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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. Pilot and pax found deceased this morning. Condolences to their families. A terrible time of year for such a disaster Regards Bill
  2. Best brand pfft! How do you know what your getting? In Bruthen we have a (self) service station all painted up in BP colours, but if your driving past at night or early in the morning you are likely to see a United or Mobile tanker unloading. I'm sure it's BP fuel they are unloading right?
  3. Bloody iPads, I just read the excellent post from t4flyer and I saw where someone gave it a creative and I thought, who would say that? Had a look and it was me lucky there is an undo button:thumb up:
  4. No mate, I know it's pathetic that I cheated like that, but I had to get 1 up on you and I don't have any friends to pose with me
  5. I think you'll find some clues on page 33 of Sport Pilot
  6. Most recent..........
  7. And wasn't it great
  8. Funny, they never show a windsock or even a tree in those vids, if you've got 20 knts in your face then that's 20 knts less ground speed you need
  9. 17 November , frustrated by a lack of air time recently, I pushed the trike out for an evening cruise around the local area. Didn't expect anything spectacular, so didn't take the camera. Late in the flight a beautiful full moon rose over the bush to the east in an amazing purple sky. You guys can only imagine what a picture it would have been. I have it etched in my memory Regards Bill
  10. The way they are going these guys are going to beat them to the market http://www.avweb.com/avwebflash/news/Another-LSA-Amphibian-Unveiled220884-1.html
  11. On the subject of power, apparently Air Creation are now offering a 914 option on the Tanarg
  12. What! Are you serious .... Surveys a crock nooooo I'm pretty sure the criteria is based on how good the gravy train is when the surveyors come to visit Regards Bill Ps I should have added a smiley of some sort to the first post but they really play havoc with the iPad
  13. http://edition.cnn.com/2013/08/28/travel/melbourne-most-livable-city/
  14. Hey, I resemble that ! Regards (you guessed it) BILL
  15. Scott, I'm sure that is the case at sea level, but up in the mountains on a hot day could be different. I know of one case in the U.S where a Reflex wing ( not sure which one, either the Sport or Competition, but both are quite slippery) was fitted to an 80hp equipped Tanarg. Apparently it crashed due to its inability to climb out of a down draft. Regards Bill
  16. Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him what? (Oh, man this is so bad, it's good.) A super callused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
  17. An iPhone is much better, you can set it to vibrate........
  18. So, does making sure your device has a full charge before you leave, and therefore eliminating the need to charge inflight, solve this problem, or can they still ignite while discharging?
  19. Copied from the rotaronaero website: If you would like a quote for the supply of our advanced rotary engines for your light-aviation project, please feel free to contact us. Regards Bill
  20. That's nothin, you should see my church, it's much longer and thicker than that..........
  21. Doug, The reason I asked is because you`ve quoted 500 hours. If those hours are on one motor and the Crankshaft hasn`t been renewed, I reckon it`s time to start thinking about it. Of my four 582 grey head, three went over 600hrs but failed to make 700 hours. They failed in the main crankshaft bearings. With the fourth 582, I replaced the crankshaft at 500 hrs and did a further 550 hrs. then scrapped it. Frank. And the blue head mixes its own fuel, the grey head you have to pre mix. It is important to always have a bit of fuel going through the grey head on long descents, otherwise no lubricant! The blue head is always putting the oil in.
  22. Herman and Martha were happily married for nearly forty years. The only friction in their marriage was caused by the husband's habit of breaking wind nearly every morning as he awoke. The noise would always wake up Martha and the smell would cause her eyes to water as she would choke and gasp for air. Nearly every morning she would plead with him to stop ripping one in the morning. Herman told her that he couldn't help it. She begged him to visit a doctor to see if anything could be done, but the husband wouldn't hear of it. He told her that it was just a natural bodily function, and then he would laugh in her face as she tried to wave the fumes away with her hands. She told him that there was nothing natural about it and if he didn't stop, he was one day going to "fart his guts out." The years went by and Martha continued to suffer and Herman continued to ignore her warnings about "farting his guts out" until one Christmas morning. Before dawn, Martha went downstairs to prepare the family feast. She fixed Christmas pudding, mashed potatoes, gravy and of course a turkey. While she was taking out the turkeys innards, a thought occurred to the wife as to how she might solve her husband's problem. With a devilish grin on her face, she placed the turkey guts into a bowl and quietly walked upstairs hours before her flatulent husband would awake. While he was still soundly asleep, she pulled back the covers and then gently pulled back her husband's jockey shorts. She then placed all of the turkey guts into her husband's underwear, pulled them up, replaced the covers and tiptoed back downstairs to finish preparing the family meal. Several hours later she heard Herman awake with his normal loud ass trumpeting. This was soon followed by a blood curdling scream and the sound of frantic footsteps as her husband ran to the upstairs bathroom. Martha could not control herself and her eyes began to tear up as she rolled on the floor laughing. After years of putting up with him she had finally gotten even. About twenty minutes later, Herman came downstairs in his blood stained underpants with a look of horror in his eyes. She bit her lip to keep from laughing and she asked him what was the matter. "Honey," he said. "You were right - all those years you warned me and I didn't listen to you." "What do you mean?" asked Martha. "Well, you always told me that I would end up farting my guts out one of these days and today it finally happened. But by the grace of God and these two fingers, I think I got them all back in.
  23. My guess is that reduced atmospheric pressure as you climb, makes the suction mount less effective. I've tried them on a g.p.s in the tractor, works o.k for a while but eventually falls off. I found self adhesive velcroe to be reliable. Where I place it, on top of the dash leaning on a slight angle to the windscreen, it just needs a stip along the top and bottom edges. Regards Bill
  24. I thought my info was fairly reliable, or I wouldn't have posted it. It doesn't have much in common with those reports though.
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