winsor, I must agree with you about RAA under staffing, this may be a bigger problem than we understand, you can only run for so long with staff shortages before the cracks start appearing. More staff would give all members more support,that is physical, advertorial and other like fly-in's, more support, more members.
I also think that the staff at RAA are not computer savy, for example when Ian does an update you see the "update in progress" on the web site, on the RAA web site I have never seen that. sounds like RAA HQ needs to either send a staff member to TAFE or employ someone with much more than basic computer skills. We hear about the upgrade of the site but how big is/was this upgrade, even someone part time would make a hugh difference, just one less problem needing fixing.
I know I hear this a lot, go and help out, give up some of my time but that is a short term fix, what is needed is consistancy and growth of a paid employee/s. Yes I know that may include a price rise but i think most of us woud bite the bullet and pay a little extra to get better and more accurate service and support.