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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. http://canberrasecondairport.com/
  2. May not be the motor, it's the first installation they've done, also he had a lot of current draw with his heated clothing and gadgets. Regards Bill
  3. Here is the story of Glade Montgomery collecting his new 912 iS powered trike from Florida and flying it home to Washington. Of particular note are hot starting problems, the amazing airport facilities compared to ours and the fuel economy. You will have to skip over a lot of congratultory replies to his posts etc. http://www.trikepilot.com/members/profile/3231/blog-view/blog_831.html Also here is the DeLorme track of his flight https://share.delorme.com/GladeRoss Regards Bill
  4. No the Eagle School CFI passed away recently, they where HGFA. Greg Withers is the CFI of Bright Microflights, he is RAA
  5. Porepunkah in Victorias north east would have to be up there for the most fly able days, the strip is sheltered by Mt Buffalo Let the instructor worry about the terrain, it is good to gain experience while under the instructors influence. Regards Bill
  6. Sometimes what the instructor tells you may have been influenced by his/her need to make a dollar i.e if your instructor doesn't do float endorsements he is unlikely to advise you that it is the way to go, therefore potentially sending your future business elsewhere. Regards Bill
  7. I'm sorry, it seems I can't spell either:roflmao:
  8. Hi Peter Do you do the ones with the motor strapped on their back as well? Regards Bill
  9. You have to love political correctness don't ya. I can't stand the thought of 2 blokes doing any of that sort of stuff, it makes me sick. I guess that makes me a Homophobe. I can't help it anymore than they apparently can't help being gay. So how is it, that if I voice my opinion, I am discriminating against them (gays), but they (gays and do gooders) can call me a Homophobe until the cows come home and nobody maligns them for it . This post is not about Gays and Homophobes it is about the double standards we see so often from those who insist on political correctness. Equality is something that is unimportant to people who have have it. Regards Bill
  10. Alan, If you change what you are doing, he wins ! I love your work. What you are doing is fostering aviation community spirit and should be supported. Please don't allow it to be derailed by the loud very minority. And come on the silent majority speak up and give this bloke some support Regards Bill
  11. They are made by Polaris http://www.polarismotor.it/ There is at least one in Australia, it was for sale on eBay for a while Regards Bill
  12. It could be an old book, maybe it costs 5k now.(damn you smilies)
  13. I thought it was going to tell you how to build and learn too fly the thing in the picture for 3k lol ( can't get the smilies to work on the iPad anymore)
  14. Here you go H.H http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/AIRCRAFT-FLYING-Buy-for-3-000-HOW-TO-Information-BOOKLET-/321072881881?pt=AU_Aircraft&hash=item4ac16f60d9&_uhb=1#ht_884wt_922
  15. Here is a bloke using Delorme to log his trip when he is flying his new Revo trike home from the factory in Florida as we speak https://share.delorme.com/GladeRoss Here is his story if your interested http://www.trikepilot.com/members/profile/3231/blog-view/blog_831.html By the way he has the new 912is motor Regards Bill
  16. Disagree Hongie, It is more often about the almighty dollar. You buy the property cheap because it is near an airfield, then kick an scream about it until they close it down, now your property is worth double. Human nature is a disgraceful thing sometimes Regards Bill
  17. Put some abrasive paste between the valve and the seat, then rotate against each other until they seal properly. Use some blue dye stuff between them to check that they are seating correctly. ( I'm not a mechanic ) Regards Bill
  18. o Julia Gillard was visiting a Sydney primary school and the class was in the middle of a discussion related to words and their meanings. The teacher asked Ms Gillard if she would like to lead the discussion on the word 'Tragedy'. So our illustrious leader asked the class for an example of a 'Tragedy'. A little boy stood up and offered: 'If my best friend, who lives on a farm, is playin' in the field and a tractor runs over him and kills him, that would be a ‘tragedy.' 'Incorrect,' said Gillard. 'That would be an ‘accident.' A little girl raised her hand: 'If a school bus carrying fifty children drove over a cliff, killing everybody inside, that would be a ‘tragedy.' 'I'm afraid not', explained Gillard, 'that's what we would refer to as a ‘great loss'. The room went silent. No other children volunteered. Gillard searched the room. 'Isn't there someone here who can give me an example of a ‘tragedy?' Finally, at the back of the room, little Johnny raised his hand and said: 'If a plane carrying you and Mr Rudd and Mr Swan and Mr Garrett was struck by a 'friendly fire' missile & blown to smithereens, that would be a ‘tragedy.' 'Fantastic’! exclaimed Gillard, 'and can you tell me why that would be a ‘tragedy?' 'Well', said Johnny, 'it has to be a ‘tragedy’, because it certainly wouldn't be a ‘great loss’, and it probably wouldn't be a f r eak ing ‘accident’ either!'
      • 3
      • Haha
  19. For sure. But if you're flying responsibly then the actual percentage of time that you spend over tiger country should be minimal, then if you have an engine out, say, every 300 hrs the chances that you can glide to a safe landing have to be pretty good I would have thought. Scott, I was not trying to twist your words and I don't believe I did. What I am trying to get across is that we should not be continually pushing the idea that engine failure means death, it is insinuated regularly on these forums, sometimes flipantly , sometimes seriously. An inexperienced pilot, which most of us are, has enough on their plate in the almost inevitable event of engine failure and shouldn't have the added pressure of thinking this is the end. I know panic would be hard for me to resist if I thought that were the case. So apologies Scott if you thought I was trying to be abrasive or a smart axx, that was not my intention, just trying to make a point. regards Bill
  20. Scott, are you saying that you seriously believe that you life depends on the Rotax continuing to operate?
  21. Yeah, not arguing that at all. But.... when the UFO hits you, first reaction: WTF, second reaction: Whats the result of the impact?, third reaction: what action? try to control the broken aircraft? or find the BRS handle that you have never used before, and the first time you do the pressure is on..... How high are you now? Again not arguing that you should give yourself every chance, but in this particular scenario I think your number may be up. Regards Bill
  22. Hi Kyle If you are at 1000 ft and someone collects you, you will have a very short time to get the chute deployed before you are too low for it too be effective. Not saying I disagree with the concept, but I think the scenarios where they are effective are limited and people think they will be more use than they actually are. Regards Bill
  23. Spent a fair bit of time at monash medical centre a while back (as a visitor). Just taking in a what is going on around you, it is amazing how much greater hope they have for recovery from pretty much anything if you are a non smoker.
  24. Why? I haven't dropped me dacks yet Oh wait you said hang ar not er:sorry:
  25. its easier to click on the username below the avatar, then start a conversation, then you don't have to remember how to spell it
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