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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. I used to use a beer bottle, but I found, after the fourth one, I couldn't see the hole properly anymore. It was also a bit rough on my lips as well.......
  2. Or what sex they are, at least it's obvious if they can spell or not:roflmao:
  3. It's over here :http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/jabiru-flywheel-bolts.9116/
  4. I have a container on its way from Florida ATM, apparently it was "randomly" selected by customs in the US for inspection. So that cost me $800 for them to have a look plus $350 for the forwarding agent to move it from their yard to customs and back. The word is that customs probably didn't select my container, the agent is just milking a bit more from the deal. You can't say anything though because your container may have an accident if you make trouble. If a person where running a business importing goods, I guess a person would just have to build the risk into the importation costs.
  5. Loose women......
  6. And people wonder why the board members don't comment on here..........
  7. http://venturebeat.com/2014/10/29/silicon-valley-can-keep-its-teslas-and-robotic-cars-slovakias-aeromobil-just-unveiled-a-flying-car/
  8. Has the idea of sharing what, either the HGFA or (apparently)ASRA are successfully using been discussed? Regards Bill (HGFA member not RAAUS)
  9. Read the thread I linked to above, there is a lot of good info there. Here it is again: http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/fire-while-refueling.68617/
  10. Thread on the subject here: http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/fire-while-refueling.68617/
  11. You can subscribe without being a member. It seems I usually get mine before most of the members. I also get the new RAAus emails, I guess because I'm a subscriber.
  12. I can see how that could be a lot of fun, but I don't see how you got to Melb
  13. Get the Puffin browser from the App Store, (there is a free version) , then it will play:thumb up:
  14. My wife used to fly, but sadly, not since her crash
  15. Well, you could always donate it to Charity...... Regards Charity
  16. No, I don't think it's old age.........
  17. Correct, but it was not offered as fact, just proof that the original statement has little chance of being correct, and if you don't agree you will have to join me in the lower 50%
  18. Now that's not strictly true. :no no no:For instance if my IQ is 75, and four other people in the room have an IQ of 100, then those four are all going to be above average. So maybe only one in five is below average.........
  19. Soooo, where are the pics ?
  20. Bob, Bob, Bob........didn't your mother tell you to undo your shoe laces before you take them off
  21. Still doesn't tell you anything unless you know the hours flown for each one
  22. Could that be because those manufacturers, think Jab owners ( those would be the people with the Jab engine mounts) are the most likely to be looking for an alternative
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