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Everything posted by skeptic36

  1. I had a similar experience when I used a US agent, not only did I get touched for a customs inspection which probably didn't happen, but then due to communications that where supposed to happen but didn't I was liable for storage. It was only that I recieved some excellent service from the Australian agent I engaged to get me out of the poop that it didn't cost me a whole lot more.
  2. What if he sees you and noses down also..... I'll be banking right thanks.
  3. I don't think they worry about it under 3000' in the USA http://cfr.vlex.com/vid/91-vfr-cruising-altitude-flight-level-19562336#ixzz1KPTTW8V4
  4. Click on the guys name, then "start a conversation
  5. Click on upload a file, then its self explanatory. Now I want to see that nipple on a tit you spoke of
  6. Thanks Frank, but I was looking for a particular spot which may not be easily identified ( ie a paddock strip) so I needed it pinpointed fairly accurately. Regards Bill
  7. Ok, so when I try to enter the coords with all sorts of apostrophes and stars and things to represent degrees and minutes, it sends me thousands of miles away, then I looked at the example oz runways shows underneath ( bloody genius aren't I ) there are none of those, just letters and numbers. Do it like that and it does what I want. Thanks guys. Regards Bill
  8. Thanks Geoff, That's about where I want to go, my last effort was sending me 6000 nm somewhere lol Thanks again Regards Bill
  9. So how do I enter it into oz so it takes me to the right place ?
  10. Hi all, I need some help adding a custom waypoint to a flight plan in Oz Runways. I don't understand how the coordinates should be written correctly. A guy has sent me a set of coords that are supposed to be on the west side of Port Phillip bay, this is what he sent: That didn't appear to be the way coordinates are presented in Ozrunways, and I eventually got it to accept them like this: Problem is that isn't where I want to go. What's wrong? Be gentle with me, I'm not very smart
  11. Sorry, after reading the above posts I thought that was your inference.
  12. So, are HGFA pilots inferior to RAAus pilots?
  13. So you're flying along in the cloud, the terrain below is quite steep and all of a sudden a tree jumps up in front of you, you bank away sharply, but too late, the tree rips a wing strut out. Now you have plenty of terrain clearance but one wing falls off, then some other bits and then ...... I should have been an investigator. Or a story teller.......
  14. Yes of course you do now tell the truth, you exceeded VNE didn't you ....
  15. Andy, I think that even those of us that Asmol thinks look really stupid, realise that it would be possible to load a trike so badly that it may be difficult or impossible to control. If we go back to where this discussion deviated from the original topic, it started because somebody thought there should be weight and balance calculations written down for the particular flight. The fact is, that if the trike is operated IAW the POH it will always be in the safe range with regard to weight and balance. The people that regulate weight shift know this and therefore don't make us do a calc for every flight, nor do they teach us how to do it ( except for, as has been shown here, the latest RAAus training syllabus, which some believe is a mistake). If they do make us do weight and balance calcs, that is likes saying " here you go fellas, when you break the law, ( operate outside the instructions in the POH) you will need to do these calcs to make sure you don't crash". At this stage, I don't think they do, but I will find out for sure shortly. Bill
  16. Ok, just gotta find Marty_d's house now.......
  17. Thanks. Do you mind if I print that off for use in discussion with the CFI?
  18. Turbo, I have never seen one of these weight and balance calculations, so could you tell me what you would be expected to write on such a form. I.e I have weighed the pilot, he's 56 kg and he is sitting in the front seat iaw the poh instructions How else could you put it? Where does the calculator come in to it?
  19. Has somebody whined about it? If somebody shows me that it is either relevant to my aircraft or a legal requirement as a HGFA pilot, I'll be happy to do it. As I said, I will ask some questions in the next month and report what I find out.
  20. Your right Asmol, I have been proven wrong in what I said with regard to there being nothing in the weightshift training syllabus re weight and balance calculations. To correct that statement, I will say there was nothing in the HGFA training syllabus as at March 08 ( that work book was first issued May 97). I can't find anything on the HGFA site as to its currency now. I have a BFR coming up next month, I will ask the question then about whether or not I need to be filling out a form re weight and balance before I fly. I will report back here with the answer. Regards Bill
  21. How's this for a great shot, taken in The Karoo in South Africa (not by me).[ATTACH]23812[/ATTACH]
  22. Turbo, Kasper has presented you with facts repeatedly. The fact that it doesn't align with your standard position that somebody has to go to jail or have be fined some massive amount doesn't make him wrong. If you need any further evidence that weight and balance calculations aren't necessary for a trike, go and have a look at the training syllabus for trike instruction. There should be a section dedicated to the teaching of such calculations, shouldn't there? There isn't.
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  23. http://m.aviationweek.com/paris-air-show-2015/hybrid-electric-propulsion-rotax
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