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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. Just read elsewhere that the pilot had just bought this xt 912 trike and was flying it to another airport to get a condition report, on the way he passed low over his mothers house, where the crash happened. His mum then had a heart attack. If true, very sad. Regards Bill
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  2. One at Porepunkah. I don't have any details. Eagle school had an earth peg in the ground which you connect to the airframe, and Mr Funnel had a metal gauze going inside the funnel connected to a metal strip which went down the outside of the funnel into the tank. My method is to keep a hand on the funnel and the nozzle touching the funnel, it can be difficult to maintain the latter when the can is full. Sounds like I better make up a wire with some alligator clips though. Regards Bill
  3. What is your reduction ratio ?
  4. I suppose all the Rotax operators out there already know about this site. Regards Bill
  5. Your fuel is expensive........
  7. No, that is because I don't have any to offer, Nor do I have any criticism . My comment was aimed at the one you made, that the guy must be speaking a foreign language. I guess that was because he called a plug, a plug and not a pattern as you would like it to be known. He should be taken to the edge of town and stoned for that, as he was for his question about Jab skin thickness. I know nothing about anything so you won't get any advice from me ( unless you want to know what a plug is, I could give you a layman's description if you need it) ;-). Regards Bill
  8. A little more than T.P me thinks.........
  9. When you wake up and the opposite sex is sleeping on your arm and you chew it off to get away without waking said opposite sex, similar to a dingo escaping a trap. Now did you like the way I said that without offending anyone? No wait what about the gays.........
  10. How old are you? If you have plenty of working life ahead of you, go out and buy the property and fly from your back yard. Don't forget, it doesn't have to be entirely funded from your current income like a house in town does. Most rural land can be made to produce some form of income, even if you don't have any skills or intrest in primary production, there is usually a young farmer around that will lease the land from you. Advantages include: you don't have to travel to fly, you can invite others to hanger at your place if you wish ( another form of income), and it's a great way to live with no near neighbours and room for your kids to get out and do some outdoorsy things and no one is going to fiddle with your trike when you aren't there ( happened to me at the above mentioned hangar in Porepunkah ). Certainly don't give up flying Regards Bill
  11. Well it takes a lot a guts to build a Zepplin.......
  12. Bloody weak those nose wheels aren't they
  13. I'm HGFA, but I will talk to them about it. Regards Bill
  14. No, they should be setting them up themselves (air services) It should also be a function of our organisations (raaus, hgfa, asra, saaa and whatever groups G.A have) to lobby for these sort of things. Is their a union which encompasses all these groups to give us some traction with the governing bodies or are we divided and conquered Regards Bill
  15. It is about why the prop slipstream makes rudder input necessary on a drifter. In your post number 11 you say : the slipstream will rotate around the aircraft and strike the verticle fin and rudder on the left hand side,causing the aircraft to yaw/swing to the left, on applying power on take-off. That is exactly what I didn't get, it's rotating so why is there not pressure applied to the port side of the rudder at the base and similar pressure applied to the top of the starboard side. Having looked at a pic of a drifter I'm thinking it is because slipstream on the starboard side is going over the top of the rudder. Regards Bill P.S don't lose too much sleep about the optimistic thing its easy to press the wrong button on an iPad if your fingers are big.
  16. That's nothin, I have several crows that come in to the fig tree from all directions squarking all sorts of stuff and I usually respond with
  17. Nice little VW powered Tyro on eBay now http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/TYRO-MK-2-new-1600-vw-engine-and-prop-/300945761322?pt=AU_Aircraft&hash=item4611c3e42a&_uhb=1
  18. Hi Redair, My comment would be, if you are going to hand over that much cabbage for an airware, why not go a little extra and get all the extra capabilities an ozrunways equipped iPad or iPad mini have to offer? Regards Bill
  19. http://compare.ebay.com.au/like/310648610427?ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&cbt=y&_lwgsi=y&item_id=310648610427
  20. Earthmate De Lorme is free and worth a look
  21. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Avro-Avian-1927-/300940116054?pt=AU_Aircraft&hash=item46116dc056&_uhb=1
  22. If it is the gearbox disintegrating which is causing the problem, wouldn't something as simple as shear bolt protection in the drive line be more effective than installing a bladder tank?
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