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Everything posted by icebob

  1. I must agree with Ozzie here, I have only been a member for a few years and not witness any sort of quality audit/safety audits at all. Oh I have a diploma in Quality management and am currently a registered international quality lead auditor. Bob.
  2. Just a 'heads-up' to all worldwide X-air and Falcon owners who may not be aware of a crack that had developed in an aileron turnbuckle. Here in the UK we've been sent a letter from the BMAA advising all owners to check their turnbuckles for any witness marks from the tooling / extrusion process. Apparently one mark appeared to have developed into a crack which went all the way through for the entire length of the thread. The BMAA sayd: 'Look for any significant tooling marks and check each mark for a possible crack propagating from the end. If a crack is suspected remove the turnbuckle from the aircraft and then disassemble the suspect end for a closer look. Hold it up to a bright light to help identify a crack, and to check whether it penetrates right through the thread.'
  3. Two paddies were working for the city public works department. One would dig a hole and the other would follow behind him and fill the hole in. They worked up one side of the street, then down the other, then moved on to the next street, working furiously all day without rest, one man digging a hole, the other filling it in again. An onlooker was amazed at their hard work, but couldn't understand what they were doing. So he asked the hole digger, 'I'm impressed by the effort you two are putting in to your work, but I don't get it -- why do you dig a hole, only to have your partner follow behind and fill it up again?' The hole digger wiped his brow and sighed, 'Well, I suppose it probably looks odd because we're normally a three-person team. But today the lad who plants the trees called in sick.'
  4. This information was sent to me by a friend of my brother's who is currently working in Texas(USA) and knows I fly and was in a local paper there three weeks ago. Bob.
  5. Hi, here is one for you, advertising a well known fabric aircraft at less than 1/2 the going price. you turn up and get the spiel, "Oh it had a minor accident and the structural repair was done but fabric is not the owner passed away before doing it. Therefore no registration marks and the seller knows nothing about aircraft, there are log books and all details are filed in. An owner recognised his stolen aircraft and went to have a look taking a mate to do the inspection - the mate was a police officer. Two of the group got arrested on the spot the others have "gone missing". This group looked for isolated or little used hangers, stole the aircraft removed wing and tail fabric and made up false log books in the name of someone in a local cemetery. According to the local papers the two caught got 10 years and 7 years respectfully, the other members of the gang have not been found. Bob.
  6. On night flying training HMAS Melbourne 1974. Background - approch is assised to the deck via a mirror and an orange ball(set of lights). "Shark 16, on final" - hook down, flaps and wheels down". "shark 16 you are number two". "Shark 16 ball in sight" "shark 16 you are on the glidepath on centre line" " Shark 16 ------ oh bugger I have dropped my balls" Melbourns controllers responce" yes you sound casterated to me too"
  7. What is sad is to see young people coming home from High School so full of life,then weeks later having to pick them up from face down in the gutter with little prospects of surviving - sad so sad. Bob.
  8. Hi, don't forget the go cart clubs these clubs will jump at the chance of purchasing your 2nd hand Rotax sold my old one with just over 900 hours three years ago for 1/2 the cost of a new one. Bob.
  9. Hi Ian, Get a new one the boss where i do part time work for has got one and it is magic, we use it as back up and he emails his wife the track information at the end of the day when he is away and she can follow him, handy if using the reverse track back home and he is running late she can send it to the appropiate authorities. Bob.
  10. Hi, The only one I know of is on the Zenith aircraft web site. Bob.
  11. Hi, forgot to say on flightsim.com they have a 503 drifter too.
  12. Hi, You did not say what sort of surface you are painting, if it is aluminium you know you can use ordinary car spray paint, it lasts a fair while especally if a couple of clear coats are applied over the finished job. Bob.
  13. cheap paints Hi, Have to agree with velocity here, it is a good paint. You need to get a good quality mask with the correct filters before spraying it. Have seen a Volksplane(VP-1) painted with Wattle and it needed stripping and repainting after 4 years because of fading of the reds and dark blues and the aircraft was in a hanger when not in use, a long and messy job(stripping took over three full weekends alone). Bob.
  14. [ATTACH]17737[/ATTACH]
  15. Hi the information in the ELSA is "Nowra" page 4 para 8,sub para a) and b).:big_grin: Bob.
  16. Thanks ultralights, forgot about the Friday deactivation, I was thundering through there on Wednesdays and Thursdays so didn't get to fly there when 'tross was deactivated. Only landed at 'tross once during the week but that was a pre arranged thing, good to get back there it had been 25 years when i walked out the gate. Bob.
  17. Hi Gnome, There is a corridor to the West of Nowra have a look in the ELSA. The timber West of Nowra is not all that bad there are spots to put down if need be plus a couple of properties have thier own strips. You can cut back to the coast just south of Jarvis Bay military zone. Bob.
  18. well done! A day to remember, all that's left is to buy a new camera for the trip reports, ha,ha. Bob.
  19. Hi All, Thanks. The doctor that did from the throat to the right ear was so good it is very hard to pick there was a cut there, when half the stiches were removed the nurse had to use a magnifying glass to see them, unreal work - worth all that money for him. DEpending on my calcium and iron levels I should be home Friday and I can give the son his laptop back - well maybe I will keep it a little longer???? I was told the other day if my voice was not all that good I could use hand signels in the circuit - like to know where that doctor flys, sounds like fun - hummmm. Bob.
  20. Hi all, First up I would like to thank all those well wishers on this forum. My operation to remove the cancer in/on my thyroid/neck went very well, although the scan is a bit of a mess at the moment(i streatched a bit too far and opened up a section tonight). I have my voice back now although swallowing is still painful. I hope to be home by Friday but unfortunately will not be flying for a few weeks, doctors and "she at home" have ordered so. My wife brought the laptop up to the hospital so at least now I can keep in touch. Bob.
  21. congrats on the new addition! He looks like you too! Is he the driller or the rivetter? Bob.
  22. A three-year-old boy was examining his testicles while taking a bath. "Mom" he asked, "are these my brains?" "Not yet," she replied.
  23. Hi, When I started flying in the late 1960's and later in the RAN I was told always have hand on the throttle in the circuit. As an aside - Darky with all those ears you could rest them on the window - maybe??? Bob.
  24. Hi Planedriver, Yes the water only came half way up the ducks 'cos they had their gum boots on:laugh:. Bob
  25. Hi Pud, Have seen this fitted to a 582's water cooling system,fitted over both carbies, thought you may be intrested.It is a kit from the USA(California power systems). Bob.
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