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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. Is this the ultimate? Hi all, How about one of these AmeriDeck? - Home of the pick-up truck loading system: SuperDeck Regards Bill
  2. Hi Glenn, Having read Andys' post, I think we need to get off the wing completely as that will eliminate the need for 1 joint in the coax and a whole heap of length in the cable. Another problem I see with mounting it on the keel would be that it will be in your way when you are pulling the tension on the wing, although if it has a screw off type of whip on it (which it will have to be if you want to bag the wing) I guess that wont be to much of a problem other than one more thing to do. Regards Bill. P.S sorry mate I don't mean to be critical of your idea just constructive.
  3. Hi guys, Just dug out the HGFA Pilot Training Work Book, Question 12.20: Where is it best to fit a VHF antenna a weightshift microlight? Answer: On top of the Kingpost. So I guess they better have a re-think on that one :ne_nau: Regards Bill
  4. I found one Hi Shags this could be the one for you :thumb_up: Imaginary Hyper Speed Space Ship. - eBay, Aircraft, Aircraft, Cars, Bikes, Boats. (end time 14-Feb-10 16:13:58 AEDST)
  5. O.K so we're doing riddles this week F.D How do you catch a Polar Bear (The mandatory scroll down) Well first you cut a hole in the ice, then you spread some frozen peas around it. When the bear comes up for a pea.................. (Don't forget to scroll down) you kick him in the ice-hole
  6. Hi Scott, There is considerable difference, because when you are talking face to face you can generally tell if someone is a person of substance or a self gratifier and often know the person. In the forum you can't see facial expressions and hand gestures so without written evidence of qualifications/experience you have no idea. Also I think there is less danger of a student having problems than a low hour new pilot because the student still has the CFI on tap to bounce things off.( Not that we all shouldn't go back if we need some help or clarification.) Regards Bill
  7. Hi all, I believe that if forum members where actively encouraged to show a more detailed list of qualifications and experience in there avatar so that people could add/detract value from advice accordingly you may not need to lock posters out of a forum. I think a prompt is being e-mailed out to new members to get them to introduce themselves, if a "starter pack" was included in this, advising new members to have a look at a persons experience before assigning value to the advice and above all if they are under instruction then their instructor should be their ultimate adviser. The one problem I see with this is a few may post bogus qualifications. I don't see this as too much of a problem though because if they don't have the knowledge to back up there claims it will be clear to those who do when they deliver their advice, they can then be reported to the site police who can go round to their house and and then:no no: and after that:angry: and if that didn't work:mulie: or try this and as a last resort:kboom: but then we would have to:pope: Regards Bill
  8. I disagree, I think the real argument is who was involved in the serious business of flying and who was fiddling about on the ground with no intention of flying in the immediate future. Regards Bill
  9. Sunshade Visor Hi all, Wondering why you can't add a sunshade visor to the 7" one given they are successful on the smaller one. Regards Bill
  10. Currently on win tv (1.30 pm) a doco on a hanglider flying the morning glory
  11. I'm with Pete on this one, the glider had no intention of using the runway, it was only crossing it. It would be the same as if I, without looking, drove my car across the runway at Porepunka before they moved the road so it no longer crosses it (the runway). Sure it wasn't a danger for the Jab just poor airmanship on the part of the glider handlers. Turbo I think figure 5 in that diagram is more applicable to the situation in the video. Regards Bill
  12. Are the decisional errors generally spur of the moment decisions made when there is no time to think things through, or things like choosing to fly in bad weather, not carrying enough fuel or going beyond skill levels. I know it is a question requiring some serious generalizing to come up with an answer but I hope you can understand the conclusion I'm trying to get to. Regards Bill
  13. You mean the thread drift
  14. That's a bit sexistthumb_down ......... won't she do blokes Wish I was going, maybe one year when I have worked out how to make a quid without having to milk these cows every day
  15. Hi all, Just having a look through the Weekly Times, page 42 in the property section there is a clearing sale at Coleambally on Feb 6 where there are two airborne trikes to be auctioned, both have 582's one has 300 hrs with a Streak wing and the other only 40 hrs with a Wizard, not what I'm looking for so didn't ask for any more details, but strikes me it could be a place to pick up a bargain. If you don't have much experience make sure you take someone who has though or you could end up with a clapped out pile of .........(something tells me these may have been working harder than most ;)) Regards Bill
  16. Hi all, I would like to add the aircraft registration prefixes and their meaning to the Terminology section. Could somebody help me with the prefixes and meanings as I have no clue except 'T2' is a HGFA registered trike, I believe RAAus registered ones are different. And I'm guessing '19' is home-built but does it have to be from a kit. I'll need all the details. Thanks Regards Bill
  17. I dunno anything about them, but maybe one of these Pc-Mobile data cables audio adapters for PDA, GSM and GPS Bluetooth, Nikon PSP would get you out of trouble for a while :ne_nau: Regards Bill
  18. Yeah, thanks for that sQwerty ;), glad it all came together nicely for you. Regards Bill
  19. When I'm not flying I'm surfing @ www.recreationalflying.com :ne_nau: that's the best I've got....... Regards Bill
  20. Hi Querty, When you make all these mods do you have to change the registration category of the aircraft or are there some things you can do without having to do that? Regards Bill
  21. There are two ways two alleviate this problem 1) Use the smilies, they aren't just there for fun, a smile or a wink can be used to moderate otherwise offensive words as you would with facial expression in a face to face discussion. 2) The preview post button, it takes a little extra time to re-read your post, but it is quicker than having to apologize and better than intimidating potential contributors.:thumb_up: Regards Bill
  22. Well as a matter of fact there used to be but now I know those ones ......... How do I know? I asked Maj
  23. Re the liability thing Hi all, Below is a post from a thread I had running 6 months ago: For those interested, On the 15th of June I sent this e-mail to CASA and the HGFA: Dear Sir/Madame, I am not sure who to address this enquiry to but hope you can help. I am a HGFA member and trike pilot. I live on a farm where I am about to start building a hangar and leveling an airstrip, where I would be keen to have other aviators land, socially or otherwise, but not for profit. I am looking for advice on requirements regarding insurance. Does advertising it as a private strip - with filling out a special form a requirement - protect me from legal liability if a visiting pilot has an accident on my strip? Is there a standard form available for this purpose? Where would I need to advertise the requirements for someone landing here so it becomes a protection against litigation? On the 18th of June I received this response from CASA : Bill, I'm afraid CASA can not provide you with much information except to advise you to contact the HGFA, an insurance company, and a legal practitioner. CASA has no standard forms of the type you suggest. Of course, you would have a general duty of care to fellow pilots if you established an aerodrome for their use. The type of facility you intend to build, is what CASA describes as an 'Aeroplane Landing Area, ALA'. We publish an advisory document for such facilities, located on our website at: http://casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/download/caaps/ops/92_1.pdf thankyou for your email. I'm still waiting for a reply from the HGFA.. I know there is somebody there because my membership fees are readily accepted and I keep getting the magazine every month. Do they do anything else ? I did eventually get a phone call from the hgfa (about the time they started to worry about their jobs). The gentleman assured me that the insurance situation had changed since the collapse of HIA and now a person can no longer sue you for things that are not your fault ie if a pilot chooses to land at your strip but finds it too short for his aircraft then that is his fault as pilot in command. He said if you maintain your strip and keep a log of when you checked it etc. all would be good. My problem with all that was it never came in writing and what with all the upheaval in the hgfa there was no way he had time for any more than a phone call :raise_eyebrow: Regards Bill
  24. Here's some footage of a pilot in action ;) Regards Bill
  25. Perhaps the safety regulator could just log on here and that would be one less thing they had to organize. Regards Bill
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