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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. Where does the wing go? Is that the mast at the back with the numbers on it?
  2. Could be a bit of discrepancy there Andy, I subscribe to the mag and I'm not a member (mostly I get it before a lot of the members do, judging by posts on here lol). I have also seen it in newsagents. Regards Bill
  3. Nope that didn't work
  4. Straight forward job fitting the keel, but I have never done a sail. Your Cfi could probably help.
  5. It's what he does..... Flyin around all day suckin up scrap outa people's back yards. That's why he needs the big fuel tank.....
  6. Sean, The Keel runs from front to back, i.e there is no "rear keel section". I got one out from Pegasus 4 years ago, it cost about $600. I think the exchange rate may be more favorable ATM which may explain the difference in the estimates you have had. If you do get one make sure the stopper on the back of the mast is the right way up. If not it contacts the keel when you are mounting the wing on the trike and dents the keel tube. John and Andy, why couldn't Sean change his reg to 19 (experimental) ? Of course he would still need to get an expert to make sure the thing flew properly. Not saying that's what he should do, but it would be legal wouldn't it? Regards Bill
  7. I would have put a few more things in there, but this is a family site. At least I got a few likes for that effort, given that I burnt the bloody T-bones while I was doing it:angry:
  8. Alfs daily routine
  9. ullo ullo ullo, what have we here, another thread drifter:cops:
  10. Yeah, I don't mind mate, but wasn't this you: What do you do if you are suffering from unexpected DRIFT when you're flying lads and lassies ?? WELL, I usually change the way my flight appliance is pointing,. . . . AND corrrect the situation. Don't you all think it's high time this happened, as, being an old fat POM, who learned to fly in AUSTRALIA. . . . I'm geting a tad P****d off, listening to people rambling on and bleeding their guts about something which has got ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the thread to which we are supposed to be commenting upon, HOPEFULLY to educate the person who started the aforementioned thread with a genuine question or subject. Lets help the questionist and stay on track people, isn't this why all of us old farts are here ? I dunno. If you REALLY WANT someone to start a "LET'S HAVE A GRIPE ABOUT EVERYTHING" THREAD, then I will, If you really want me to. Just the other day over here. Like I said, I don't mind a bit of drift, sometimes it's unavoidable, but you know what they say about people in glass houses Regards Bill
  11. Hi
  12. That is the reason for the smilies or sometimes called emoticons. I am often frustrated because I use an iPad most of the time now, and the smilies aren't available. They are a very useful tool in which to get the spirit of your message across
  13. You IMAGINE most of them are legit lol. That is the problem, what the do gooders fantasise about if their world was perfect. Why do you think the current government switched from its early soft policy . When the flood gates started to open, even they could see the problems ahead. If we didn't intercept them, would they be asylum seekers ? Or would they just come ashore and disappear into the community? What then? You need an ASIC card at major airports so they know your not a terrorist sneaking in..... We have a great way of life in this country I for one want to protect it. Regards Bill P.S I will not be commenting further either, this is not a place to argue politics ( unless it's RAAus)
  14. I thought it is a crime to enter a country illegaly
  15. Sorry mate, I didn't' mean to suggest you to try to maximise your safety, disregard what I said and keep doin what your doin, you'll be fine....
  16. Better to use argon from the mig welder gas bottle, it's an inert gas. No wait ..... Better still don't work on them at all.
  17. http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/aviation/crashes/what-really-happened-aboard-air-france-447-6611877
  18. You have to send a signed membership renewal notice so it is easier to put a cheque in the envelope with it, also it should make it easier for the office to match the payment to the member. Regards Bill
  19. There is more to all this......... Seriously there is a ton of info available here, all you have to do is search the things that interest you (I recommend trikes they are very interesting), if that is not politics then nobody is twisting your arm to click on the posts relevant to that subject. I think you should be thankful some people are that way inclined or the new Savvy might sit in the back of a hangar gathering dust a while longer. To come on here and, in your first post, bag the people that are working hard to keep the privileges of those that don't want to know or can't devote the time to keeping your organisation afloat ,is probably not a good look....... Regards Bill
  20. The Great Victorian Bike Ride is camped in Bruthen tonight.
  21. Seems to me the board you have now is made up of at least some members which are second choice, given two of the first choices resigned imediately after taking up their positions. Those blokes must have had a reason which I believe (correct me if I'm wrong)was that their personal assets were at risk if they continued to serve on the board. Two questions I have are a) how do you expect to attract a candidate of any quality while this situation exists (does it still)? And b) why haven't all the board members ran for cover? I am not a member although I hope to be soon , and only know what I have read here, but if and when the above situation changes it needs to be publicised so that any new talent is not scared off before they even start.
  22. Hi all, I paid my HGFA membership 5 weeks ago, yesterday I asked why they had not presented the cheque. The answer: Please note that your payment has been received and processed into our database, and the cheque will be banked next week. I guess they only go to the bank every six weeks Regards Bill
  23. I want someone to build a 912 powered 2 seater. I can see a lot of advantages for an aircraft like that. I know a few have attempted it but haven't had the resources to bring it to fruition. Regards Bill
  24. The T.B.O wouldn't be that great though would it?
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