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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. Strange? Sounds freakin ridiculous to me, but the word is it happens a lot ,well people get billed for it a lot,( you pay the forwarding agent ) and you better not make trouble because maybe your container will have an accident......
  2. Another little thing you may want to factor in, if US customs wants to have a look in your container, it can cost you an extra $1000.00 approx. Ask me how I know
  3. Seems to be tough for the Americans to get a container onto the ground, I noticed they seem to use a tilt tray to get the load up to the height of the container for packing and unpacking
  4. Didja hear about the constipated accountant? He worked it out with a pencil........
  5. Excellent question:popcorn:
  6. Don't tell us your problems......
  7. They had some trouble with hot warm starting in the US early on because Kodiak (the importer) thought they should be wired a little different than the book said
  8. O.K you can look after those poor intellectually challenged people who are unaware there water cooled engine is going to need attention ASAP. I will point out to the others that the Rotax 912 without coolant can be used to aid there efforts to get to a safe landing area before such attention becomes mandatory, and we will leave it at that
  9. Shirley, that goes without saying. The point is it will get you to a place where you can land safely assuming you are not half way to New Zealand when it happens that is.
  10. No need to yell. I guess it depends on the situation. While I'm sure you risk reducing the life of your engine, if you are over marginal territory, it is nice to know the thing will keep going. And I'm reliably told (like from the horses mouth) that they will keep going. In this case the motor was still going when sold, and there is another case that I know of ( third hand info) that is still flying many hours after getting home dry.
  11. Correct, but you would have to agree well maintained modern systems are unlikely to have the problems you mention. If you want to drag the poor old Rotax into it again, they will still get you home with no coolant left ( I'm told)
  12. You might be more likely to maintain them a little better if said cooling systems where fitted to your aircraft........
  13. Gerry Charlebois (spelling). He was killed recently when his trike crashed. Yes they where Airborne, but had recently switched to a Revo. The story goes that he had been messing with the fuel system and had fuel venting inside the wing, and the whole thing caught fire. But that is just a story.......
  14. Larry is the owner of Evolution Trikes, he and his former partner designed the Revo and they have the carriage built by a PPC manufacturing company and their wings by Northwing.
  15. Even more interesting to practise. After flying my Q2 for 150 hrs, then getting into a RivalS, the method I was taught to use when managing turbulence (stir the porridge he said) i.e keep applying big corrections until you are straight and level again, just doesn't work on the more sensitive wing and rapidly becomes PIO. Waiting the four seconds before doing anything, often you find no input required and often just squeezing the bar as described in the vid is enough to get you back on track. I asked Larry how well his methods work on the heavier wings, and he says very well. I'd love to have a go again one day, but unfortunately I have sold my Pegasus.
  16. Send him a PM
  17. Well worth a look. Different to what most of us have been taught, but they definitely work.
  18. The thing is, while Dazza, Turbo and FlyTornado don't tell you who they are, they also don't pretend to be someone they are not. I think you will find that is why people are having a go at you. Regards Bill
  19. Yes, but the price for those would be arrived at using the same formula they use for spare parts prices i.e if you can get it somewhere else it is cost of production x10 , if you can only get it from us then it's cost of production x100....
  20. Are you going to build your own wing?
  21. Not necessarily, often they will accept an offer immediately, as is,where is, because they can avoid a lot of removal and storage costs while the tender or auction process is going on.
  22. Nev , The image was not directed at you at all, although I can see how it could look like that. My comment about you was sometimes you crack a funny, and if I'm not looking for it, it can go through to the keeper. Whereas if you just added a wink or a grin I'd be on to it straight away. Explaining things as best you can is easier in person because you can use body language, tone of voice, even volume. Because you don't have those options here the emoticons are a big help. Regards Bill
  23. Why not just have the simple like button, but also encourage the use of the smilies/smileys ( pick one Dazza ) They are a powerful method of getting a message across, also helpful to show your jesting, when the actual words appear otherwise, ( try them sometime Nev ). You may need to add an extra one though, perhaps something like this: :
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