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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. Wash your mouth out young man:bash:
  2. O.K now I'm stuck again........ I just finished wiring it into the trike which involved interruption to it's power supply a couple of times (just the way we do things down on the farm:augie:). Now the screen is stuck on the navigation menu and won't respond. My usual fix for these sort of problems is :turn it off, wait a minute then turn it on again. Did that, no change . What now? Could it be one of that I D ten T problem you here techies talking about?
  3. I used black on my 582 and haven't had any problems with heat. If you wrap a piece of tape around the outside of the spring, and pump the goo up the middle it looks a little neater. Regards Bill
  4. :roflmao:You have to be joking . You think that RAAus are hopeless. The only thing HGFA seem to be able to do well is to transfer money collected from microlight pilots to events for hang gliders and para gliders. Regards Bill
  5. I received my new 5 " rec flying GPS recently and it could be just me 'cause I'm not that clever when it comes to such things:loopy: but I don't seem to be able to load the road navigation app. When I plug it in and press the GPS icon, I expected to get an option for the iGO8 for road use or the oziExplorer for flying but it went straight to oziExplorer. Hmm, I must have to find the place to change it myself, fiddle about a bit ..... nothing. Oh well read the instructions, it says it is pre set to iGO8 and you can change the app by simply changing the Nav Path (tap the nav path Icon) and find the.exe file of the app you want to set the GPS icon to (seems a bit onerous to me, but seeing it will mostly be used for aviation I guess I won't have to do it very often). I do this and I get \ResidentFlash\OziExplorer 2\OziExplorerCE.ex with a button, I click the button and get the click noise the next screen is an up arrow, OzExp 2 Programs and iGO8, when I click on any of these there is no click but the icon highlights ( I click the iGO8 icon). There is also what looks like a scroll up/down bar on the side but it doesn't do anything. The only way out of this page is to click the off button in the top corner which takes you back to the previous page and that still says OziExp. Nothing has changed. How do I do it? Thanks Regards Bill
  6. Thanks Chris, I don't know why it didn't come up in any of the searches I did Regards Bill
  7. Anyone know where to find the thread discussing tips for using the Recreational flying GPS can be found? Thanks Regards Bill
  8. Hey Terry, There goes the neighborhood Seriously.......... good to see you here ! Regards Bill
  9. It's hard to imagine how you could fill in four years to arrive at that conclusion. Perhaps this is how they do it: Not much of this though:work: Regards Bill P.S I guess it could have been a little over 3 years if the incident happened late 2008, I'll give em the benefit of the doubt, we'll say 3 years
  10. Yeah, I reckon Orville & Wilbur may have seen some potential in what they where doing:plane:. Where do you think this bloke could go next? Perhaps he could strap a skate board to his belly, that should save on cardboard anyway........... Regards Bill
  11. The Darwin Awards are a tongue-in-cheek honor, created by Wendy Northcutt to recognize individuals who contribute to human evolution by self-selecting themselves out of the gene pool through putting themselves (unnecessarily) in life-threatening situations. Clearly a candidate! Regards Bill
  12. I don't think so Nev. Ben Mcguinness, the bloke who built the Waiex featured in this months Sport Pilot, bought a factory reconditioned 3300 for it but changed the hydraulic lifters back to solid and modified the plenum chamber prior to installation. So I guess he would have got them factory installed if it where possible
  13. Two reports, one says it was in the central west and one says the south west. I guess if it's west of Sydney it must be in the states west:loopy:. Not much happens in the states east:augie: Regards Bill
  14. :blink:Umm could you dumb that down a bit for me
  15. Good luck Neil. Any chance you can recover any of that when you win? Regards Bill
  16. The only reason HGFA attracts members is people without aviation experience of any kind do a tif with a HGFA instructor and it is not until a couple of years later that the student realises what a useless organization it is. Then it is a hassle to re-register your trike and get your license changed over to RAAus. (something I intend to do in the future when I update my trike (if RAAus hasn't imploded:bomb: by then)) Regards Bill
  17. Hi Alf Just copied it straight out of my HGFA Pilots Handbook (opps manual) and I reckon if you are HGFA and you want to be covered by their insurance then you better be flying by the book IMHO. Regards Bill
  18. Hmph the HGFA would have to do something before anything could change!
  19. HGFA Operations manual 6.5.9 "A weightshift microlight must not be flown over a city or town. CAR157.(1) Regards Bill
  20. Why? Don't tell me you're being seduced by the dark side
  21. Hi Rick, To gain any meaningful stats you would also need to categorize them by which type of airframe the motor was installed in. For instance I don't think anyone would dispute that the Jab airframe is one of the safest around and if you are comparing that to an open cockpit such as a drifter or a trike then the bloke in the open cockpit is in a bit more trouble than the Jab pilot. Regards Bill
  22. All these
  23. Mythbusters are aviating on 7 mate ATM
  24. I see Ben Mcguinness, the bloke who built the Waiex featured in this months Sport Pilot, bought a factory reconditioned 3300 for it but changed the hydraulic lifters back to solid and modified the plenum chamber prior to installation. Regards Bill
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