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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. I rang the guys that make them ( had too because that is the only contact details the website offers ) this morning, they said it won't work past 20 degrees from vertical. I need it to be 45 on the ground or 38 in the air, so that's off the agenda. Sooooo given I have more than I need when the electrics are working, what do we think would be the most useful instrument for a trike if the electrics went out. I would more than likely still have ozrunways running on the iPad. First I thought , altimeter, at least I could report an accurate altitude, but no, the electrics are out so the radio isn't working either. ( I'm a thinker aren't I ) So what's next?
  2. I haven't used the efis yet, but it does have VSI. I guess it depends on the value of not having it up on the screen. I never had VSI in my old trike but often wished I did and yeah it's probably one of those things that need to be in view all the time if you are going to get value from it. Thanks Regards Bill
  3. Thanks Daza, that's what I had in my pegasus, an excellent bit of kit. As you can see above, the compass is not really the problem, it is just that I thought it would be the best option to fill the ugly void. ( talk about first world problems:loopy: ) Regards Bill
  4. Thanks Nev, The below pic is the panel of my new trike, on the left, an iPad mini slots in and in the centre is a mgl extreme mini efis, both of these will have a compass. Problem is on the right there is an blank space for an instrument, any ideas what to put in there would be appreciated given a compass is out of the question. http://i951.photobucket.com/albums/ad356/Skeptic36/4a629c5ebe0708a5cded6b6086aef163_zps955e473d.jpg
  5. Clearly, your driving the wrong sort of tractor..........
  6. Hi all, Is there a panel mounted compass that will work if the panel is on an angle, (tilted back at the top)? Thanks Regards Bill
  7. Welcome Duck, Where do you find trike instructors in the Pilbara? Regards Bill
  8. Just a word of caution here - I recently sold my aircraft to a guy in the U.A.E. After his initial contact I thought " this has got to be a scam" , but I wanted to see how this guy was going to try to get money from me, so I played along. Long story short - his money is now in my account and the aircraft that used to be mine is in a container somewhere on the high seas as we speak..... Regards Bill
  9. http://www.airliners.net/aviation-forums/general_aviation/read.main/1318100/
  10. That's the one
  11. A little bird told me : The 912is is going to be upgradable to have 105 HP and more torque than a ULS. It gets a new ECU, air box and readjustment to the clutch for the additional power. Regards Bill
  12. The mr funnel I used, had a very thick piece of fuel hose over the thin part which helped a lot. It was put there by the previous owner and I have no idea where he found hose that thick. It may have been two or even three different sizes pushed inside each other. Regards Bill
  13. But we never had it, nor were we going to get it, as I wrote above it was going to be 150 years before the NBN was complete. By that time you'll be able to teleport yourself to the meeting
  14. Kaz, The previous government connected the first town in Tasmania in July 2010, by the election in September 2013 they had completed a massive 2%. Hmmm 2% in 3 years, at that rate the thing would have been complete in 150 years!
  15. You could always lift up your iPad mini and wheel one of these under it
  16. Sorry for being so plainly idiotic sir, its just that I have trouble believing that someone could be so benevolent without an ulterior motive as to be continually trying to frighten recreational aviators into staying indoors for fear of losing the house they shouldn't leave. I guess I should have more faith in my fellow human beings. I don't know why you consider it more likely somebody will die in the same aircraft with the same pic flying from the same facility if said flight is a joy flight rather than a trial instructional flight. If this is really the case why aren't you campaigning to shut down recreational instructing all together? Or maybe that is your ultimate goal? I personally don't have any moral issues about who is getting the business because it sure isn't me. Also I don't believe there would be much business lost from the G.A world due to the price difference. And before you start on about the reasons for the price difference, I believe people can clearly see the difference between an open cockpit Gyro or a Trike, and a G.A aircraft, when standing next to it and should be able to make a decision about whether or not the price difference is worth the risk difference. Nobody has a gun held at their head saying get in there or else.......... Regards Bill
  17. So you take away Nong's opportunity to earn a dollar doing what he always does only now he has to give the potential customer a lie detector test to find out if he/she really may want to learn to fly or if they are just after the joy flight experience. Now his business might become unviable and you may have to travel a lot further to get the lessons you need to become a pilot yourself. Change the rule! Turbo, just wondering do you have a financial interest in any G.A operations offering joy flights? Regards Bill
  18. Turbo, those are pretty strong words you use from behind your key board. I don't care much how thick you think I am. I know you are the expert who has time to go and track down all these statistics you mention, although you never quote your sources (we're supposed to go and find them for ourselves right) So you are saying that flying schools are training people every day from their sub standard facilities in their substandard aircraft using their substandard skills? If so I think that is a joke. Surely people flying with qualified instructors in professionally maintained aircraft are safer than someone stupid enough to come flying with me for free with my 250 hrs inexperience in my aircraft maintained by me to my own self preservation standards. I'm sure your statistics would reflect that. If what you guys say is correct and it is so easy to catch and prosecute successfully instructors for doing what they are doing ( even I've seen it and I don't get off the farm much) ,why isn't it happening?
  19. I thought you were already a life member
  20. Problem is, it's a grey area. How are you going to prove that the intention was a joy flight, in most cases it would be one persons word against another. Solution = change the rule so that people are not made criminals of for doing what they do every day under a different name quite legally. If you have a mortgage payment due it would be hard to turn down a paid job on the basis of what's been described above, in my worthless opinion. Regards Bill
  21. Found it ! http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Boeing-777-300/201055611644?hash=item2ecfd92afc
  22. Yep, that steering lock happened to me, when I was a kid, I had the experts fit a new stereo in my LX Torana, they neglected to put the little plastic plugs back in the trim beside the accelerator so when I put the pedal to the metal the trim moved out over the accelerator pedal...... Got interesting for a moment
  23. As I see it that is the problem, you've spent money for years promoting a brand, the minute you change the name all that money and effort
  24. I spent some time flying around Zephyrhills recently. It's amazing how big skydiving is there, it's also amazing how fast they can go through a cycle of loading, getting them up there, then getting back down and loaded again, and they go all day.
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