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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. You had days ...we could only afford minutes
  2. You could try going to the supermarket when you're sober, for a change.......
  3. A guy that worked for me a while back, had the name of his first child around the band of a kings crown tattooed on his shoulder. When he announced his partner was pregnant again I asked what he was going to do for this one, given there can only be one king. A little while after the baby was born he turned up with the second ones name in huge letters down his forearm. A little while after that he discovered, he wasn't the real father.......
  4. Nice work SDQDI Given that it is easily lift able on those forks, does it really need the pump? I like to filter my fuel last thing before it gets into the tank (mr funnel) , no risk then of wasps or other impurities getting into the hose or nozzle.
  5. Matt, Unless you are prepared to elevate the container or pressurise it, then don't bother with it. The pump idea is only designed to start the thing siphoning. I think it would work well for refuelling a boat at a jetty. My original plan was to pressurise it, but the cap has a valve in it to allow air in while it is emptying, so there is no room to fit an air inlet there, which meant that I would have to drill the container, so I got cold feet on the idea given it cost over $200. What I am doing now, works really well although it appears I will have to put a pole in 9meters from my hangar and move the winch/ pulley set up there, if I want to be legal.
  6. I bought one of these :http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/DURAMAX-53ltr-Portable-Fuel-Container-flo-n-go-Jerry-Can-NEW-/111719559644?hash=item1a030131dc:m:mBdB1gnZVG4fqmvuTE6LEjA I have a boat winch and pulley set up in my hangar, which I use to winch it up high. It has a convenient bolt in the centre holding the hose hangar on which I am able to connect my earth wire to. I also use a hanging scale so that I can accurately check fuel burn. Another handy thing I have found, is it lays horizontal for filling which is ideal for draining stale fuel from the aircraft. Before you burn me at the stake the hangar is my own, and it only contains my aircraft
  7. Given that global warming has been shown to be a crock of ....., so much so, that the science fraternity had to change the name to climate change in order to continue extracting a living from said crock. I think that if you start back along the cloths line, 1990 could also be 2016
  8. Just had a look at the cicare 8, and this is what they say about the engine: Based on the ROTAX 900 series, with improved performance and features, the EPA POWER 917 is a block of ROTAX engine with dual injection and carbon fiber components, which ensure a reliable and safe flight.
  9. So, your having a go at my jeans now. Geez you guys never let up......
  10. UOTE="Deskpilot, post: 521004, member: 64"]maybe I was better looking than you I doubt that, I've been told, that I'm very handsome
  11. Geez, I didn't have one 'till I was 25 When I was 19, it was like When I was 22, I tried again Finally, when I was 25 it was
  12. http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/mount-sheridan/parts/bmw-r100-motorcycle-engine/1090780115
  13. Just looked at it again, and the site software took out everything except the f word
  14. Yeah sorry about that, I just pasted that in thinking the site software would fix it:bash: Now It's too late to edit it:sorry:
  15. I first met him in the classroom back in 1963 we seemed to hit it off pretty good we were mates mick and me he wasn't such a big kid even back then at the start and he wasn't all that clever either but Jesus he could fart I first found that out in class one day when things were going pretty slow and just to keep us all amused Mick let this fucking ripper go well, you should have been there look, i'd describe it if i could but i just turned around and i said, "Hey Mick your fucking good!" And at the eng of school Grand Final on the rugby field that time we were getting beaten they were 12 and we were 9 and play was 3 yards from our goal-line when the referee called a scrum and mick said, "Don't worry fellas, we've as good as got it won." So we just locked ourselves down in the scrum, and we held eachothers nose and mick our little hooker he let this fucking ripper go! well, it stung their nose and it burnt their eyes and it even scorched the grass and i twigged right then and there, he had a double jointed arse! chorous Mick, me mate the master farter put the art back into farting with his custom tailored farts Mick, me mate the master farter broke new ground in breaking wind with his double jointed arse verse 2 And it was just a couple of years later we both went to seee Kamaahl it was a really poshy sort of show in this great big bloody hall all the blokes were dressed like penguins, well you should have seen the sorts and Kamaahl himself wore a sheilas dress, like a bloody black boy george we were all locked in there like sardines, for the show to get underway but the tuber player didn't log he'd booked off crook that day and Kamaahl said, "Without a tuber player i cannot commence the show." so old mick jumps up says, "Sambo mate, I'll have a fucking go!" Well, from then on in I honestly thought, that the whole show would be ruined but he just winked at me and picked that tuber up just like he knew what he was doing then the maestro tapped his little stick, to tell the band to start and mick just shut his eyes and cocked his leg, and then began to fart! well you could have heard a pin drop that night there in the hall and it's hard to say who sounded best Mick farting or Kamaahl then the audience just went apeshit they cheered and clapped and stood and Kamaahl smiled as if to say, "Hey Mick, your fucking good chorous Mick me mate the master farter put the art back into farting with his custom tailored farts Mick me mate the master farter with his True-pitch perfect, calibrated double jointed arse verse 3 Well, good news travels fast it seems and it wasn't very long before Mick got this midnight phonecall from Ben Lexan and Alan Bond they said, "Mick we've got this specialist job, and we're prepared to pay ya', Mick old son would you consider farting for Australia?" We'll just prop you on our brand new yatch, when theres no sea-breeze blowing and get Mick the master farter to start her and keep the bastard going so Mick went into training on sausage rolls and pies and Vegemite and Fosters beer and a schollarship from Heinz The world had never seen before a yatch so finely groomed or a crew so fit and young and strong or an arse so finely tuned the Yanks weren't even in the race not even in the same class what with Ben Lexan and his secret keel and Micks fuel injeted arse Well he come back a bloody hero didn't he, the old Australian boy and government comissioned this bloke to do a big statue of his Koy and I can still see Mick standing there when they confirmed his Knighthood and Bob Hawke pinning it on saying, "Hey mick..... your fucking good!" chorous Mick me mate the master farter put the class back into farting with his designer-lable farts Mick me mate the master farted with his True-pitch perfect calibrated, turbo thrusted, fuel injected, W.I.N.G.S.proteced, double jointed arse.
  16. For Ftf's, there is also the unquantifiable cost of down time. If you took Motzart Merv's recent experience, that cost would be massive
  17. Welcome to Recreational Politics and Religion. If you use the search function up in the top right corner, you can even find some aviation stuff....... Seriously, It will be good to have another trike pilot around:cheers:
  18. Because this thread is about bureaurocratic bullying and over regulation.....
  19. This guy
  20. Here, have 3
  21. That was before the operation.......
  22. Pfft, I was in the James Bond movie
  23. I thought you'd get stuck on that
  24. Q) What's the difference between a piano, a tuna and a pot of glue? A) you can tuna piano, but you can't piano a tuna:oh yeah:
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