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Everything posted by icebob

  1. I do this too, goes back to my first flight training in a Cub in the '60's. Bob
  2. A little help please Hi Guys and Gals, i have been thinking for some time about getting into flight sim so for a newbies benefit, what software do i use? bob.
  3. Lycoming Engines Launches the IO-233-LSA 29.07.2008 Oshkosh, WI - July 28, 2008 - Lycoming Engines, a Textron Inc. (NYSE: TXT) company, announced today at the 2008 EAA AirVenture, the launch of the IO-233-LSA engine. The IO-233-LSA is an American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) conformed gasoline engine nominally rated at 100HP to 116HP. "The IO-233 concept started with several of our own engineers building kit aircraft and needed a power plant they could not find on the market today,†stated Michael Kraft, vice president of Engineering. “They wanted the strengths of the venerable O-235 Lycoming Engine at less weight with no reduction in reliability and a few key feature enhancements, including low octane unleaded fuel capability. The new IO-233-LSA engine is the result, and we’re confident that it will prove to be a premium engine for Light Sport Aircraft." New engine design features include the incorporation of throttle body fuel injection with an optimized air induction system and electronic spark ignition within a proven engine. Substantial overall weight reductions and improvements in engine size make the IO-233-LSA well suited for today’s Light Sport Aircraft applications. The engine is also approved for 2,400 hour time between overhaul (TBO) intervals giving it one of the longest Light Sport Engine TBOs in the market today. To give pilots an unleaded fuel option, the engine will be approved for use on both ASTM D910 100LL and 93 AKI ASTM D484 / EN 228 automotive based fuels that conform to Lycoming specifications. The IO-233-LSA is currently undergoing final performance and endurance testing. ASTM conformance will be completed in 2008. FAA certification is under consideration for 2009 and may proceed based upon market demand. Performance and packaging information is available now for Light Sport Aircraft OEM use.
  5. icebob


    Drinking Buddies... Bob and Jim were a couple of drinking buddy bikers who worked as Aircraft mechanics in Sydney, Australia. One day the airport was fogged in and they were stuck in the hangar with Nothing to do. Bob said, 'Man, I wish we had something to drink!' Jim says, 'Me too. Y'know, I've heard you can drink jet fuel and get a buzz. You wanna try it?' So they pour themselves a couple of glasses of high Octane hootch and got completely smashed. The next morning Bob wakes up and is surprised at how good he feels. In fact he feels GREAT! NO hangover! NO bad side effects. Nothing. Then The phone rings. It's Jim. Jim says, 'Hey, how do you feel this morning?' Bob says, 'I feel great. How about you?' Jim says, 'I feel great, too. You don't have a hangover?' Bob says, 'No that jet fuel is great stuff -- no hangover, nothing. We ought to do this more often.' 'Yeah, well there's just one thing. ' 'What's that?' 'Have you farted yet?' 'No.' 'Well, DON'T, 'cause I'm in Darwin
  6. Hi Ben, Bankstown High School(NSW) does this course, however there is only 10 hours of flight instruction. If you like i can PM you with the phone number of the guy that gave me a copy of the course. Bob.
  7. Hi, The same applies to NSW Bob.
  8. Bob who????? I think that was before my time:laugh:. Bob.
  9. Hi Ian, just a quick question about the pool at your place? how close is the taxiway to the pool:laugh:?????? Bob.
  10. Hi Vorticity, For you or me i would have to agree about maintenance, however they do not see it that way the aircraft is just slotted in to the normal maintenance routine and is used officially as an "instructional aid". Up until a few years ago there was no RAA approved flight school within reasonable distance so they could get the pilots certificate and dot the I's and cross the tees so everything was left as it was. Anyway it is a nightmare getting something off the military system inventory. I spoke to a couple of the guys early this morning and both have more than 10 hours with the local school and the second aircraft will in deed be registered with RAA. Bob.
  11. Hi Brentic, yes the aircraft has an airworthy certificate from the military and a registration number allocation. The group were worried that the second aircraft may be bound by other rules other than military aircraft rules. A letter sent to CASA got a response of sorts but did not pin down exactly what was needed? So they are as I understand it going ahead and getting all inspections gone through the military system and a militry rego number. Bob.
  12. Thanks Tony, No these aircraft will not be leavinig military airspace and if they do it will be by road. As was pointed out flying on your own property bears the same rules. Bob.
  13. Well Darren, I am not going to throw a full can am I:laugh: Bob.
  14. Do as the man said Darren, you forget i can lob an emty beer can onto your roof:laugh::thumb_up: Bob.
  15. Hi Tony, thanks for that, I was thinking along the same lines. This group are in the process of building another aircraft now and got a bit nervous about CASA and the implications. As far as insurance they are covered and for 3rd party too because the aircraft is within the military inventory as a recreational vehicle (air). Thanks for the information. Bob.
  16. Thank you Tony for the illumination. I have another for you to consider, if i could ask you? a group of military members construct an ultalight - shall we say a Volksplane - use military purchased items for the construction. flown by military pilots and other ranks, in military airspace with a military ID number and military paint scheme. The canteen fund at the depot has the aircraft registered as a recreational vehicle(air). So pilots are qualified military pilots. All hardware to construct the aircraft was militry stock. Flown in military air space only. Other flying the aircraft have been authorised by the pilots. Registered within the military system and it's own stock ID and registration. Is that asking for trouble with CASA or are they untouchable as they are? Bob.
  17. Two old men sitting in the retirement home, one turns to the other and said "Frank i turn 93 today and I feel every year of that". The other turns to Jim and said"Jim i feel like a newborn baby". "A new born baby, how come said Tim?" Well Franks said, I have no teeth, no hair and i just wet myself.
  18. Hi Graham, yes i guess that is so if you have a RAA registered aircraft, if it's not as in my case then as far as i can see they(RAA) have nothing to do with it, it is handled by "Big Daddy" :big_grin:. I just wanted to share here on this forum as i have meet so many genuine people here and i felt comfortable doing so. I have noticed a certain crepitus in getting accident reports though. Bob.
  19. Hi Everyone, the main reason i reported on this forum the loss of my VP1 was just the reasons you have given, some things i agree with 100% some not so, but hay we are here to learn in a positive way and that was my main reason i did my post, i felt confident that all of you out there would support me and not look down the nose at me, that is why i reported here and not to RAA. Bob.
  20. Hi Mat, Yes all is well the back pain only lasted about nine days, however the pain in the wallet lasted longer. Nearly purchased a VP2 fron the ACT for $10000 then the wife said about building - WOMAN you can never out guess them???? She thinks i will spend more time at home - ha, ha - if I'm building and its not at home thisd time. Bob.
  21. ME???? Well that's my 2 bobs worth
  22. Hi Geoff, I tried as an interim measure one of those bags that computer motherboards come in, the gray/black ones and wrapped it around the radio, it helped about 50% better, I then got another bag, cut it into strips so i could wind around the antenna cables to find the crook one(reduction in hisssss) but I then checked the shielding on my antenna cables and one was a bit crook so I eventually got a set of better shielded ones and made like a very basic Faraday cage from metal flywire and earthed to the common earth point around the radio which fixed the issue until I could get the radio checked out - the hisss was generated by the radio external connection to the antenna being faulty. Bob.
  23. Hi Paul, That is what I did some years ago. Going down memory lane I have my old Student pilots licence, the tear out page and my original PPL licence in the hard bound green pocket folder, thanks for triggering the search for them. bob.
  24. Hi Everyone, I am posting here as I am unsure where else to put it. After some long conversations with my wife and a look at a couple of VP's for sale I/we have decided to build our own VP2. The son-in-law has offered a very big shed with cement flood and 40 foot opening so we will build there, hay I even got away with a new Rotax for it WOW!!!!. Herself was an airframe fitter in the RAN and is better at fabric coverings than me so the wings are hers. We both are finding this exciting but are not going to start until about November, I am trying to convince her to get her licence and all relevent endorsments before that, now that should be intresting:raise_eyebrow:. Bob.
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