the next 24 hours period Bob.
Hi All, I have opened up the VP-1 download and it works well, just a few little tweeks to is, like engine sounds and doubling up on instruments and it works on FSX too, great;) I also heve the "seabird" aircraft in "nice" blue camo:thumb_up: Bob.
Clear Runway 06, Entering and Backtracking Runway 15
icebob replied to a topic in Just Landed - Welcome
Hi Rohan, Welcolm to the forum, I know that area well, we have relatives out at Rubyvale:thumb_up:. Bob. -
Hi, If anyone is intrested i recieved a zip file for a VP-1 to add to the aircraft file of FS2004. As the file is too big to post here if anyone is intrested please PM me with an email address and i will send it to you. I have not opened it yet so do not know how it goes - I am currently flying the C172 from Jarvis Bay to Newcastle via the inland way. This is lots of fun:big_grin:. Bob.
Hi, After looking at responses to this by others there is a lot I agree with, however I also looked at the potential recruiting abilities with this change. At most GA flight training schools you have in any one year a number of people go through and get the PPL, then what? Two years down the track how many are still hanging around that flight training school, say five years further how many of that original group are still there? With RAA we have fly in's and social events and the like, the momentum is kept going, the majority of flying schools are there for profit and i do not criticize them for that but unless it is a flying club too then there is little long term incentive to stay. We at RAA give that incentive, sure we could do a lot more but we are there and retention of members is good too. Lets bring these potential members into the fold, more members, more voice and higher standing with the govenment rule makers too and a bigger voting base come election times. my 2c worth. Bob.
Hi All, I just got the fix for this, there is five or six people around me that have had this pop up and could not get rid of it. Solution: Note: To fully remove all associated malware, perform the clean solutions for the following: TROJ_FRAUDLOA.WN TROJ_RENOS.ACG Terminating the Malware Program This procedure terminates the running malware process. Open Windows Task Manager. • On Windows 98 and ME, press CTRL+ALT+DELETE • On Windows NT, 2000, XP, and Server 2003, press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC, then click the Processes tab. In the list of running programs*, locate the process: AV2009.EXE Select the malware process, then press either the End Task or the End Process button, depending on the version of Windows on your computer. To check if the malware process has been terminated, close Task Manager, and then open it again. Close Task Manager. *NOTE: On computers running Windows 98 and ME, Windows Task Manager may not show certain processes. You can use a third party process viewer such as Process Explorer to terminate the malware process. On computers running all Windows platforms, if the process you are looking for is not in the list displayed by Task Manager or Process Explorer, continue with the next solution procedure, noting additional instructions. If the malware process is in the list displayed by either Task Manager or Process Explorer, but you are unable to terminate it, restart your computer in safe mode. Removing Autostart Entries from the Registry This solution deletes/modifies registry keys/entries added/modified by this malware. Before performing the steps below, make sure you know how to back up the registry and how to restore it if a problem occurs. Refer to this Microsoft article for more information about modifying your computer's registry. Open Registry Editor. Click Start>Run, type REGEDIT, then press Enter. In the left panel, double-click the following: HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software>Microsoft> Windows>CurrentVersion>Run In the right panel, locate and delete the entry: ieupdate = "%System%\ieupdates.exe"" (Note: %System% is the Windows system folder, which is usually C:\Windows\System on Windows 98 and ME, C:\WINNT\System32 on Windows NT and 2000, or C:\Windows\System32 on Windows XP and Server 2003.) Removing Other Malware Keys from the Registry Still in the Registry Editor, in the left panel, double-click the following: HKEY_CURRENT_USER>Software Still in the left panel, locate and delete the key: 5A31A7C032FA4A817CA453B790082700 Again in the left panel, double-click the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE>Classes>CLSID Still in the left panel, locate and delete the key: {037C7B8A-151A-49E6-BAED-CC05FCB50328} Again in the left panel, double-click the following: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>SOFTWARE>Microsoft>Windows> CurrentVersion>Explorer>Browser Helper Objects Still in the left panel, locate and delete the key: {037C7B8A-151A-49E6-BAED-CC05FCB50328} Close Registry Editor. Deleting the Malware File(s) Right-click Start then click Search... or Find..., depending on the version of Windows you are running. In the Named input box, type: %Application Data%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch\Antivirus 2009.lnk (Note: %Application Data% is the current user's Application Data folder, which is usually C:\Windows\Profiles\{user name}\Application Data on Windows 98 and ME, C:\WINNT\Profiles\{user name}\Application Data on Windows NT, and C:\Documents and Settings\{user name}\Local Settings\Application Data on Windows 2000, XP, and Server 2003.) In the Look In drop-down list, select the drive that contains Windows, then press Enter. Once located, select the file then press SHIFT+DELETE. Repeat steps 2-4 for the following file(s): %Desktop%\Antivirus 2009.lnk %User Profile%\Antivirus 2009\Antiviris 2009.lnk %User Profile%\Antivirus 2009\Uninstall Antiviris 2009.lnk (Note: %Desktop% is the current user's desktop, which is usually C:\Windows\Profiles\{user name}\Desktop on Windows 98 and ME, C:\WINNT\Profiles\{user name}\Desktop on Windows NT, and C:\Documents and Settings\{User Name}\Desktop on Windows 2000, XP, and Server 2003. %User Profile% is the current user's profile folder, which is usually C:\Windows\Profiles\{user name} on Windows 98 and ME, C:\WINNT\Profiles\{user name} on Windows NT, and C:\Documents and Settings\{user name} on Windows 2000, XP, and Server 2003.) Important Windows ME/XP Cleaning Instructions Users running Windows ME and XP must disable System Restore to allow full scanning of infected computers. Users running other Windows versions can proceed with the succeeding solution set(s). Running Trend Micro Antivirus If you are currently running in safe mode, please restart your computer normally before performing the following solution. Scan your computer with Trend Micro antivirus and delete files detected as TROJ_FAKEAV.CX. To do this, Trend Micro customers must download the latest virus pattern file and scan their computer. Other Internet users can use HouseCall, the Trend Micro online virus scanner.
Hi Airsick, Thanks for that, my wife is also pushing me in that direction, she has about 130 hours on motor gliders and about 300 in fixed wing(GA), looks like I am being cornered(help - well a weak help at that). Can I please get a little more detail from you about your aircraft? She herself was talking about leasually trips to central Queensland and that sort of thing from Sydney, is that reasonable?:confused: Bob.
Hi, Yes unfortunately it was a problem my end with my firewall seeing those addresses as "inappropriate/dangerous":hittinghead: How did my firewall get so smart?????;) It is now fixed, still can not get through to the PM, like you said less important. Bob.
Hi, sorry forgot to add the photo [ATTACH]6309[/ATTACH] The original plans used 1.7 once dacron but this aircraft used another product from France, the same strength as 3 oz but lighter and had UV protection inbuilt, he spary painted over the fabric with house paint. He made the wings 8 inches longer and has a 45HP motor. Bob.
Hi, Sent the letter to do a timed send off, i tried sending a test email but all the politicians web sites blocked me but the newspaper ones went straight through, I also have a timed responce to be sent to A Current Affairs(Channel 7 Sydney) research department at 9am on the day. Bob.
Hi, Not a problem however if it was me(my 2cents worth) I would still try to contact someone who has flown one for some guidance, I have only looked at them and talked briefly to someone who has only a few hours on them but I have not flown them myself. Bob
Hi, Sorry i have not got back to you had issues here at home to deal with/am dealing with. In 1998 in San Diego(USA) I saw two of them, one landing and one taking-off. The one taking off had the much smaller motor and just can i say to get to 1000 feet, i could have made four ham sandwiches and maybe even sliced up some block cheese to go in them too- it -- was --- s-l-o-w. The machine that I watched landing had a bigger motor and he eventually took off and he climbed quite well, both guys looked like they were having fun and i was a bit green with envy they were flying and i wasn't. Both aircraft had the same fuselage although the second aircraft had a better constructed nose/cockpit and bigger diameter wheels. The guy that drove me out there(he has flown both of them) told me the first one only had the three 4 inch wheels and the second had ten inch wheelbarrow wheels as mains and the original 4 inch main as the tail wheel, he had used Dacron to cover the wings and tail instead of the original material stated on the plans but the first aircraft followed the plans exactly and will be installing the bigger motor. It was about 35 degrees and a wind of about four knots and gusting to 6, both aircraft looked like they were fairly responsive in roll and pitch and I guess you could liken the take off and landing to very much like the volksplane, that is shallow climb/ decent angles both under power. I was told their good landing speed is around 38-44 knots giving V1+ 9knots, both aircraft did not have brakes.The maximum cross wind recommended in the plans was a bit of wishful thinking, I was told they struggle with 8 knots crosswind. Duration with the recommended fuel tank is just over two and a half hours but i feel you would need a freezer suit any longer than that, the nose construction gives little protection from the wind. I reckon this aircraft would make a magic beach fun flyer or the like as both aircraft had arrived at the strip in a modified box trailer the wing only took a few minutes to put on as it was fitted with the fuselage still on the trailer and the whole lot rolled off and away you go. Don't know if anyone else has seen them or flown one as i am fairly new to this forum but I wonder is there a web site in the USA for them? Bob
Hi Daniel, Welcome to the forum, am am a Tassy boy too my original home, Turner's Beach, we had a mixed farm and market gardens that was my Grandfathers but Dad sold in the 1990's. I had at one stage a girlfriend out your way, ohh the follies of youth:yuk:. Bob.
not a problem, that strip was last used by the Army in 1981 and has had no more activitiy after that. There were a few trailbikes up there just after that and i know one group knocked down a stone wall on the South side of the strip and some of that wall strewn across the old strip. the old road up is about 1/3 of the way along on the North East side and was a shallow W shape but I could not see it on Google earth? Bob.
Hi Tony, Thank you very much for the explanation of the motor glider it has helped me, I am sure others too who are not fermiliar with this aircraft and for me it has put some of the pieces into place. I can relate to the spoiler issue as startling on your first flight. I have just started some gliding.:thumb_up: Bob.
Hi, The entry to the Yalwal strip was directly across the road from the Burrier fire trail, if you are coming from the Nowra direction it is about 1Km before Yalwal it self and went in about 40 meters to the strip. There is a relatively flat area about 2-300 meters wide then the ground rises steeply to form a ridge, the strip roughly followed the ridgeline. Bob.
Hi Glen, between 1940 and 1943 there were at least seven auxiliary airstrips built in that general area, however at the end of the war most/all were abandoned, some were maintained by locals while others just got swallowed up by vegetation. In the 1980's one old strip near Braidwood was used by the army and i think a few of thier aircraft did operate out of it for a week or so. The strip you are talking about was not the real strip, that was the dispersal area for the strip and was the diversion strip for fighters and i am unsure but maybe the aviation museum at Nowra has photos of it, there were aerial photos taken in 1945 that I saw in the 1970's in the photographic section at HMAS Albatross but who knows where they are now is anyones guess????
sorry old habits die hard. is 150 degrees and 29 minutes,31.04 seconds E oppps:sad: When I used to send a coordinate on the radio it was the quickest transmission possible so you would just send the operator at the other end would convert it so everyone could read. as i did the quick reply at the same time i was speaking to one of my old crew so things just flowed on - sorry.
Hi, That strip as best i know of was closed in 1998, the original enterance gate was at 34 degrees.58.28S and, the two strips were at There was two strips 02 at 750 feet and 31 at 900 feet. There should still be evidance of all the big trees cleared still, I have not had a chance to look yet. Bob.
Hi, I will ask when i go next, I was given by my wife(she just amazes me) the 10 flight package at $695, I purchased the extra time while there which cost me $97 extra. My first and second landing after 40 years away was nearly spot on, just a little - -long - - on touch down, although at first the approach with spoilers concerned me a little, like doing a carrier landing approach without arrester wires! Bob.
Hi, Southern Cross Glider Club at Camden(NSW) is 70 cents per miniute for first hour then 35 cents per minute for subsequent up to a max of $126 for 5 hours plus. Must be a member of the club $360 and of the Gliding federation $190. Bob.
Wow, $70 a launch, I got two launches on last Saterday and one on sunday for a total of $97 and total flight time of three hourse and twenty minutes over the whole weekend. I must agree with other posts, glider pilots at the high end competition level are top notch and my humble flights last weekend looked quite sick compared to the one guy who launched an hour before me and I was back and finished lunch and he had just came into the circuit???? He was flying the same type of 2 place glider I went out in. Bob.
Those ex or current military should enjoy this old one Thank God for Navy Chiefs (Chief Petty Officer).... CANBERRA : A Royal Australian Air Force Pilot serving in the Defence Department narrowly escaped serious injury recently when he attempted horseback riding with no prior experience. After mounting his horse unassisted, the horse immediately began moving. As it galloped along at a steady and rhythmic pace, the pilot, who has not been named, began to slip sideways from the saddle. Although attempting to grab for the horse's mane the pilot could not get a firm grip. He then threw his arms around the horse's neck but continued to slide down the side of the horse. The horse galloped along, seemingly oblivious to its slipping rider. Finally, losing his grip, the rider attempted to leap away from the horse and throw himself to safety… However, his foot became entangled in the stirrup, leaving him at the mercy of the horse's pounding hooves as his head and upper body repeatedly struck the ground. Moments away from unconsciousness and possible death, to his great fortune a Royal Australian Navy chief, shopping at K-Mart, saw him and quickly unplugged the horse!
I was on the Volkplane users site(USA) and this product is being used by one of its forums members, though it may be of intrest to someone? TECHNICAL Carbon Fiber - A Truly Remarkable Material The first time you hold a carbon fiber part, you will be amazed at how light, yet stiff, it is. It is twice as stiff as high-strength aluminum alloys with an ultimate tensile strength that exceeds that of steel, yet it is the weight of plastic. Perfect for Special Applications Due to its very high strength to weight ratio, carbon fiber materials are uniquely qualified for high performance structural components in R/C aircraft, robotics, and other demanding applications. MaterialUlt. Tensile Strength (ksi)Tensile Modulus E (msi)4130 Steel125302024 –T 3 Aluminum6510Carbon Fiber20020 Sandwich Structure = Lighter & Stiffer Plate DragonPlate™ carbon fiber laminate is an engineered sandwich structure. When a panel is flexed, the majority of the stresses are created at the outer surfaces of the panel. This is explained by engineering beam theory which shows the distribution of stress as a function of the distance from the center of the panel. It can be seen from the illustration that stresses drop off rapidly as one approaches the center of the beam. This is why I-beams have wide flanges and a thin center panel. It is why surf boards have a fiberglass skin and a foam core. The highest strength to weight structure takes advantage of this phenomenon and places high strength carbon fiber at the outside skins of the panel and a lower density structural material internally as a core. DragonPlate CF Laminate utilizes high quality birch plywood as its core material.* Birch is a fine-grained hardwood of exceptional toughness. It is the material of choice for wooden aircraft propellers. The birch plywood we use is a very special material with absolutely no knots or voids. Special waterproof glue is used and the plywood must be able to withstand a 24-hour boil test in water without delaminating. Birch plywood laminate is approximately ½ the density of carbon fiber laminate, so DragonPlate is lighter weight than a 100% carbon fiber laminate of the same thickness. Because the bending strength of a plate is related to the square of its thickness, DragonPlate is stronger that a solid carbon fiber plate of the same weight. *wood fiber is used in the 1/32 and 1/16 inch thickness where the core is too thin for plywood Comparison Tests We performed bending deflection tests using our own Dragonplate carbon fiber laminate and solid carbon fiber. The test samples where identical in length/width and similar in weight per square inch. The test procedure consisted of hanging weights from the end of the material and measuring the amount of deflection that occured. The graphs below show a significantly higher strength to weight ratio, proving that Dragonplate laminate is stronger in bending than solid carbon fiber of the same weight. Regarding Quality We are an ISO 9001:2000 certified manufacturing facility. High quality carbon fiber laminates can be distinguished by their absolute flatness and lack of voids or surface bubbles. Dragonplate Carbon Fiber Laminates are manufactured by skilled technicians under rigid process control to exacting specifications. If you look at a piece of DragonPlate the quality is obvious.
Hi, I fly them, I have just started again after being away for 40 years and have got six hours and twenty two minutes in the book to date, flying at Camden (NSW). Bob.