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Everything posted by Osteri

  1. ICP:s VG pieces
  2. Mine Savannah, kit came 2002.
  3. Trim switch connection Trim switch001.pdf Trim switch001.pdf Trim switch001.pdf
  4. I use extra foam ribs between 60 cm ribs spacing and tip bottom skin.
  5. Yahoo! Groups
  6. My Sav 912 exhaust wrapped with thick glass fiber mat and tied with stainless steel wire
  7. I have not there nut, I have there bolt M8 !
  8. I like use hand brake. I do not need a differential brakes. Yes, the parking brake is included in the structure. I actually designed it. Can you send your e-mail address to "roste (X) kotinet.com" I'll send you drawnings. I will take more photos.
  9. I did not like the toe brakes and I made a change in my ICP Bingo 4S VG. I installed one of the original master cylinder and modifying the handbrake
  10. Thats right!
  11. Osteri

    Cabin Heater

    Hi Bob Not necesar remove, in winter must cover 1/4 - 1/2 part of cooler (not over the funnel). Cooler preheat the air and funnel add pressure and air folw through the mufflertube. What in important, in cabin close air folw straight out for example with yoke cover. http://www.aerokits.net.au/Savannah%20Tip%20No%2024.pdf Hi Dr Zoos Not plastic ducting, SCAT ducting temperature ranga to 550 °F ~ 288 °C, not problem connecting to muffler. Osteri
  12. Osteri

    Cabin Heater

    When I make my Savannah 912 (2003 - 2006) I install a selfmade funnel (15 cm x 15 cm) after water cooler and dia. 45 mm scat tube to muffler, stainless steel tube trough the muffler (it was ready installed by ICP) and 45 mm scat tube to cabin. After 15 min flight outside -15 C, inside +10C.
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