Hi Geoff,
Well if you go to the RAA "bible" you will notice position descriptions that are so loose fitting as to be no good to give direction. The Manual is well written as a perface or overview but no way acceptable to any sort of auditor for the directions and responcibilities of office holders. Has the members been given a snow job, well all i say is read the book and think how you would do the job EXACTLY to the word in the book, you would may not be able to.
As I see it the problems start with the very basics, all of RAA's publications need re-writting to the relevent quality/CASA standard for starters, then a lot of issues would go away because it's in the book and we all do it this way, end of story.
CASA has some wonderful booklets, videos and aids to help a GA flight school to start up but 90% of that information could be used for RAA, there is also the staff from CASA if brought onboard could point the current board and HQ staff in the right direction, less duplications, less stress, less waistage and less staff turn over.
On a rainy day get out all the old RAA magazines and read the "managers" pages carefully you will see by the wording everything that has transpired now was in thier thoughts years ago. You can not grow an organisation using crisis management. I was told long ago a crisis manager is that person inpailed on the rotisserie of your BBQ.
Yes Geoff I will be sticking around, except for the odd times I am away with work. I believe in the principles of RAA and its members not the methods of running it currently.
Please note I let my membership go last year and went back to GA out of frustration.