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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. Psst. :whisper:It's not working....
  2. I don't think most of the damage is caused by downward pressure, I think sideways movement of tandems and tri axles on corners are the worst. It appears that way around here, judging by where most of the repairs happen.
  3. Sounds like an episode of Dr Who
  4. Psst.:whisper:it's not a rifle......
  5. Hi Alf, a couple of trikers where there over xmas, they said there is a landing fee there now also
  6. Great Lakes Airport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  7. The one you danced, :happy dance:you know, the one that's going to be on page 1139 of the builders manual
  8. I would think so, it was owned by Col Cambell. The old Cambells Airfield, was bought by somebody with a little bit of spare money, and turned into what is now Great Lakes Airport, it's a great facility, but it seems it has been priced out of reach for us. I know there are some guys still hangar-ed there, and when I was there the hangar-age included landing fees.
  9. If, we must continue to in courage growth, then we must provide housing, and an environment suitable for a family to live. What we don't have to do, is find the most arable, fertile high rainfall area, and cover it with pavement. Example, why is the Pakenham area being developed, instead of forcing the development out towards Ballarat? In my own area Bairnsdale, we have subdivided one of the best farms in the area and called it Eastwood Estate, not happy with that we are now doing the same with Shannon Waters Estate, all the time out past the racecourse, forge creek area we have large areas of flat sandy crap country, with a sheep here and there, hiding in the tussocks
  10. Dichotomy.......please explain
  11. I've done the P.M thing, but it did come up with a weird message after I sent it. It's in my sent box so you should have it. There is now a landing fee at Kalimna, I'm told. There is also no hangarage there.
  12. Hi Pete, my strip is about 20 km inland, you can use it for nothing if you like. I'll P.M you my number, you can ring me if you're interested
  13. They might look like they're going backwards. But they actually use an ingenious device called a pusher prop which makes it appear that they are going backwards.......
  14. A loooooooooong time
  15. "Witnesses said the plane appeared to have fallen from the sky and dropped to the ground."
  16. So, you don't think maybe the powerline could have absorbed a percentage of the energy carried in the approach, there was two impacts, one with the cable and one with the ground. To decide what percentage of the energy was dissipated where, is pure guess work I think.
  17. I don't think it has anything to do with any CAR. Again I say :Servicing - Beacons
  18. The problem is going to be the new sticker, so you can pass the ramp check
  19. Bias , here, you can't be serious This, is what the guy who fixed mums varicous veins, drives to work
  20. When you wrote bonus hatchet in your first post, I thought it was a typo, then you did it again I thought, what is this hatchet he speaks of? I thought a hatchet was like an axe I thinks to myself, but no I thinks it must be like some sort of carry case or something. Anyway I googles 410 PLB bonus hatchet, and sure enough, it's an axe. I reckon that will be handy for short field take-offs. You could tie the trike to the fence post, hop in, rev the ring out of it, then with trusty hatchet in hand lean out and chop that rope
  21. I have just followed my own link to the service agents, to see what the battery replacement cost would be. First reply was, " we are not the agents for these anymore, try these guys in Port Adelaide". So I go through two points of contact for them before I got this answer : Cost to replace the battery in a McMurdo 211 PLB is $190.00 + GST plus $15.00 Toll Satchel for the return. The PLB would need to be sent to AMI Head Office in WA for the service to be carried out. At that price, I will be following M61A1s lead and purchasing the KTI for $249:00 +$15:00 shipping.
  22. The main point of my post, is even if it tests o.k you need to replace the battery every 5 years to be legal....
  23. When was the last time you checked your PIB? Doing a clean up here (wet day), and I found and read the owners manual :coffee:for my PLB (mcmurdo). I was surprised to note that, even if it is testing o.k :compress:you are required to change the battery every five years. I was also disappointed :thumb down:to find that it has to go :plane:to a service agent for this to be carried out. Servicing - Beacons Service Agents | www.safetymarineaust.com.au
  24. I think it's "traces of nuts"
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