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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. I had a couple arrive in a quite new dual cab Navara, to pick up a week old poddy calf. I thought they must be going to restrain it in the back somehow, but no, they opened the back door, it had the seat folded up and a rug on the floor, and in went the calf. They then decided to have a yap for a while, nek minnit, the calf is in the front, no worries, they pull him out and poke him in the back again. If that was me, by the time I got home the calf would have crapped on the console or found somewhere else really good, like down the seat belt retractor.
  2. I think I read on here a while ago, that Morgan Aeroworks make canopies.
  3. Possibly they were only after the trailer
  4. You see, when your not an RAAus member, you get special privileges.
  5. Not telling you anything?
  6. That would be two of us then........
  7. I don't think it will fly . Reason being, the worst offenders do it because they have an agenda, to get their views in front of as many people as possible, that is why they use these forums - they are popular. I know you have cracked the whip about this before, and everybody apologises, then amazingly within hours we are back at it. A quick and dirty way of achieving your goal would be to pick several of the worst offenders and lock them out of the off topic forum.
  8. On the side menu, click on your Avatar then my conversations.
  9. http://www.swarovski.com/Web_AT/en/2008/category/SALE/Decorations_and_figurines.html
  10. What do a pregnant woman, frozen beer, and burned pizza have in common? In all cases there is a man who forgot to take it out quick enough.
  11. Dunno, never seen one make it to the top of a Poplar tree yet, but I bet the landing would be spectacular
  12. I know, it was God. If you watch a white cockatoo drop out of the top of a poplar tree onto a cow turd full of half digested grain, you'll see what I mean
  13. Quite a few assumptions and even a probably in there FT.....
  14. Well, if you would use the emoticons so we new when you were being funny, then it would be much easier to know when to be amused
  15. Alf Jessup, on here, used to have them ( when he used to be a real aviator ). You could ask him about them.
  16. Punkin Head at Yarrawonga was making leather microphone covers with just small holes in the mouth side. I'm not sure if the purpose was for noise reduction, but maybe worth a try?
  17. The Flycom GA jacks are not going to want to play with his telephone plug sockets.
  18. Hi John, there has been no changes to anything to my knowledge, but something must have changed accidentally because it's three steps through the menu to change the PTT setting , and I certainly didn't do that. I tested it this evening with the new setting and it worked perfectly. Regards Bill
  19. Nope, it was because they where too tall.....
  20. We have had an Optus tower in our town for over two years, which gives excellent coverage in our area. When you go to purchase an Optus device from their agent in the next town (27km away) they warn us , that we have "no coverage out there "
  21. The MGL guy got back to me today. There is a setting in the radio to "join" or "seperate" the two headsets in the PTT . He said seperate them. I've just been and had a look, and sure enough it was set to join. I have changed it and hope to fly with a pax in the morning. I will report the results tomorrow , but it looks promising. Buggered if I know how it got changed, because, as I said it used to work fine and it is several steps through the menu which I have never even had the need to open before. Regards Bill
  22. I was going to say something..... But no, I've got nothing.
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