Yeah, I don't mind mate, but wasn't this you:
What do you do if you are suffering from unexpected DRIFT when you're flying lads and lassies ?? WELL, I usually change the way my flight appliance is pointing,. . . . AND corrrect the situation.
Don't you all think it's high time this happened, as, being an old fat POM, who learned to fly in AUSTRALIA. . . . I'm geting a tad P****d off, listening to people rambling on and bleeding their guts about something which has got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the thread to which we are supposed to be commenting upon, HOPEFULLY to educate the person who started the aforementioned thread with a genuine question or subject.
Lets help the questionist and stay on track people, isn't this why all of us old farts are here ? I dunno. If you REALLY WANT someone to start a "LET'S HAVE A GRIPE ABOUT EVERYTHING" THREAD, then I will,
If you really want me to.
Just the other day over here.
Like I said, I don't mind a bit of drift, sometimes it's unavoidable, but you know what they say about people in glass houses
Regards Bill