I received my new 5 " rec flying GPS recently and it could be just me 'cause I'm not that clever when it comes to such things:loopy: but I don't seem to be able to load the road navigation app.
When I plug it in and press the GPS icon, I expected to get an option for the iGO8 for road use or the oziExplorer for flying but it went straight to oziExplorer. Hmm, I must have to find the place to change it myself, fiddle about a bit ..... nothing. Oh well read the instructions, it says it is pre set to iGO8 and you can change the app by simply changing the Nav Path (tap the nav path Icon) and find the.exe file of the app you want to set the GPS icon to (seems a bit onerous to me, but seeing it will mostly be used for aviation I guess I won't have to do it very often). I do this and I get \ResidentFlash\OziExplorer 2\OziExplorerCE.ex with a button, I click the button and get the click noise the next screen is an up arrow, OzExp 2 Programs and iGO8, when I click on any of these there is no click but the icon highlights ( I click the iGO8 icon). There is also what looks like a scroll up/down bar on the side but it doesn't do anything. The only way out of this page is to click the off button in the top corner which takes you back to the previous page and that still says OziExp. Nothing has changed.
How do I do it?
Regards Bill